<?php require_once 'HTMLPurifier/Printer.php'; class HTMLPurifier_Printer_HTMLDefinition extends HTMLPurifier_Printer { /** * Instance of HTMLPurifier_HTMLDefinition, for easy access */ var $def; function render($config) { $ret = ''; $this->config =& $config; $this->def = $config->getHTMLDefinition(); $ret .= $this->start('div', array('class' => 'HTMLPurifier_Printer')); $ret .= $this->renderDoctype(); $ret .= $this->renderEnvironment(); $ret .= $this->renderContentSets(); $ret .= $this->renderInfo(); $ret .= $this->end('div'); return $ret; } /** * Renders the Doctype table */ function renderDoctype() { $doctype = $this->def->doctype; $ret = ''; $ret .= $this->start('table'); $ret .= $this->element('caption', 'Doctype'); $ret .= $this->row('Name', $doctype->name); $ret .= $this->row('XML', $doctype->xml ? 'Yes' : 'No'); $ret .= $this->row('Default Modules', implode($doctype->modules, ', ')); $ret .= $this->row('Default Tidy Modules', implode($doctype->tidyModules, ', ')); $ret .= $this->end('table'); return $ret; } /** * Renders environment table, which is miscellaneous info */ function renderEnvironment() { $def = $this->def; $ret = ''; $ret .= $this->start('table'); $ret .= $this->element('caption', 'Environment'); $ret .= $this->row('Parent of fragment', $def->info_parent); $ret .= $this->renderChildren($def->info_parent_def->child); $ret .= $this->row('Block wrap name', $def->info_block_wrapper); $ret .= $this->start('tr'); $ret .= $this->element('th', 'Global attributes'); $ret .= $this->element('td', $this->listifyAttr($def->info_global_attr),0,0); $ret .= $this->end('tr'); $ret .= $this->start('tr'); $ret .= $this->element('th', 'Tag transforms'); $list = array(); foreach ($def->info_tag_transform as $old => $new) { $new = $this->getClass($new, 'TagTransform_'); $list[] = "<$old> with $new"; } $ret .= $this->element('td', $this->listify($list)); $ret .= $this->end('tr'); $ret .= $this->start('tr'); $ret .= $this->element('th', 'Pre-AttrTransform'); $ret .= $this->element('td', $this->listifyObjectList($def->info_attr_transform_pre)); $ret .= $this->end('tr'); $ret .= $this->start('tr'); $ret .= $this->element('th', 'Post-AttrTransform'); $ret .= $this->element('td', $this->listifyObjectList($def->info_attr_transform_post)); $ret .= $this->end('tr'); $ret .= $this->end('table'); return $ret; } /** * Renders the Content Sets table */ function renderContentSets() { $ret = ''; $ret .= $this->start('table'); $ret .= $this->element('caption', 'Content Sets'); foreach ($this->def->info_content_sets as $name => $lookup) { $ret .= $this->heavyHeader($name); $ret .= $this->start('tr'); $ret .= $this->element('td', $this->listifyTagLookup($lookup)); $ret .= $this->end('tr'); } return $ret; } /** * Renders the Elements ($info) table */ function renderInfo() { $ret = ''; $ret .= $this->start('table'); $ret .= $this->element('caption', 'Elements ($info)'); ksort($this->def->info); $ret .= $this->heavyHeader('Allowed tags', 2); $ret .= $this->start('tr'); $ret .= $this->element('td', $this->listifyTagLookup($this->def->info), array('colspan' => 2)); $ret .= $this->end('tr'); foreach ($this->def->info as $name => $def) { $ret .= $this->start('tr'); $ret .= $this->element('th', "<$name>" . ($def->safe ? '' : ' (unsafe)'), array('class'=>'heavy' . ($def->safe ? '' : ' unsafe'), 'colspan' => 2)); $ret .= $this->end('tr'); $ret .= $this->start('tr'); $ret .= $this->element('th', 'Inline content'); $ret .= $this->element('td', $def->descendants_are_inline ? 'Yes' : 'No'); $ret .= $this->end('tr'); if (!empty($def->excludes)) { $ret .= $this->start('tr'); $ret .= $this->element('th', 'Excludes'); $ret .= $this->element('td', $this->listifyTagLookup($def->excludes)); $ret .