<?php require_once('HTMLPurifier/Config.php'); require_once('HTMLPurifier/StrategyHarness.php'); require_once('HTMLPurifier/Strategy/ValidateAttributes.php'); class HTMLPurifier_Strategy_ValidateAttributesTest extends HTMLPurifier_StrategyHarness { function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->obj = new HTMLPurifier_Strategy_ValidateAttributes(); } function test() { // attribute order is VERY fragile, perhaps we should define // an ordering scheme! $this->assertResult(''); // test ids $this->assertResult( '<div id="valid">Kill the ID.</div>', '<div>Kill the ID.</div>' ); $this->assertResult('<div id="valid">Preserve the ID.</div>', true, array('HTML.EnableAttrID' => true)); $this->assertResult( '<div id="0invalid">Kill the ID.</div>', '<div>Kill the ID.</div>', array('HTML.EnableAttrID' => true) ); // test id accumulator $this->assertResult( '<div id="valid">Valid</div><div id="valid">Invalid</div>', '<div id="valid">Valid</div><div>Invalid</div>', array('HTML.EnableAttrID' => true) ); $this->assertResult( '<span dir="up-to-down">Bad dir.</span>', '<span>Bad dir.</span>' ); // test attribute key case sensitivity $this->assertResult( '<div ID="valid">Convert ID to lowercase.</div>', '<div id="valid">Convert ID to lowercase.</div>', array('HTML.EnableAttrID' => true) ); // test simple attribute substitution $this->assertResult( '<div id=" valid ">Trim whitespace.</div>', '<div id="valid">Trim whitespace.</div>', array('HTML.EnableAttrID' => true) ); // test configuration id blacklist $this->assertResult( '<div id="invalid">Invalid</div>', '<div>Invalid</div>', array( 'Attr.IDBlacklist' => array('invalid'), 'HTML.EnableAttrID' => true ) ); // test classes $this->assertResult('<div class="valid">Valid</div>'); $this->assertResult( '<div class="valid 0invalid">Keep valid.</div>', '<div class="valid">Keep valid.</div>' ); // test title $this->assertResult( '<acronym title="PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor">PHP</acronym>' ); // test lang $this->assertResult( '<span lang="fr">La soupe.</span>', '<span lang="fr" xml:lang="fr">La soupe.</span>' ); // test align $this->assertResult( '<h1 align="center">Centered Headline</h1>', '<h1 style="text-align:center;">Centered Headline</h1>' ); // test table $this->assertResult( '<table frame="above" rules="rows" summary="A test table" border="2" cellpadding="5%" cellspacing="3" width="100%"> <col align="right" width="4*" /> <col charoff="5" align="char" width="*" /> <tr valign="top"> <th abbr="name">Fiddly name</th> <th abbr="price">Super-duper-price</th> </tr> <tr> <td abbr="carrot">Carrot Humungous</td> <td>$500.23</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">Taken off the market</td> </tr> </table>' ); // test URI $this->assertResult('<a href="http://www.google.com/">Google</a>'); // test invalid URI $this->assertResult( '<a href="javascript:badstuff();">Google</a>', '<a>Google</a>' ); // test required attributes for img // (this should never happen, as RemoveForeignElements // should have removed the offending image tag) $this->assertResult( '<img />', '<img src="" alt="Invalid image" />' ); $this->assertResult( '<img src="foobar.jpg" />', '<img src="foobar.jpg" alt="foobar.jpg" />' ); $this->assertResult( '<img alt="pretty picture" />', '<img alt="pretty picture" src="" />' ); // test required attributes for bdo $this->assertResult( '<bdo>Go left.</bdo>', '<bdo dir="ltr">Go left.</bdo>' ); $this->assertResult( '<bdo dir="blahblah">Invalid value!</bdo>', '<bdo dir="ltr">Invalid value!</bdo>' ); // see above, behavior is subtly different $this->assertResult( '<span dir="blahblah">Invalid value!</span>', '<span>Invalid value!</span>' ); // test col.span is non-zero $this->assertResult( '<col span="0" />', '<col />' ); // mailto in image is not allowed $this->assertResult( '<img src="mailto:foo@example.com" />', '<img src="" alt="Invalid image" />' ); // name rewritten as id $this->assertResult( '<a name="foobar" />', '<a id="foobar" />', array('HTML.EnableAttrID' => true) ); // lengths $this->assertResult( '<td height="10" width="5%" /><th height="5%" width="10" /><hr width="10" height="10" />', '<td style="height:10px;width:5%;" /><th style="height:5%;width:10px;" /><hr style="width:10px;" />' ); // link types $this->assertResult( '<a href="foo" rel="nofollow" />', true, array('Attr.AllowedRel' => 'nofollow') ); } } ?>