General level of cleanliness the Tidy module should enforce. There are four allowed values:

No extra tidying should be done
Only fix elements that would be discarded otherwise due to lack of support in doctype
Enforce best practices
Transform all deprecated elements and attributes to standards compliant equivalents

This directive has been available since 1.7.0

' ); HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::defineAllowedValues( 'HTML', 'TidyLevel', array('none', 'light', 'medium', 'heavy') ); HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::define( 'HTML', 'TidyAdd', array(), 'lookup', ' Fixes to add to the default set of Tidy fixes as per your level. This directive has been available since 1.7.0. ' ); HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::define( 'HTML', 'TidyRemove', array(), 'lookup', ' Fixes to remove from the default set of Tidy fixes as per your level. This directive has been available since 1.7.0. ' ); /** * Abstract class for a set of proprietary modules that clean up (tidy) * poorly written HTML. */ class HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Tidy extends HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule { /** * List of supported levels. Index zero is a special case "no fixes" * level. */ var $levels = array(0 => 'none', 'light', 'medium', 'heavy'); /** * Default level to place all fixes in. Disabled by default */ var $defaultLevel = null; /** * Lists of fixes used by getFixesForLevel(). Format is: * HTMLModule_Tidy->fixesForLevel[$level] = array('fix-1', 'fix-2'); */ var $fixesForLevel = array( 'light' => array(), 'medium' => array(), 'heavy' => array() ); /** * Lazy load constructs the module by determining the necessary * fixes to create and then delegating to the populate() function. * @todo Wildcard matching and error reporting when an added or * subtracted fix has no effect. */ function construct($config) { // create fixes, initialize fixesForLevel $fixes = $this->makeFixes(); $this->makeFixesForLevel($fixes); // figure out which fixes to use $level = $config->get('HTML', 'TidyLevel'); $fixes_lookup = $this->getFixesForLevel($level); // get custom fix declarations: these need namespace processing $add_fixes = $config->get('HTML', 'TidyAdd'); $remove_fixes = $config->get('HTML', 'TidyRemove'); foreach ($fixes as $name => $fix) { // needs to be refactored a little to implement globbing if ( isset($remove_fixes[$name]) || (!isset($add_fixes[$name]) && !isset($fixes_lookup[$name])) ) { unset($fixes[$name]); } } // populate this module with necessary fixes $this->populate($fixes); } /** * Retrieves all fixes per a level, returning fixes for that specific * level as well as all levels below it. * @param $level String level identifier, see $levels for valid values * @return Lookup up table of fixes */ function getFixesForLevel($level) { if ($level == $this->levels[0]) { return array(); } $activated_levels = array(); for ($i = 1, $c = count($this->levels); $i < $c; $i++) { $activated_levels[] = $this->levels[$i]; if ($this->levels[$i] == $level) break; } if ($i == $c) { trigger_error( 'Tidy level ' . htmlspecialchars($level) . ' not recognized', E_USER_WARNING ); return array(); } $ret = array(); foreach ($activated_levels as $level) { foreach ($this->fixesForLevel[$level] as $fix) { $ret[$fix] = true; } } return $ret; } /** * Dynamically populates the $fixesForLevel member variable using * the fixes array. It may be custom overloaded, used in conjunction * with $defaultLevel, or not used at all. */ function makeFixesForLevel($fixes) { if (!isset($this->defaultLevel)) return; if (!isset($this->fixesForLevel[$this->defaultLevel])) { trigger_error( 'Default level ' . $this->defaultLevel . ' does not exist', E_USER_ERROR ); return; } $this->fixesForLevel[$this->defaultLevel] = array_keys($fixes); } /** * Populates the module with transforms and other special-case code * based on a list of fixes passed to it * @param $lookup Lookup table of fixes to activate */ function populate($fixes) { foreach ($fixes as $name => $fix) { // determine what the fix is for list($type, $params) = $this->getFixType($name); switch ($type) { case 'attr_transform_pre': case 'attr_transform_post': $attr = $params['attr']; if (isset($params['element'])) { $element = $params['element']; if (empty($this->info[$element])) { $e =& $this->addBlankElement($element); } else { $e =& $this->info[$element]; } } else { $type = "info_$type"; $e =& $this; } $f =& $e->$type; $f[$attr] = $fix; break; case 'tag_transform': $this->info_tag_transform[$params['element']] = $fix; break; case 'child': case 'content_model_type': $element = $params['element']; if (empty($this->info[$element])) { $e =& $this->addBlankElement($element); } else { $e =& $this->info[$element]; } $e->$type = $fix; break; default: trigger_error("Fix type $type not supported", E_USER_ERROR); break; } } } /** * Parses a fix name and determines what kind of fix it is, as well * as other information defined by the fix * @param $name String name of fix * @return array(string $fix_type, array $fix_parameters) * @note $fix_parameters is type dependant, see populate() for usage * of these parameters */ function getFixType($name) { // parse it $property = $attr = null; if (strpos($name, '#') !== false) list($name, $property) = explode('#', $name); if (strpos($name, '@') !== false) list($name, $attr) = explode('@', $name); // figure out the parameters $params = array(); if ($name !== '') $params['element'] = $name; if (!is_null($attr)) $params['attr'] = $attr; // special case: attribute transform if (!is_null($attr)) { if (is_null($property)) $property = 'pre'; $type = 'attr_transform_' . $property; return array($type, $params); } // special case: tag transform if (is_null($property)) { return array('tag_transform', $params); } return array($property, $params); } /** * Defines all fixes the module will perform in a compact * associative array of fix name to fix implementation. * @abstract */ function makeFixes() {} } ?>