
require_once 'HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule.php';
require_once 'HTMLPurifier/AttrTransform/BdoDir.php';

 * XHTML 1.1 Bi-directional Text Module, defines elements that
 * declare directionality of content. Text Extension Module.
class HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Bdo extends HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule
    var $elements = array('bdo');
    var $info = array();
    var $content_sets = array('Inline' => 'bdo');
    var $attr_collections = array(
        'I18N' => array('dir' => false)
    function HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Bdo() {
        $dir = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array('ltr','rtl'), false);
        $this->attr_collections['I18N']['dir'] = $dir;
        $this->info['bdo'] = new HTMLPurifier_ElementDef();
        $this->info['bdo']->attr = array(
            0 => array('Core', 'Lang'),
            'dir' => $dir, // required
            // The Abstract Module specification has the attribute
            // inclusions wrong for bdo: bdo allows
            // xml:lang too (and we'll toss in lang for good measure,
            // though it is not allowed for XHTML 1.1, this will
            // be managed with a global attribute transform)
        $this->info['bdo']->content_model = '#PCDATA | Inline';
        $this->info['bdo']->content_model_type = 'optional';
        // provides fallback behavior if dir's missing (dir is required)
        $this->info['bdo']->attr_transform_post['required-dir'] =
            new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_BdoDir();
