2012-04-27 16:26:15 +00:00
< ? php
$v8 = new V8Js ;
$v8 -> func = function ( $a ) { return var_export ( func_get_args (), TRUE ); };
$v8 -> executeString ( " PHP.func(); " , " arg_test1.js " );
exit ;
var_dump ( V8Js :: registerExtension ( 'myparser.js' , 'function foo() { print("foobar!\n"}' , array ( 'jstparser.js' , 'json-template.js' ), false ));
var_dump ( V8Js :: registerExtension ( 'myparser.js' , 'function foo() { print("foobar!\n"}' , array ( 'jstparser.js' , 'json-template.js' ), false ));
var_dump ( V8Js :: registerExtension ( 'jstparser.js' , file_get_contents ( 'js/jstparser.js' ), array (), false ));
//V8Js::registerExtension('json-template.js', file_get_contents('js/json-template.js'), array(), false);
var_dump ( V8JS :: getExtensions ());
$a = new V8Js ( 'myobj' , array (), array ( 'jstparser.js' ));
$jstparser = <<< 'EOT'
var template = 'Gold & Hot Rod Red, as seen in the new <a href="http://blog.markturansky.com/archives/51">Iron Man trailer</a>!' + " \n " +
'<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">' + " \n " +
' <% for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++){ %> ' + " \n " +
' <tr>' + " \n " +
' <td style="background-color: <%= i % 2 == 0 ? \'red\' : \'gold\' %>">' + " \n " +
' Hi, <%=name%>! i is <%= i %>' + " \n " +
' </td>' + " \n " +
' </tr>' + " \n " +
' <% } %>' + " \n " +
'</table>' + " \n " +
'Note that name is HTML escaped by default. Here it is without escaping:' +
'<%+ name %>' ;
Jst . evaluateSingleShot ( template , { " name " : " foobar " });
echo ( $a -> executeString ( $jstparser , " ext_test1.js " )), " \n " ;
$a -> _SERVER = $_SERVER ;
$a -> func = function ( $a ) { echo " Closure.. \n " ; };
$a -> executeString ( " print(myobj._SERVER['HOSTNAME']); " , " test1.js " );
$a -> executeString ( " print(myobj.func); myobj.func(1); " , " closure_test.js " );
$JS = <<< 'EOT'
function dump ( a )
for ( var i in a ) {
var val = a [ i ];
print ( i + ' => ' + val + " \n " );
function foo ()
var bar = 'bar' ;
var foo = 'foo' ;
return foo + bar ;
function test ()
var a = 'PHP version: ' + PHP . phpver ;
phpver = 'changed in JS!' ;
return a ;
function loop ()
var foo = 'foo' ;
while ( true )
foo + 'bar' ;
function output ()
while ( true )
print ( " output:foo \n " );
sleep ( 5 );
exit ();
function simplearray ()
print ( myarray . a + " \n " );
print ( myarray . b + " \n " );
print ( myarray . c + " \n " );
print ( myarray . d + " \n " );
function bigarray ()
print ( PHP . $_SERVER [ 'HOSTNAME' ] + " \n " );
print ( PHP . $_SERVER . argv + " \n " );
$jsontemplate = <<< EOT
var t = jsontemplate . Template ( " { # This is a comment and will be removed from the output.} { .section songs}<h2>Songs in ' { playlist-name}'</h2><table width= \" 100% \" > { .repeated section @}<tr><td><a href= \" { url-base|htmltag} { url|htmltag} \" >Play</a><td><i> { title}</i></td><td> { artist}</td></tr> { .end}</table> { .or}<p><em>(No page content matches)</em></p> { .end} " );
t . expand ({
" url-base " : " http://example.com/music/ " ,
" playlist-name " : " Epic Playlist " ,
" songs " : [
" url " : " 1.mp3 " ,
" artist " : " Grayceon " ,
" title " : " Sounds Like Thunder "
" url " : " 2.mp3 " ,
" artist " : " Thou " ,
" title " : " Their Hooves Carve Craters in the Earth "
class tester
public $foo = 'bar' ;
private $my_private = 'arf' ;
protected $my_protected = 'argh' ;
function mytest () { echo 'Here be monsters..' , " \n " ; }
$a = new V8Js ();
$a -> obj = new tester ();
$a -> phpver = phpversion ();
$a -> argv = $_SERVER [ 'argv' ];
$a -> integer = 1 ;
$a -> float = 3.14 ;
$a -> { '$' . _SERVER } = $_SERVER ;
$a -> myarray = array (
'a' => 'Array value for key A' ,
'b' => 'Array value for key B' ,
'c' => 'Array value for key C' ,
'd' => 'Array value for key D' ,
$a -> arr = array ( " first " , " second " , " third " );
$a -> executeString ( $JS , " test1.js " );
$a -> executeString ( " bigarray() " , " test1.js " );
try {
echo ( $a -> executeString ( $jstparser , " test2.js " )), " \n " ;
var_dump ( $a -> executeString ( $jsontemplate , " test1.js " ));
2013-04-14 00:36:31 +01:00
} catch ( V8JsScriptException $e ) {
2012-04-27 16:26:15 +00:00
echo $e -> getMessage ();
// Test for context handling
$a -> executeString ( $JS , " test1.js " );
$a -> executeString ( " bigarray(); " );
echo '$a->obj: ' , " \n " ; $a -> executeString ( " dump(PHP.obj); " );
echo '$a->arr: ' , " \n " ; $a -> executeString ( " dump(PHP.arr); " );
echo '$a->argv: ' , " \n " ; $a -> executeString ( " dump(PHP.argv); " );
var_dump ( $a -> argv );
var_dump ( $a -> executeString ( " test(); " ));
var_dump ( $a -> executeString ( " test(); " ));
$b = new V8Js ();
var_dump ( $a -> phpver , $a -> executeString ( " test(); " ));
$b -> executeString ( $JS , " test2.js " );
var_dump ( $b -> executeString ( " test(); " ));
var_dump ( $b -> executeString ( " print('foobar \\ n'); " ));
// Exception methods
try {
$b -> executeString ( " foobar; foo(); " , " extest.js " );
2013-04-14 00:36:31 +01:00
} catch ( V8JsScriptException $e ) {
2012-04-27 16:26:15 +00:00
var_dump ( $e , $e -> getJsFileName (), $e -> getJsLineNumber (), $e -> getJsSourceLine (), $e -> getJsTrace ());