$value) {
// $fake_registry isn't the real mock, because due to PHP 4 weirdness
// I cannot set a default value to function parameters that are passed
// by reference. So we use the value instance() returns.
$fake_registry = new HTMLPurifier_URISchemeRegistryMock($this);
$registry = HTMLPurifier_URISchemeRegistry::instance($fake_registry);
// now, let's at a pseudo-scheme to the registry
$scheme = new HTMLPurifier_URISchemeMock($this);
// here are the schemes we will support with overloaded mocks
$registry->setReturnValue('getScheme', $scheme, array('http'));
$registry->setReturnValue('getScheme', $scheme, array('mailto'));
// default return value is false (meaning no scheme defined: reject)
$registry->setReturnValue('getScheme', false, array('*'));
if (!isset($return_components[$i])) {
$return_components[$i] = $components[$i];
if (!isset($expect_uri[$i])) {
$expect_uri[$i] = $value;
if ($components[$i] === false) {
} else {
'validateComponents', $return_components[$i], $components[$i]);
$scheme->expectOnce('validateComponents', $components[$i]);
$result = $def->validate($value);
//$this->assertIdentical($expect_uri[$i], $result);