= $this->end('tr'); } if (!empty($def->attr_transform_pre)) { $ret .= $this->start('tr'); $ret .= $this->element('th', 'Pre-AttrTransform'); $ret .= $this->element('td', $this->listifyObjectList($def->attr_transform_pre)); $ret .= $this->end('tr'); } if (!empty($def->attr_transform_post)) { $ret .= $this->start('tr'); $ret .= $this->element('th', 'Post-AttrTransform'); $ret .= $this->element('td', $this->listifyObjectList($def->attr_transform_post)); $ret .= $this->end('tr'); } if (!empty($def->auto_close)) { $ret .= $this->start('tr'); $ret .= $this->element('th', 'Auto closed by'); $ret .= $this->element('td', $this->listifyTagLookup($def->auto_close)); $ret .= $this->end('tr'); } $ret .= $this->start('tr'); $ret .= $this->element('th', 'Allowed attributes'); $ret .= $this->element('td',$this->listifyAttr($def->attr), array(), 0); $ret .= $this->end('tr'); if (!empty($def->required_attr)) { $ret .= $this->row('Required attributes', $this->listify($def->required_attr)); } $ret .= $this->renderChildren($def->child); } $ret .= $this->end('table'); return $ret; } /** * Renders a row describing the allowed children of an element * @param $def HTMLPurifier_ChildDef of pertinent element */ function renderChildren($def) { $context = new HTMLPurifier_Context(); $ret = ''; $ret .= $this->start('tr'); $elements = array(); $attr = array(); if (isset($def->elements)) { if ($def->type == 'strictblockquote') { $def->validateChildren(array(), $this->config, $context); } $elements = $def->elements; } elseif ($def->type == 'chameleon') { $attr['rowspan'] = 2; } elseif ($def->type == 'empty') { $elements = array(); } elseif ($def->type == 'table') { $elements = array_flip(array('col', 'caption', 'colgroup', 'thead', 'tfoot', 'tbody', 'tr')); } $ret .= $this->element('th', 'Allowed children', $attr); if ($def->type == 'chameleon') { $ret .= $this->element('td', '<em>Block</em>: ' . $this->escape($this->listifyTagLookup($def->block->elements)),0,0); $ret .= $this->end('tr'); $ret .= $this->start('tr'); $ret .= $this->element('td', '<em>Inline</em>: ' . $this->escape($this->listifyTagLookup($def->inline->elements)),0,0); } elseif ($def->type == 'custom') { $ret .= $this->element('td', '<em>'.ucfirst($def->type).'</em>: ' . $def->dtd_regex); } else { $ret .= $this->element('td', '<em>'.ucfirst($def->type).'</em>: ' . $this->escape($this->listifyTagLookup($elements)),0,0); } $ret .= $this->end('tr'); return $ret; } /** * Listifies a tag lookup table. * @param $array Tag lookup array in form of array('tagname' => true) */ function listifyTagLookup($array) { ksort($array); $list = array(); foreach ($array as $name => $discard) { if ($name !== '#PCDATA' && !isset($this->def->info[$name])) continue; $list[] = $name; } return $this->listify($list); } /** * Listifies a list of objects by retrieving class names and internal state * @param $array List of objects * @todo Also add information about internal state */ function listifyObjectList($array) { ksort($array); $list = array(); foreach ($array as $discard => $obj) { $list[] = $this->getClass($obj, 'AttrTransform_'); } return $this->listify($list); } /** * Listifies a hash of attributes to AttrDef classes * @param $array Array hash in form of array('attrname' => HTMLPurifier_AttrDef) */ function listifyAttr($array) { ksort($array); $list = array(); foreach ($array as $name => $obj) { if ($obj === false) continue; $list[] = "$name = <i>" . $this->getClass($obj, 'AttrDef_') . '</i>'; } return $this->listify($list); } /** * Creates a heavy header row */ function heavyHeader($text, $num = 1) { $ret = ''; $ret .= $this->start('tr'); $ret .= $this->element('th', $text, array('colspan' => $num, 'class' => 'heavy')); $ret .= $this->end('tr'); return $ret; } } ?>