Loose versus Strict Changes from one doctype to another There are changes. Wow, how insightful. Not everything changed is relevant to HTML Purifier, though, so let's take a look: == Major incompatibilities == BLOCKQUOTE changes from 'flow' to 'block' behavior: inline inner contents should not be nuked, paragraph as necessary U, S, STRIKE cut behavior: replace with appropriate inline span + CSS ADDRESS from potpourri to Inline (removes p tags) behavior: p tags silently dropped or replaced with something (
) == Things we can loosen up == Tags DIR, MENU, CENTER, ISINDEX, FONT, BASEFONT? allowed in loose Attributes allowed in loose: div,p,h#.align ul,ol.type ul,ol,dl.compact ol.start li.type,value hr.align,noshade,size,width pre.width img.name?,align,border,hspace,vspace table.align,bgcolor caption.align tr.bgcolor th,td.nowrap,bgcolor,width,height == Periphery issues == A tag's attribute 'target' (for selecting frames) cut behavior: shouldn't be needed, use loose doctype if needed OL/LI tag's attribute 'start' (for renumbering lists) cut behavior: no substitute, just delete Attribute 'name' deprecated in favor of 'id' behavior: create proper AttrTransform PRE tag allows SUB/SUP? (strict dtd comment vs syntax, loose disallows)