Code Quality Issues Okay, face it. Programmers can get lazy, cut corners, or make mistakes. They also can do quick prototypes, and then forget to rewrite them later. Well, while I can't list mistakes in here, I can list prototype-like segments of code that should be aggressively refactored after the beta is released. This does not list optimization issues, that needs to be done after intense profiling. Here we go: AttrDef Class - doesn't support Unicode characters, uses regular expressions Lang - code duplication, premature optimization, doesn't consult official lists Pixels/Length/MultiLength - implemented according to HTML spec (excludes code reuse in CSS) URI - multiple regular expressions, needs host validation routines factored out for mailto scheme, IPv6 validation is broken (fringe), unintuitive variable overwriting, missing validation for query, fragment and path, no percent-encode fixing CSS - parser doesn't accept advanced CSS (fringe) AttrTransform - doesn't accept AttrContext, non-validating Lang - invalid xml:lang value can overwrite valid lang value (fringe) ChildDef - not-allowed nodes translated to text, likely invalid handling Config - "load configuration" hooks missing, rich set* accessors missing Strategy FixNesting - cannot bubble nodes out of structures MakeWellFormed - insufficient automatic closing definitions RemoveForeignElements - should be run in parallel with MakeWellFormed URIScheme - needs to have callable generic checks ftp - missing typecode check mailto - doesn't validate emails news - doesn't validate opaque path nntp - doesn't constrain path EOL