NEWS ( CHANGELOG and HISTORY ) HTMLPurifier ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| = KEY ==================== # Breaks back-compat ! Feature - Bugfix + Sub-comment . Internal change ========================== 1.5.0, unknown release date ! Added a rudimentary I18N and L10N system modeled off MediaWiki ! Newly structured HTMLDefinition modeled off of XHTML 1.1 modules. Tutorials upcoming! - Allow 'x' subtag in language codes - Fixed buggy chameleon-support for ins and del . Added support for IDREF attributes (i.e. for) . Renamed HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Class to HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Nmtokens . Removed context variable ParentType, replaced with IsInline, which is false when you're not inline and an integer of the parent that caused you to become inline when you are (so possibly zero) . Removed ElementDef->type in favor of ElementDef->descendants_are_inline and HTMLDefinition->content_sets . StrictBlockquote now reports what elements its supposed to allow, rather than what it does allow . Removed HTMLDefinition->info_flow_elements in favor of HTMLDefinition->content_sets['Flow'] . Removed redundant "exclusionary" definitions from DTD roster . StrictBlockquote now requires a construction parameter as if it were an Required ChildDef, this is the "real" set of allowed elements . AttrDef partitioned into HTML, CSS and URI segments 1.4.2, unknown release date ! docs/enduser-utf8.html explains how to use UTF-8 and HTML Purifier 1.4.1, released 2007-01-21 ! docs/enduser-youtube.html updated according to new functionality - YouTube IDs can have underscores and dashes 1.4.0, released 2007-01-21 ! Implemented list-style-image, URIs now allowed in list-style ! Implemented background-image, background-repeat, background-attachment and background-position CSS properties. Shorthand property background supports all of these properties. ! Configuration documentation looks nicer ! Added %Core.EscapeNonASCIICharacters to workaround loss of Unicode characters while %Core.Encoding is set to a non-UTF-8 encoding. ! Support for configuration directive aliases added ! Config object can now be instantiated from ini files ! YouTube preservation code added to the core, with two lines of code you can add it as a filter to your code. See smoketests/preserveYouTube.php for sample code. ! Moved SLOW to docs/enduser-slow.html and added code examples - Replaced version check with functionality check for DOM (thanks Stephen Khoo) . Added smoketest 'all.php', which loads all other smoketests via frames . Implemented AttrDef_CSSURI for url( style declarations . Added convenient single test selector form on test runner 1.3.2, released 2006-12-25 ! HTMLPurifier object now accepts configuration arrays, no need to manually instantiate a configuration object ! Context object now accessible to outside ! Added enduser-youtube.html, explains how to embed YouTube videos. See also corresponding smoketest preserveYouTube.php. ! Added purifyArray(), which takes a list of HTML and purifies it all ! Added static member variable $version to HTML Purifier with PHP-compatible version number string. - Fixed fatal error thrown by upper-cased language attributes - printDefinition.php: added labels, added better clarification . HTMLPurifier_Config::create() added, takes mixed variable and converts into a HTMLPurifier_Config object. 1.3.1, released 2006-12-06 ! Added HTMLPurifier.func.php stub for a convenient function to call the library - Fixed bug in RemoveInvalidImg code that caused all images to be dropped (thanks to .mario for reporting this) . Standardized all attribute handling variables to attr, made it plural 1.3.0, released 2006-11-26 # Invalid images are now removed, rather than replaced with a dud <img src="" alt="Invalid image" />. Previous behavior can be restored with new directive %Core.RemoveInvalidImg set to false. ! (X)HTML Strict now supported + Transparently handles inline elements in block context (blockquote) ! Added GET method to demo for easier validation, added 50kb max input size ! New directive %HTML.BlockWrapper, for block-ifying inline elements ! New directive %HTML.Parent, allows you to only allow inline content ! New directives %HTML.AllowedElements and %HTML.AllowedAttributes to let users narrow the set of allowed tags ! <li value="4"> and <ul start="2"> now allowed in loose mode ! New directives %URI.DisableExternalResources and %URI.DisableResources ! New directive %Attr.DisableURI, which eliminates all hyperlinking ! New directive %URI.Munge, munges URI so you can use some sort of redirector service to avoid PageRank leaks or warn users that they are exiting your site. ! Added spiffy new smoketest printDefinition.php, which lets you twiddle with the configuration settings and see how the internal rules are affected. ! New directive %URI.HostBlacklist for blocking links to bad hosts. xssAttacks.php smoketest updated accordingly. - Added missing type to ChildDef_Chameleon - Remove Tidy option from demo if there is not Tidy available . ChildDef_Required guards against empty tags . Lookup table HTMLDefinition->info_flow_elements added . Added peace-of-mind variable initialization to Strategy_FixNesting . Added HTMLPurifier->info_parent_def, parent child processing made special . Added internal documents briefly summarizing future progression of HTML . HTMLPurifier_Config->getBatch($namespace) added . More lenient casting to bool from string in HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema . Refactored ChildDef classes into their own files 1.2.0, released 2006-11-19 # ID attributes now disabled by default. New directives: + %HTML.EnableAttrID - restores old behavior by allowing IDs + %Attr.IDPrefix - %Attr.IDBlacklist alternative that munges all user IDs so that they don't collide with your IDs + %Attr.IDPrefixLocal - Same as above, but for when there are multiple instances of user content on the page + Profuse documentation on how to use these available in docs/enduser-id.txt ! Added MODx plugin <,6604.0.html> ! Added percent encoding normalization ! XSS attacks smoketest given facelift ! Configuration documentation now has table of contents ! Added %URI.DisableExternal, which prevents links to external websites. You can also use %URI.Host to permit absolute linking to subdomains ! Non-accessible resources (ex. mailto) blocked from embedded URIs (img src) - Type variable in HTMLDefinition was not being set properly, fixed - Documentation updated + TODO added request Phalanger + TODO added request Native compression + TODO added request Remove redundant tags + TODO added possible plaintext formatter for HTML Purifier documentation + Updated ConfigDoc TODO + Improved inline comments in AttrDef/Class.php, AttrDef/CSS.php and AttrDef/Host.php + Revamped documentation into HTML, along with misc updates - HTMLPurifier_Context doesn't throw a variable reference error if you attempt to retrieve a non-existent variable . Switched to purify()-wide Context object registry . Refactored unit tests to minimize duplication . XSS attack sheet updated . configdoc.xml now has xml:space attached to default value nodes . Allow configuration directives to permit null values . Cleaned up test-cases to remove unnecessary swallowErrors() 1.1.2, released 2006-09-30 ! Add stub file that configures include_path - Documentation updated + INSTALL document rewritten + TODO added semi-lossy conversion + API Doxygen docs' file exclusions updated + Added notes on HTML versus XML attribute whitespace handling + Noted that HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Custom isn't being used + Noted that config object's definitions are cached versions - Fixed lack of attribute parsing in HTMLPurifier_Lexer_PEARSax3 - ftp:// URIs now have their typecodes checked - Hooked up HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Custom's unit tests (they weren't being run) . Line endings standardized throughout project (svn:eol-style standardized) . Refactored parseData() to general Lexer class . Tester named "HTML Purifier" not "HTMLPurifier" 1.1.1, released 2006-09-24 ! Configuration option to optionally Tidy up output for indentation to make up for dropped whitespace by DOMLex (pretty-printing for the entire application should be done by a page-wide Tidy) - Various documentation updates - Fixed parse error in configuration documentation script - Fixed fatal error in benchmark scripts, slightly augmented - As far as possible, whitespace is preserved in-between table children - Sample test-settings.php file included 1.1.0, released 2006-09-16 ! Directive documentation generation using XSLT ! XHTML can now be turned off, output becomes <br> - Made URI validator more forgiving: will ignore leading and trailing quotes, apostrophes and less than or greater than signs. - Enforce alphanumeric namespace and directive names for configuration. - Table child definition made more flexible, will fix up poorly ordered elements . Renamed ConfigDef to ConfigSchema 1.0.1, released 2006-09-04 - Fixed slight bug in DOMLex attribute parsing - Fixed rejection of case-insensitive configuration values when there is a set of allowed values. This manifested in %Core.Encoding. - Fixed rejection of inline style declarations that had lots of extra space in them. This manifested in TinyMCE. 1.0.0, released 2006-09-01 ! Shorthand CSS properties implemented: font, border, background, list-style ! Basic color keywords translated into hexadecimal values ! Table CSS properties implemented ! Support for charsets other than UTF-8 (defined by iconv) ! Malformed UTF-8 and non-SGML character detection and cleaning implemented - Fixed broken numeric entity conversion - API documentation completed . (HTML|CSS)Definition de-singleton-ized 1.0.0beta, released 2006-08-16 ! First public release, most functionality implemented. Notable omissions are: + Shorthand CSS properties + Table CSS properties + Deprecated attribute transformations