--TEST-- Test V8::registerExtension() : Register extension with errors --SKIPIF-- <?php require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/skipif.inc'); ob_start(NULL, 0, PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_CLEANABLE | PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_REMOVABLE); phpinfo(INFO_MODULES); $minfo = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if(preg_match("/V8 Engine Linked Version => (.*)/", $minfo, $matches)) { $version = explode('.', $matches[1]); if($version[0] < 3 || ($version[0] == 3 && $version[1] < 30)) { // old v8 version, has shorter error message and hence doesn't // fit our EXCEPTF below echo "skip"; } } ?> --FILE-- <?php $handlebarsJs = "var root = typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : window, \$Handlebars = 'test';"; echo "-- registerExtension --\n"; V8Js::registerExtension('handlebars', $handlebarsJs, [], true); echo "-- creating V8Js object --\n"; $v8 = new V8Js(); var_dump($v8); ?> ===EOF=== --EXPECTF-- -- registerExtension -- -- creating V8Js object -- Exception thrown during bootstrapping Extension or internal compilation error%sin handlebars at line 1. Error installing extension 'handlebars'. Warning: V8Js::__construct(): Failed to create V8 context. Check that registered extensions do not have errors. in %s on line %d NULL ===EOF===