Baoshuo Ren baoshuo
baoshuo synced commits to master at baoshuo/OI-codes from mirror 2022-07-24 09:36:16 +00:00
baoshuo synced commits to master at baoshuo/OI-codes from mirror 2022-07-24 09:16:17 +00:00
e8518c3551 T246071 射命丸文的取材之旅
baoshuo synced commits to master at baoshuo/OI-codes from mirror 2022-07-24 08:36:17 +00:00
896e1e5aaf T231656 不等价交换法则
60c822c3e0 T249186 gcd.
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baoshuo synced commits to master at baoshuo/OI-codes from mirror 2022-07-23 14:36:16 +00:00
7bb4dfdc6e fix: git submodules
3e184ddc4a chore: git submodules
7150fc3215 fix: ignore submodules
e66bdfda1e feat: add ac-library
a8428c3c64 feat: bring up submodules
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baoshuo synced commits to master at baoshuo/OI-codes from mirror 2022-07-22 13:56:34 +00:00
1d93a5dcf2 #1454. 【NOIP模拟(第二套)】B. 数连通块
baoshuo synced commits to master at baoshuo/OI-codes from mirror 2022-07-22 09:36:42 +00:00
813aade458 CF730I Olympiad in Programming and Sports
e8b22ef5df #1453. 【NOIP模拟(第二套)】A. 数正方体
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baoshuo synced commits to master at baoshuo/OI-codes from mirror 2022-07-21 14:17:28 +00:00
bfaa878ec3 C - Coins
baoshuo synced commits to master at baoshuo/OI-codes from mirror 2022-07-20 14:12:08 +00:00
47aae6d79a P3773 [CTSC2017]吉夫特
b634d12e32 P2398 GCD SUM
1093bfa649 P4071 [SDOI2016]排列计数
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baoshuo synced commits to master at baoshuo/OI-codes from mirror 2022-07-18 13:32:13 +00:00
826377f687 P1306 斐波那契公约数
e318a6bac2 P2822 [NOIP2016 提高组] 组合数问题
6fcc52aaf7 P1313 [NOIP2011 提高组] 计算系数
3a9f733349 #2599. 「NOIP2011」计算系数
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baoshuo synced commits to master at baoshuo/OI-codes from mirror 2022-07-17 11:52:09 +00:00
74f9851e31 P3807 【模板】卢卡斯定理/Lucas 定理
e94a89bd34 P1313 [NOIP2011 提高组] 计算系数
7e7e4f27a1 P6146 [USACO20FEB]Help Yourself G
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baoshuo synced commits to master at baoshuo/OI-codes from mirror 2022-07-15 14:12:24 +00:00
419289fb94 2002. [HNOI2010] Bounce 弹飞绵羊
f7f826975f P3203 [HNOI2010]弹飞绵羊
62ad2d855d P2387 [NOI2014] 魔法森林
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baoshuo synced commits to master at baoshuo/OI-codes from mirror 2022-07-15 07:32:32 +00:00
dceb17b890 102. 【模板】Link-Cut Tree
0ea3413730 P3690 【模板】动态树(Link Cut Tree)
5648f2252f #104. 普通平衡树
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baoshuo synced commits to master at baoshuo/OI-codes from mirror 2022-07-14 13:32:10 +00:00
2da6a4f17d UVA1402 Robotic Sort
620003e715 SP2059 CERC07S - Robotic Sort
e22a93171f P3165 [CQOI2014]排序机械臂
62c4e899d3 P4402 [Cerc2007]robotic sort 机械排序
cea4f165b7 feat: add judger_info util
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baoshuo synced commits to master at baoshuo/OI-codes from mirror 2022-07-13 05:52:17 +00:00
a28fec3bca 1861. [ZJOI2006]Book 书架
baoshuo synced commits to master at baoshuo/OI-codes from mirror 2022-07-13 03:32:08 +00:00
c38fb4c9f4 P2596 [ZJOI2006]书架
baoshuo synced commits to master at baoshuo/OI-codes from mirror 2022-07-12 04:12:08 +00:00
5f12c69ba0 chore: update readme
baoshuo synced commits to master at baoshuo/OI-codes from mirror 2022-07-11 14:32:14 +00:00
57863e6914 #116. 有源汇有上下界最大流
baoshuo synced commits to master at baoshuo/OI-codes from mirror 2022-07-11 09:52:09 +00:00
2ed9f7a05d 1471. 【2022.7.11】进化序列(evolve)
baoshuo synced commits to master at baoshuo/OI-codes from mirror 2022-07-11 09:12:17 +00:00
dd21f0005a #1471. 【2022.7.11】进化序列(evolve)
baoshuo synced commits to master at baoshuo/OI-codes from mirror 2022-07-11 07:12:13 +00:00
6b2c7a391e 1470. 【2022.7.11】饥饿的小鸟(river)