<?php /** * Takes an array of keys to strings, probably generated by * HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_StringHashParser */ class HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_StringHashAdapter { /** * Takes a string hash and calls the appropriate functions in $schema * based on its values. */ public function adapt($hash, $schema) { if (! $hash instanceof HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_StringHash) { $hash = new HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_StringHash($hash); } if (!isset($hash['ID'])) { trigger_error('Missing key ID in string hash'); return; } // Check namespace: if (strpos($hash['ID'], '.') === false) { // This will cause problems if we decide to support nested // namespaces, but for now it's ok. $schema->addNamespace($hash->offsetGet('ID'), $hash->offsetGet('DESCRIPTION')); $this->_findUnused($hash); return; } list($ns, $directive) = explode('.', $hash->offsetGet('ID'), 2); if (isset($hash['TYPE'], $hash['DEFAULT'], $hash['DESCRIPTION'])) { $type = $hash->offsetGet('TYPE'); $raw_default = $hash->offsetGet('DEFAULT'); $default = eval("return $raw_default;"); $description = $hash->offsetGet('DESCRIPTION'); $schema->add($ns, $directive, $default, $type, $description); } if (isset($hash['ALLOWED'])) { $raw_allowed = $hash->offsetGet('ALLOWED'); $allowed = eval("return array($raw_allowed);"); $schema->addAllowedValues($ns, $directive, $allowed); } // This must be after ALLOWED if (isset($hash['VALUE-ALIASES'])) { $raw_value_aliases = $hash->offsetGet('VALUE-ALIASES'); $value_aliases = eval("return array($raw_value_aliases);"); $schema->addValueAliases($ns, $directive, $value_aliases); } if (isset($hash['ALIASES'])) { $raw_aliases = trim($hash->offsetGet('ALIASES')); $aliases = preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', $raw_aliases); foreach ($aliases as $alias) { list($alias_ns, $alias_directive) = explode('.', $alias, 2); $schema->addAlias($alias_ns, $alias_directive, $ns, $directive); } } // We don't use these yet, but they're specified if (isset($hash['VERSION'])) $hash->offsetGet('VERSION'); if (isset($hash['DEPRECATED-USE'])) $hash->offsetGet('DEPRECATED-USE'); if (isset($hash['DEPRECATED-VERSION'])) $hash->offsetGet('DEPRECATED-VERSION'); $this->_findUnused($hash); } /** * Triggers errors for any unused keys passed in the hash; such keys * may indicate typos, missing values, etc. * @param $hash Instance of ConfigSchema_StringHash to check. */ protected function _findUnused($hash) { $accessed = $hash->getAccessed(); foreach ($hash as $k => $v) { if (!isset($accessed[$k])) { trigger_error("String hash key '$k' not used by adapter", E_USER_NOTICE); } } } }