<?php /* TODO * Benchmark the SAX parser with my homemade one */ class Test_HTML_Lexer extends UnitTestCase { var $HTML_Lexer; var $HTML_Lexer_Sax; function setUp() { $this->HTML_Lexer =& new HTML_Lexer(); $this->HTML_Lexer_Sax =& new HTML_Lexer_Sax(); } function test_nextWhiteSpace() { $HP =& $this->HTML_Lexer; $this->assertIdentical(false, $HP->nextWhiteSpace('asdf')); $this->assertIdentical(0, $HP->nextWhiteSpace(' asdf')); $this->assertIdentical(0, $HP->nextWhiteSpace("\nasdf")); $this->assertIdentical(1, $HP->nextWhiteSpace("a\tsdf")); $this->assertIdentical(4, $HP->nextWhiteSpace("asdf\r")); $this->assertIdentical(2, $HP->nextWhiteSpace("as\t\r\nasdf as")); } function test_tokenizeHTML() { $input = array(); $expect = array(); $sax_expect = array(); $input[0] = ''; $expect[0] = array(); $input[1] = 'This is regular text.'; $expect[1] = array( new MF_Text('This is regular text.') ); $input[2] = 'This is <b>bold</b> text'; $expect[2] = array( new MF_Text('This is ') ,new MF_StartTag('b', array()) ,new MF_Text('bold') ,new MF_EndTag('b') ,new MF_Text(' text') ); $input[3] = '<DIV>Totally rad dude. <b>asdf</b></div>'; $expect[3] = array( new MF_StartTag('DIV', array()) ,new MF_Text('Totally rad dude. ') ,new MF_StartTag('b', array()) ,new MF_Text('asdf') ,new MF_EndTag('b') ,new MF_EndTag('div') ); $input[4] = '<asdf></asdf><d></d><poOloka><poolasdf><ds></asdf></ASDF>'; $expect[4] = array( new MF_StartTag('asdf') ,new MF_EndTag('asdf') ,new MF_StartTag('d') ,new MF_EndTag('d') ,new MF_StartTag('poOloka') ,new MF_StartTag('poolasdf') ,new MF_StartTag('ds') ,new MF_EndTag('asdf') ,new MF_EndTag('ASDF') ); $input[5] = '<a'."\t".'href="foobar.php"'."\n".'title="foo!">Link to <b id="asdf">foobar</b></a>'; $expect[5] = array( new MF_StartTag('a',array('href'=>'foobar.php','title'=>'foo!')) ,new MF_Text('Link to ') ,new MF_StartTag('b',array('id'=>'asdf')) ,new MF_Text('foobar') ,new MF_EndTag('b') ,new MF_EndTag('a') ); $input[6] = '<br />'; $expect[6] = array( new MF_EmptyTag('br') ); // [INVALID] [RECOVERABLE] $input[7] = '<!-- Comment --> <!-- not so well formed --->'; $expect[7] = array( new MF_Comment(' Comment ') ,new MF_Text(' ') ,new MF_Comment(' not so well formed -') ); $sax_expect[7] = false; // we need to figure out proper comment output // [INVALID] $input[8] = '<a href=""'; $expect[8] = array( new MF_Text('<a href=""') ); // SAX parses it into a tag $sax_expect[8] = array( new MF_StartTag('a', array('href'=>'')) ); $input[9] = '<b>'; $expect[9] = array( new MF_Text('<b>') ); $sax_expect[9] = array( new MF_Text('<') ,new MF_Text('b') ,new MF_Text('>') ); // however, we may want to change both styles // into parsed: '<b>'. SAX has an option for this // [INVALID] $input[10] = '<a "=>'; $expect[10] = array( new MF_StartTag('a', array('"' => '')) ); foreach($input as $i => $discard) { $result = $this->HTML_Lexer->tokenizeHTML($input[$i]); $this->assertEqual($expect[$i], $result); paintIf($result, $expect[$i] != $result); // assert unless I say otherwise $sax_result = $this->HTML_Lexer_Sax->tokenizeHTML($input[$i]); if (!isset($sax_expect[$i])) { // by default, assert with normal result $this->assertEqual($expect[$i], $sax_result); paintIf($sax_result, $expect[$i] != $sax_result); } elseif ($sax_expect[$i] === false) { // assertions were turned off, optionally dump // paintIf($sax_expect, $i == NUMBER); } else { // match with a custom SAX result array $this->assertEqual($sax_expect[$i], $sax_result); paintIf($sax_result, $sax_expect[$i] != $sax_result); } } } function test_tokenizeAttributeString() { $input[] = 'href="asdf" boom="assdf"'; $expect[] = array('href'=>'asdf', 'boom'=>'assdf'); $input[] = "href='r'"; $expect[] = array('href'=>'r'); $input[] = 'onclick="javascript:alert(\'asdf\');"'; $expect[] = array('onclick' => "javascript:alert('asdf');"); $input[] = 'selected'; $expect[] = array('selected'=>'selected'); $input[] = '="asdf"'; $expect[] = array(); $input[] = 'missile=launch'; $expect[] = array('missile' => 'launch'); $input[] = 'href="foo'; $expect[] = array('href' => 'foo'); $size = count($input); for($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { $result = $this->HTML_Lexer->tokenizeAttributeString($input[$i]); $this->assertEqual($expect[$i], $result); paintIf($result, $expect[$i] != $result); } } } ?>