= KEY ====================
# Breaks back-compat
! Feature
- Bugfix
+ Sub-comment
. Internal change
3.0.0, unknown release date
# HTML Purifier is PHP 5 only! The 2.1.x branch will be maintained
until PHP 4 is completely deprecated, but no new features will be added
to it.
+ Visibility declarations added
+ Constructor methods renamed to __construct()
+ PHP4 reference/foreach cruft removed (in progress)
! CSS properties are no case-insensitive
. Unit tests for Injector improved
2.1.3, released 2007-11-05
! tests/multitest.php allows you to test multiple versions by running
tests/index.php through multiple interpreters using `phpv` shell
script (you must provide this script!)
- Fixed poor include ordering for Email URI AttrDefs, causes fatal errors
on some systems.
- Injector algorithm further refined: off-by-one error regarding skip
counts for dormant injectors fixed
- Corrective blockquote definition now enabled for HTML 4.01 Strict
- Fatal error when
tag (or any other element with required attributes)
has 'id' attribute fixed, thanks NykO18 for reporting
- Fix warning emitted when a non-supported URI scheme is passed to the
MakeAbsolute URIFilter, thanks NykO18 (again)
- Further refine AutoParagraph injector. Behavior inside of elements
allowing paragraph tags clarified: only inline content delimeted by
double newlines (not block elements) are paragraphed.
- Buggy treatment of end tags of elements that have required attributes
fixed (does not manifest on default tag-set)
- Spurious internal content reorganization error suppressed
- HTMLDefinition->addElement now returns a reference to the created
element object, as implied by the documentation
- Phorum mod's HTML Purifier help message expanded (unreleased elsewhere)
- Fix a theoretical class of infinite loops from DirectLex reported
by Nate Abele
- Work around unnecessary DOMElement type-cast in PH5P that caused errors
in PHP 5.1
- Work around PHP 4 SimpleTest lack-of-error complaining for one-time-only
HTMLDefinition errors, this may indicate problems with error-collecting
facilities in PHP 5
- Make ErrorCollectorEMock work in both PHP 4 and PHP 5
- Make PH5P work with PHP 5.0 by removing unnecessary array parameter typedef
. %Core.AcceptFullDocuments renamed to %Core.ConvertDocumentToFragment
to better communicate its purpose
. Error unit tests can now specify the expectation of no errors. Future
iterations of the harness will be extremely strict about what errors
are allowed
. Extend Injector hooks to allow for more powerful injector routines
. HTMLDefinition->addBlankElement created, as according to the HTMLModule
. Doxygen configuration file updated, with minor improvements
. Test runner now checks for similarly named files in conf/ directory too.
. Minor cosmetic change to flush-definition-cache.php: trailing newline is
. Maintenance script for generating PH5P patch added, original PH5P source
file also added under version control
. Full unit test runner script title made more descriptive with PHP version
. Updated INSTALL file to state that 4.3.7 is the earliest version we
are actively testing
2.1.2, released 2007-09-03
! Implemented Object module for trusted users
! Implemented experimental HTML5 parsing mode using PH5P. To use, add
this to your code:
require_once 'HTMLPurifier/Lexer/PH5P.php';
$config->set('Core', 'LexerImpl', 'PH5P');
Note that this Lexer introduces some classes not in the HTMLPurifier
namespace. Also, this is PHP5 only.
! CSS property border-spacing implemented
- Fix non-visible parsing error in DirectLex with empty tags that have
slashes inside attribute values.
- Fix typo in CSS definition: border-collapse:seperate; was incorrectly
accepted as valid CSS. Usually non-visible, because this styling is the
default for tables in most browsers. Thanks Brett Zamir for pointing
this out.
- Fix validation errors in configuration form
- Hammer out a bunch of edge-case bugs in the standalone distribution
- Inclusion reflection removed from URISchemeRegistry; you must manually
include any new schema files you wish to use
- Numerous typo fixes in documentation thanks to Brett Zamir
. Unit test refactoring for one logical test per test function
. Config and context parameters in ComplexHarness deprecated: instead, edit
the $config and $context member variables
. HTML wrapper in DOMLex now takes DTD identifiers into account; doesn't
really make a difference, but is good for completeness sake
. merge-library.php script refactored for greater code reusability and
PHP4 compatibility
2.1.1, released 2007-08-04
- Fix show-stopper bug in %URI.MakeAbsolute functionality
- Fix PHP4 syntax error in standalone version
. Add prefix directory to include path for standalone, this prevents
other installations from clobbering the standalone's URI schemes
. Single test methods can be invoked by prefixing with __only
2.1.0, released 2007-08-02
# flush-htmldefinition-cache.php superseded in favor of a generic
flush-definition-cache.php script, you can clear a specific cache
by passing its name as a parameter to the script
! Phorum mod implemented for HTML Purifier
! With %Core.AggressivelyFixLt, <3 and similar emoticons no longer
trigger HTML removal in PHP5 (DOMLex). This directive is not necessary
for PHP4 (DirectLex).
! Standalone file now available, which greatly reduces the amount of
includes (although there are still a few files that reside in the
standalone folder)
! Relative URIs can now be transformed into their absolute equivalents
using %URI.Base and %URI.MakeAbsolute
! Ruby implemented for XHTML 1.1
! You can now define custom URI filtering behavior, see enduser-uri-filter.html
for more details
! UTF-8 font names now supported in CSS
- AutoFormatters emit friendly error messages if tags or attributes they
need are not allowed
- ConfigForm's compactification of directive names is now configurable
- AutoParagraph autoformatter algorithm refined after field-testing
- XHTML 1.1 now applies XHTML 1.0 Strict cleanup routines, namely
blockquote wrapping
- Contents of