--TEST-- Test V8::executeString() : Call JS from PHP --SKIPIF-- <?php require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/skipif.inc'); ?> --FILE-- <?php $a = new V8Js(); // Should not work with closure $a->test = function ($params) { return (method_exists($params, 'cb1')) ? $params->cb1("hello") : false; }; $ret = $a->executeString('PHP.test(function (foo) { return foo + " world"; });'); var_dump(__LINE__, $ret); // Test is_a() $a->test = function ($params) { return (is_a($params, 'V8Object')) ? $params->cb1("hello") : false; }; $ret = $a->executeString('PHP.test({ "cb1" : function (foo) { return foo + " world"; } });'); var_dump(__LINE__, $ret); // Test is_a() $a->test = function ($params) { return (is_a($params, 'V8Function')) ? $params("hello") : false; }; $ret = $a->executeString('PHP.test(function (foo) { return foo + " world"; });'); var_dump(__LINE__, $ret); // Should not work with object $a->test = function ($params) { return (is_a($params, 'Closure')) ? $params("hello") : false; }; $ret = $a->executeString('PHP.test({ "cb1" : function (foo) { return foo + " world"; } });'); var_dump(__LINE__, $ret); // Works $a->test = function ($params) { return $params->cb1("hello"); }; $ret = $a->executeString('PHP.test({ "cb1" : function (foo) { return foo + " world"; } });'); var_dump(__LINE__, $ret); ?> ===EOF=== --EXPECT-- int(8) bool(false) int(13) string(11) "hello world" int(18) string(11) "hello world" int(23) bool(false) int(28) string(11) "hello world" ===EOF===