obj = new HTMLPurifier_Strategy_ValidateAttributes();
$this->config = array('HTML.Doctype' => 'XHTML 1.0 Strict');
function testEmpty() {
function testIDs() {
Kill the ID.
'Kill the ID.
$this->assertResult('Preserve the ID.
', true,
array('HTML.EnableAttrID' => true));
'Kill the ID.
'Kill the ID.
array('HTML.EnableAttrID' => true)
// test id accumulator
array('HTML.EnableAttrID' => true)
'Bad dir.',
'Bad dir.'
// test attribute key case sensitivity
'Convert ID to lowercase.
'Convert ID to lowercase.
array('HTML.EnableAttrID' => true)
// test simple attribute substitution
'Trim whitespace.
'Trim whitespace.
array('HTML.EnableAttrID' => true)
// test configuration id blacklist
'Attr.IDBlacklist' => array('invalid'),
'HTML.EnableAttrID' => true
// name rewritten as id
array('HTML.EnableAttrID' => true)
function testClasses() {
'Keep valid.
'Keep valid.
function testTitle() {
function testLang() {
'La soupe.',
'La soupe.'
// test only xml:lang for XHTML 1.1
'asdf', array('HTML.Doctype' => 'XHTML 1.1')
function testAlign() {
'Centered Headline
'Centered Headline
'Right-aligned Headline
'Right-aligned Headline
'Left-aligned Headline
'Left-aligned Headline
'Justified Paragraph
'Justified Paragraph
'Invalid Headline
'Invalid Headline
function testTable() {
Fiddly name |
Super-duper-price |
Carrot Humungous |
$500.23 |
Taken off the market |
// test col.span is non-zero
// lengths
' | |
' | |
// td boolean transformation
' | ',
' | '
// caption align transformation
// align transformation
function testURI() {
// test invalid URI
function testImg() {
array('Core.RemoveInvalidImg' => false)
array('Core.RemoveInvalidImg' => false)
// mailto in image is not allowed
array('Core.RemoveInvalidImg' => false)
// align transformation
function testBdo() {
// test required attributes for bdo
'Go left.',
'Go left.'
'Invalid value!',
'Invalid value!'
function testDir() {
// see testBdo, behavior is subtly different
'Invalid value!',
'Invalid value!'
function testLinks() {
// link types
array('Attr.AllowedRel' => 'nofollow')
// link targets
array('Attr.AllowedFrameTargets' => '_top',
'HTML.Doctype' => 'XHTML 1.0 Transitional')
array('Attr.AllowedFrameTargets' => '_top', 'HTML.Strict' => true)
function testBorder() {
// border
array('Attr.AllowedRel' => 'nofollow')
function testHr() {
// align transformation
function testBr() {
// br clear transformation
$this->assertResult( // test both?
function testListTypeTransform() {
// ul
$this->assertResult( // case insensitive
// ol
// li
$this->assertResult( // case sensitive