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# fmt_latex2e.pl
# $Id$
# LaTeX-specific driver stuff
# <20> Copyright 1996, Cees de Groot
package SGMLTools::fmt_latex2e;
use strict;
use SGMLTools::CharEnts;
use SGMLTools::Vars;
use SGMLTools::Lang;
use File::Copy;
my $latex2e = {};
$latex2e->{NAME} = "latex2e";
$latex2e->{HELP} = <<EOF;
Note that this output format requires LaTeX 2e.
$latex2e->{OPTIONS} = [
{ option => "output", type => "l",
'values' => [ "dvi", "tex", "ps" ], short => "o" },
{ option => "bibtex", type => "f", short => "b" },
{ option => "makeindex", type => "f", short => "m" },
{ option => "pagenumber", type => "i", short => "n" },
{ option => "quick", type => "f", short => "q" }
$latex2e->{output} = "dvi";
$latex2e->{pagenumber} = 1;
$latex2e->{quick} = 0;
$latex2e->{bibtex} = 0;
$latex2e->{makeindex} = 0;
$latex2e->{preNSGMLS} = sub {
$global->{NsgmlsOpts} .= " -ifmttex ";
$Formats{$latex2e->{NAME}} = $latex2e;
# extra `\\' here for standard `nsgmls' output
my %latex2e_escapes;
$latex2e_escapes{'#'} = '\\\\#';
$latex2e_escapes{'$'} = '\\\\$';
$latex2e_escapes{'%'} = '\\\\%';
$latex2e_escapes{'&'} = '\\\\&';
$latex2e_escapes{'~'} = '\\\\~{}';
$latex2e_escapes{'_'} = '\\\\_';
$latex2e_escapes{'^'} = '\\\\^{}';
$latex2e_escapes{'\\'} = '\\verb+\\+';
$latex2e_escapes{'{'} = '\\\\{';
$latex2e_escapes{'}'} = '\\\\}';
$latex2e_escapes{'>'} = '{$>$}';
$latex2e_escapes{'<'} = '{$<$}'; # wouldn't happen, but that's what'd be
$latex2e_escapes{'|'} = '{$|$}';
my $in_verb;
# passed to `parse_data' below in latex2e_preASP
my $latex2e_escape = sub {
my ($data) = @_;
if (!$in_verb) {
# escape special characters
$data =~ s|([#\$%&~_^\\{}<>\|])|$latex2e_escapes{$1}|ge;
return ($data);
# Translate character entities and escape LaTeX special chars.
$latex2e->{preASP} = sub
my ($infile, $outfile) = @_;
# note the conversion of `sdata_dirs' list to an anonymous array to
# make a single argument
my $tex_char_maps = load_char_maps ('.2tex', [ Text::EntityMap::sdata_dirs() ]);
# ASCII char maps are used in the verbatim environment because TeX
# ignores all the escapes
my $ascii_char_maps = load_char_maps ('.2ab', [ Text::EntityMap::sdata_dirs() ]);
$ascii_char_maps = load_char_maps ('.2l1b', [ Text::EntityMap::sdata_dirs() ]) if $global->{charset} eq "latin";
my $char_maps = $tex_char_maps;
# used in `latex2e_escape' anonymous sub to switch between escaping
# characters from SGML source or not, depending on whether we're in
# a VERB or CODE environment or not
$in_verb = 0;
while (<$infile>)
if (/^-/)
my ($str) = $';
chop ($str);
print $outfile "-" . parse_data ($str, $char_maps, $latex2e_escape) . "\n";
elsif (/^A/)
|| die "bad attribute data: $_\n";
my ($name,$type,$value) = ($1,$2,$4);
if ($type eq "CDATA")
# CDATA attributes get translated also
if ($name eq "URL" or $name eq "ID")
# URL for url.sty is a kind of verbatim...
my $old_verb = $in_verb;
$in_verb = 1;
$value = parse_data ($value, $ascii_char_maps,
$in_verb = $old_verb;
$value = parse_data ($value, $char_maps, $latex2e_escape);
print $outfile "A$name $type $value\n";
elsif (/^\((VERB|CODE)/)
print $outfile $_;
# going into VERB/CODE section
$in_verb = 1;
$char_maps = $ascii_char_maps;
elsif (/^\)(VERB|CODE)/)
print $outfile $_;
# leaving VERB/CODE section
$in_verb = 0;
$char_maps = $tex_char_maps;
print $outfile $_;
# Take the sgmlsasp output, and make something
# useful from it.
$latex2e->{postASP} = sub
my $infile = shift;
my $filename = $global->{filename};
$ENV{TEXINPUTS} .= ":$main::LibDir";
# Set the correct \documentclass options. The if statement is just
# a small optimization.
if ($global->{language} ne "en" ||
$global->{papersize} ne "a4" ||
$latex2e->{pagenumber} != 1 ||
$global->{pass} ne "" ||
my $langlit = ISO2English ($global->{language});
$langlit = ($langlit eq 'english') ? "" : ",$langlit";
my $replace = $global->{papersize} . 'paper' . $langlit;
open OUTFILE, ">$filename.tex";
while (<$infile>)
if (/^\\documentclass/)
$_ = $_ . "\\makeindex\n" if ($latex2e->{makeindex});
if (/%end-preamble/)
if ($latex2e->{pagenumber})
$_ = $_ . '\setcounter{page}{'.
$latex2e->{pagenumber} . "}\n";
$_ = $_ . "\\pagestyle{empty}\n";
$_ = $_ . $global->{pass} . "\n" if ($global->{pass});
print OUTFILE;
close OUTFILE;
copy ($infile, "$filename.tex");
# LaTeX, dvips, and assorted cleanups.
if ($latex2e->{output} eq "tex")
return 0;
# Run LaTeX in nonstop mode so it won't prompt & hang on errors.
# Suppress the output of LaTeX on all but the last pass, after
# references have been resolved. This avoids large numbers of
# spurious warnings.
my ($latexcommand) = "latex '\\nonstopmode\\input{$filename.tex}'";
my ($suppress) = $latex2e->{quick} ? "" : ' >/dev/null';
system $latexcommand . $suppress || die "LaTeX problem\n";
$latex2e->{bibtex} && system "bibtex $filename.tex";
$latex2e->{quick} || system $latexcommand . ' >/dev/null';
$latex2e->{quick} || system $latexcommand;
if ($global->{debug} == 0)
my @suffixes = qw(log blg aux toc lof lot dlog bbl);
for my $suf (@suffixes)
unlink "$filename.$suf";
if ($latex2e->{output} eq "dvi")
$global->{debug} || unlink "$filename.tex";
return 0;
`dvips -q -t $global->{papersize} -o $filename.ps $filename.dvi`;
$global->{debug} || unlink ("$filename.dvi", "$filename.tex");
return 0;