setOptions( array( 'baseinstalldir' => '/', 'packagefile' => 'package.xml', 'packagedirectory' => realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/library'), 'filelistgenerator' => 'file', 'include' => array('*'), 'dir_roles' => array('/' => 'php'), // hack to put *.ser files in the right place 'ignore' => array( 'HTMLPurifier.standalone.php', 'HTMLPurifier.path.php', '*.tar.gz', '*.tgz', 'standalone/' ), ) ); $pkg->setPackage('HTMLPurifier'); $pkg->setLicense('LGPL', ''); $pkg->setSummary('Standards-compliant HTML filter'); $pkg->setDescription( 'HTML Purifier is an HTML filter that will remove all malicious code (better known as XSS) with a thoroughly audited, secure yet permissive whitelist and will also make sure your documents are standards compliant.' ); $pkg->addMaintainer('lead', 'ezyang', 'Edward Z. Yang', '', 'yes'); $version = trim(file_get_contents('VERSION')); $api_version = substr($version, 0, strrpos($version, '.')); $pkg->setChannel(''); $pkg->setAPIVersion($api_version); $pkg->setAPIStability('stable'); $pkg->setReleaseVersion($version); $pkg->setReleaseStability('stable'); $pkg->addRelease(); $pkg->setPackageType('php'); $pkg->setPhpDep('5.0.0'); $pkg->setPearinstallerDep('1.4.3'); $pkg->generateContents(); $pkg->writePackageFile(); // vim: et sw=4 sts=4