set('Core', 'EscapeInvalidChildren', true);
// next id = 4
// legal inline nesting
$inputs[0] = 'Bold text';
$expect[0] = $inputs[0];
// legal inline and block
// as the parent element is considered FLOW
$inputs[1] = 'Blank
$expect[1] = $inputs[1];
// illegal block in inline
$inputs[2] = 'Illegal div.
$expect[2] = 'Illegal div.';
// same test with different configuration (fragile)
$inputs[13] = 'Illegal div.
$expect[13] = '<div>Illegal div.</div>';
$config[13] = $config_escape;
// test of empty set that's required, resulting in removal of node
$inputs[3] = '';
$expect[3] = '';
// test illegal text which gets removed
$inputs[4] = '';
$expect[4] = '';
// test custom table definition
$inputs[5] = '';
$expect[5] = '';
$inputs[6] = '';
$expect[6] = '';
// breaks without the redundant checking code
$inputs[7] = '';
$expect[7] = '';
// special case, prevents scrolling one back to find parent
$inputs[8] = '';
$expect[8] = '';
// cascading rollbacks
$inputs[9] = '';
$expect[9] = '';
// rollbacks twice
$inputs[10] = '';
$expect[10] = '';
// block in inline ins not allowed
$inputs[11] = 'Not allowed!
$expect[11] = 'Not allowed!';
// block in inline ins not allowed
$inputs[14] = 'Not allowed!
$expect[14] = '<div>Not allowed!</div>';
$config[14] = $config_escape;
// test exclusions
$inputs[12] = 'Not allowed';
$expect[12] = '';
// next test is *15*
$this->assertStrategyWorks($strategy, $inputs, $expect, $config);