--TEST-- Test V8::executeString() : Object passed from PHP --SKIPIF-- <?php require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/skipif.inc'); ?> --FILE-- <?php $JS = <<< EOT function dump(a) { for (var i in a) { var val = a[i]; print(i + ' => ' + val + "\\n"); } } function test() { dump(PHP.myobj); PHP.myobj.foo = 'CHANGED'; PHP.myobj.mytest(); } test(); print(PHP.myobj.foo + "\\n"); EOT; // Test class class Testing { public $foo = 'ORIGINAL'; private $my_private = 'arf'; // Should not show in JS side protected $my_protected = 'argh'; // Should not show in JS side function mytest() { echo 'Here be monsters..', "\n"; } } $a = new V8Js(); $a->myobj = new Testing(); $a->executeString($JS, "test.js"); // Check that variable has not been modified var_dump($a->myobj->foo); ?> ===EOF=== --EXPECT-- mytest => function () { [native code] } $foo => ORIGINAL Here be monsters.. CHANGED string(7) "CHANGED" ===EOF===