addNamespace('Ns', 'Description of ns.'); $schema->addNamespace('Ns2', 'Description of ns2.'); $schema->add('Ns', 'Dir', 'dairy', 'string', "Description of default.\n"); $schema->addAllowedValues('Ns', 'Dir', array('dairy', 'meat')); $schema->addValueAliases('Ns', 'Dir', array('milk' => 'dairy', 'cheese' => 'dairy')); $schema->addAlias('Ns', 'Dir2', 'Ns', 'Dir'); $schema->addAlias('Ns2', 'Dir', 'Ns', 'Dir'); return $schema; } function testNamespace() { $adapter = new ConfigSchema_StringHashReverseAdapter($this->makeSchema()); $result = $adapter->get('Ns'); $expect = array( 'ID' => 'Ns', 'DESCRIPTION' => "Description of ns.", ); $this->assertIdentical($result, $expect); } function testBadNamespace() { $adapter = new ConfigSchema_StringHashReverseAdapter($this->makeSchema()); $this->expectError("Namespace 'BadNs' doesn't exist in schema"); $adapter->get('BadNs'); } function testDirective() { $adapter = new ConfigSchema_StringHashReverseAdapter($this->makeSchema()); $result = $adapter->get('Ns', 'Dir'); $expect = array( 'ID' => 'Ns.Dir', 'TYPE' => 'string', 'DEFAULT' => "'dairy'", 'DESCRIPTION' => "Description of default.\n", 'ALLOWED' => "'dairy', 'meat'", 'VALUE-ALIASES' => "'milk' => 'dairy',\n'cheese' => 'dairy',\n", 'ALIASES' => "Ns.Dir2, Ns2.Dir", ); $this->assertIdentical($result, $expect); } function testBadDirective() { $adapter = new ConfigSchema_StringHashReverseAdapter($this->makeSchema()); $this->expectError("Directive 'BadNs.BadDir' doesn't exist in schema"); $adapter->get('BadNs', 'BadDir'); } function assertMethod($func, $input, $expect) { $adapter = new ConfigSchema_StringHashReverseAdapter($this->makeSchema()); $result = $adapter->$func($input); $this->assertIdentical($result, $expect); } function testExportEmptyHash() { $this->assertMethod('exportHash', array(), ''); } function testExportHash() { $this->assertMethod('exportHash', array('foo' => 'bar'), "'foo' => 'bar',\n"); } function testExportEmptyLookup() { $this->assertMethod('exportLookup', array(), ''); } function testExportSingleLookup() { $this->assertMethod('exportLookup', array('key' => true), "'key'"); } function testExportLookup() { $this->assertMethod('exportLookup', array('key' => true, 'key2' => true, 3 => true), "'key', 'key2', 3"); } }