<?php // Merges in changes from trunk to strict branch // WORKING COPY MUST BE POINTED TO STRICT BRANCH if (php_sapi_name() != 'cli') { echo 'Release script cannot be called from web-browser.'; exit; } require 'svn.php'; $svn_info = svn_info('.'); $last_rev = (int) $svn_info['Last Changed Rev']; $trunk_url = $svn_info['Repository Root'] . '/htmlpurifier/trunk'; echo "Last revision was $last_rev, merging from $last_rev to head.\n"; $merge_cmd = "svn merge -r $last_rev:HEAD $trunk_url ."; $out = explode("\n", shell_exec($merge_cmd)); echo "Conflicted files:\n"; foreach ($out as $line) { if (empty($line)) continue; if ($line{0} === 'C' || $line{1} === 'C') echo $line . "\n"; } $version = trim(file_get_contents('VERSION')); echo "Resolve conflicts and then commit as 'Release $version, merged in $last_rev to HEAD.'"; ?>