Attribute | Tags | Notes |
CSS | ||
style | All | Needs CSS parser |
Questionable | ||
accesskey | A | May interfere with main interface |
tabindex | A | May interfere with main interface |
target | A | Config? (only useful for frame layouts) |
Miscellaneous | ||
datetime | DEL, INS | No visible effect |
rel | A | Largely user-defined |
rev | A | Largely user-defined |
axis | TD, TH | W3C only: No browser implementation |
char | COL, COLGROUP, TBODY, TD, TFOOT, TH, THEAD, TR | W3C only: No browser implementation |
headers | TD, TH | W3C only: No browser implementation |
scope | TD, TH | W3C only: No browser implementation |
URI | ||
cite | BLOCKQUOTE, Q | |
DEL, INS | ||
href | A | |
longdesc | IMG | |
src | IMG | Required |
Transform | ||
align | CAPTION | |
IMG | Near-equiv style 'caption-side', drop left and right | |
TABLE | Margin-left and margin-right = auto or parent div | |
HR | Margin-left and margin-right = auto or parent div (disputed, 'text-align' may work) | |
alt | IMG | Required, insert image filename if non-existant |
bgcolor | TABLE | Equivalent style 'background-color' (test compat) |
TR | Equivalent style 'background-color' (test compat) | |
TD, TH | Equivalent style 'background-color' | |
border | IMG | No clean way, either set 'border-width' in parent A, custom CSS class ~'nolinkborder' if border=0 |
clear | BR | Near-equiv style 'clear', transform 'all' into 'both' |
compact | DL, OL, UL | Boolean, needs custom CSS class |
dir | BDO | Required, insert ltr (or configuration value) if none |
height | TD, TH | Near-equiv style 'height', needs px suffix if original was in pixels |
hspace | IMG | Near-equiv styles 'margin-top' and 'margin-bottom' |
name | IMG | Turn into ID |
A | Turn into ID? (not deprecated) | |
noshade | HR | Boolean, style 'border-style:solid;' |
nowrap | TD, TH | Boolean, style 'white-space:nowrap;' (not compat with IE5) |
size | HR | Near-equiv 'width', needs px suffix if original was pixels |
start | OL | Poorly supported 'counter-reset', transform may not be desirable |
type | LI | Equivalent style 'list-style-type', different allowed values though. (needs testing) |
OL | ||
UL | ||
value | LI | Poorly supported 'counter-reset', transform may not be desirable, see ol.start |
vspace | IMG | Near-equiv styles 'margin-left' and 'margin-right', see hspace |
width | HR | Near-equiv style 'width', needs px suffix if original was pixels |
TD, TH |
Name | Notes |
Standard | |
background-color | |
background | Depends on background-* |
border | |
border-color | |
border-style | |
border-width | |
border-* | |
border-*-color | |
border-*-style | |
border-*-width | |
clear | |
color | |
float | May require layout precautions with clear |
font-family | CSS validator may complain if fallback font family not specified |
font-size | |
font-style | |
font-variant | |
font-weight | |
letter-spacing | |
line-height | |
list-style-position | Strange behavior in browsers |
list-style-type | Well-supported values are: disc, circle, square decimal, lower-roman, upper-roman, lower-alpha and upper-alpha. See also CSS 3. Mostly IE lack of support. |
list-style | |
margin | |
margin-* | |
padding | |
padding-* | |
text-align | |
text-decoration | No blink (argh my eyes) |
text-indent | |
text-transform | |
width | Interesting |
word-spacing | IE 5 no support |
Table | |
border-collapse | |
caption-side | |
empty-cells | No IE support, possible fix with ? |
table-layout | |
vertical-align | Also applies to others with explicit height |
Absolute positioning | |
bottom | Dangerous, must be non-negative |
left | |
right | |
top | |
clip | |
position | |
z-index | Dangerous |
Unknown | |
background-image | Dangerous |
background-attachment | Depends on background-image |
background-position | Depends on background-image |
cursor | Dangerous but fluffy |
display | Dangerous but interesting; will not implement list-item, run-in (Opera only) or table (no IE); inline-block has incomplete IE6 support and requires -moz-inline-box for Mozilla. |
height | Interesting, why use it? |
list-style-image | Dangerous? |
max-height | No IE 5/6 |
min-height | |
max-width | |
min-width | |
orphans | No IE support |
widows | No IE support |
overflow | IE 5/6 almost (remove visible if set) |
page-break-after | IE 5.5/6 and Opera |
page-break-before | Mostly supported |
page-break-inside | Opera only |
quotes | May be dropped from CSS2 |
visibility | Dangerous |
white-space | Spotty implementation: pre (no IE 5/6), nowrap (no IE 5), pre-wrap (only Opera), pre-line (no-support). Fixable? |
Aural | |
azimuth | |
cue | |
cue-after | |
cue-before | |
elevation | |
pause-after | |
pause-before | |
pause | |
pitch-range | |
pitch | |
play-during | |
richness | |
speak-header | Table related |
speak-numeral | |
speak-punctuation | |
speak | |
speech-rate | |
stress | |
voice-family | |
volume | |
Will not implement | |
content | Not applicable for inline styles |
counter-increment | Needs content, Opera only |
counter-reset | Needs content, Opera only |
direction | No support |
outline-color | IE Mac and Opera on outside, Mozilla on inside and needs -moz-outline, no IE support. |
outline-style | |
outline-width | |
outline | |
unicode-bidi | No support |