--TEST Test V8::executeString() : Check if imported code works with some unicode symbols --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- setModuleLoader(function ($path) { return file_get_contents($path . ".js"); }); # insert unicode via php var $jscript->unicode = $unicode; # insert unicode via executeString $jscript->executeString("var execStr = {unicode: '" . $unicode . "'}"); # insert unicode via commonJS module file_put_contents("./$moduleFileBase.js", "module.exports = {unicode: '$unicode'}"); $jscript->executeString("var module = require('./$moduleFileBase')"); # return to php $jscript->executeString("values = {}"); if (V8_WITH_SNAPSHOT) { $jscript->executeString("values['snapshot'] = snapshot.unicode"); } else { // if snapshots are not compiled shim this test $jscript->executeString("values['snapshot'] = '" . $unicode . "'"); } $jscript->executeString("values['php'] = php.unicode"); $jscript->executeString("values['execStr'] = execStr.unicode"); $jscript->executeString("values['module'] = module.unicode"); $values = $jscript->executeString("values"); echo "snapshot: $values->snapshot\n"; echo "php : $values->php\n"; echo "execStr : $values->execStr\n"; echo "module : $values->module\n"; ?> --EXPECT-- snapshot: äöüßÜÄÖÜ߀áàâÁÀµ²³▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█    ㌀ ㌁ ㌂ ㌃ php : äöüßÜÄÖÜ߀áàâÁÀµ²³▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█    ㌀ ㌁ ㌂ ㌃ execStr : äöüßÜÄÖÜ߀áàâÁÀµ²³▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█    ㌀ ㌁ ㌂ ㌃ --CLEAN--