#!/usr/bin/php <?php require_once 'common.php'; assertCli(); /** * Compiles all of HTML Purifier's library files into one big file * named HTMLPurifier.standalone.php. Operates recursively, and will * barf if there are conditional includes. * * Details: also creates blank "include" files in the test/blank directory * in order to simulate require_once's inside the test files. */ /** * Global array that tracks already loaded includes */ $GLOBALS['loaded'] = array('HTMLPurifier.php' => true); /** * @param $text Text to replace includes from */ function replace_includes($text) { return preg_replace_callback( "/require_once ['\"]([^'\"]+)['\"];/", 'replace_includes_callback', $text ); } /** * Removes leading PHP tags from included files. Assumes that there is * no trailing tag. */ function remove_php_tags($text) { return substr($text, 5); } /** * Creates an appropriate blank file, recursively generating directories * if necessary */ function create_blank($file) { $dir = dirname($file); $base = realpath('../tests/blanks/') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ; if ($dir != '.') mkdir_deep($base . $dir); file_put_contents($base . $file, ''); } /** * Recursively creates a directory * @note Adapted from the PHP manual comment 76612 */ function mkdir_deep($folder) { $folders = preg_split("#[\\\\/]#", $folder); $base = ''; for($i = 0, $c = count($folders); $i < $c; $i++) { if(empty($folders[$i])) { if (!$i) { // special case for root level $base .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } continue; } $base .= $folders[$i]; if(!is_dir($base)){ mkdir($base); } $base .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } } /** * Copy a file, or recursively copy a folder and its contents * * @author Aidan Lister <aidan@php.net> * @version 1.0.1 * @link http://aidanlister.com/repos/v/function.copyr.php * @param string $source Source path * @param string $dest Destination path * @return bool Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure */ function copyr($source, $dest) { // Simple copy for a file if (is_file($source)) { return copy($source, $dest); } // Make destination directory if (!is_dir($dest)) { mkdir($dest); } // Loop through the folder $dir = dir($source); while (false !== $entry = $dir->read()) { // Skip pointers if ($entry == '.' || $entry == '..') { continue; } // Skip hidden files if ($entry[0] == '.') { continue; } // Deep copy directories if ($dest !== "$source/$entry") { copyr("$source/$entry", "$dest/$entry"); } } // Clean up $dir->close(); return true; } /** * Delete a file, or a folder and its contents * * @author Aidan Lister <aidan@php.net> * @version 1.0.3 * @link http://aidanlister.com/repos/v/function.rmdirr.php * @param string $dirname Directory to delete * @return bool Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure */ function rmdirr($dirname) { // Sanity check if (!file_exists($dirname)) { return false; } // Simple delete for a file if (is_file($dirname) || is_link($dirname)) { return unlink($dirname); } // Loop through the folder $dir = dir($dirname); while (false !== $entry = $dir->read()) { // Skip pointers if ($entry == '.' || $entry == '..') { continue; } // Recurse rmdirr($dirname . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $entry); } // Clean up $dir->close(); return rmdir($dirname); } /** * Copies the contents of a directory to the standalone directory */ function make_dir_standalone($dir) { return copyr($dir, 'standalone/' . $dir); } function make_file_standalone($file) { mkdir_deep('standalone/' . dirname($file)); return copy($file, 'standalone/' . $file); } /** * @param $matches preg_replace_callback matches array, where index 1 * is the filename to include */ function replace_includes_callback($matches) { $file = $matches[1]; // PHP 5 only file if ($file == 'HTMLPurifier/Lexer/DOMLex.php') { return $matches[0]; } if (isset($GLOBALS['loaded'][$file])) return ''; $GLOBALS['loaded'][$file] = true; create_blank($file); return replace_includes(remove_php_tags(file_get_contents($file))); } chdir(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../library/'); create_blank('HTMLPurifier.php'); echo 'Creating full file...'; $contents = replace_includes(file_get_contents('HTMLPurifier.php')); $contents = str_replace( "define('HTMLPURIFIER_PREFIX', dirname(__FILE__));", "define('HTMLPURIFIER_PREFIX', dirname(__FILE__) . '/standalone'); set_include_path(HTMLPURIFIER_PREFIX . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path());", $contents ); file_put_contents('HTMLPurifier.standalone.php', $contents); echo ' done!' . PHP_EOL; echo 'Creating standalone directory...'; rmdirr('standalone'); // ensure a clean copy mkdir_deep('standalone/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Serializer'); make_dir_standalone('HTMLPurifier/EntityLookup'); make_dir_standalone('HTMLPurifier/Language'); make_file_standalone('HTMLPurifier/Printer/ConfigForm.js'); make_file_standalone('HTMLPurifier/Printer/ConfigForm.css'); make_dir_standalone('HTMLPurifier/URIScheme'); // PHP 5 only file mkdir_deep('standalone/HTMLPurifier/Lexer'); make_file_standalone('HTMLPurifier/Lexer/DOMLex.php'); make_file_standalone('HTMLPurifier/TokenFactory.php'); echo ' done!' . PHP_EOL;