HTML Purifier Phorum Mod - Filter your HTML the Standards-Compliant Way! This Phorum mod enables HTML posting on Phorum. Under normal circumstances, this would cause a huge security risk, but because we are running HTML through HTML Purifier, output is guaranteed to be XSS free and standards-compliant. This mod requires HTML input, and previous markup languages need to be converted accordingly. Thus, it is vital that you create a 'migrate.php' file that works with your installation. If you're using the built-in BBCode formatting, simply move migrate.bbcode.php to that place; for other markup languages, consult said file for instructions on how to adapt it to your needs. This module will not work if 'migrate.php' is not created, and an improperly made migration file may *CORRUPT* Phorum, so please take your time to do this correctly. It should go without saying to *BACKUP YOUR DATABASE* before attempting anything here. The version of HTML Purifier bundled with is a custom modified 2.0.1. Do not attempt to replace it with a version equal to or less than downloaded from the HTML Purifier website: the module will combust spectacularly. (Greater versions, however, are okay, because the changes made to accomodate this module have been committed to the trunk). Visit HTML Purifier at . May the force be with you.