host = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Host();
$this->PercentEncoder = new HTMLPurifier_PercentEncoder();
$this->embeds_resource = (bool) $embeds_resource;
function validate($uri, $config, &$context) {
// We'll write stack-based parsers later, for now, use regexps to
// get things working as fast as possible (irony)
// parse as CDATA
$uri = $this->parseCDATA($uri);
// fix up percent-encoding
$uri = $this->PercentEncoder->normalize($uri);
// while it would be nice to use parse_url(), that's specifically
// for HTTP and thus won't work for our generic URI parsing
// according to the RFC... (but this cuts corners, i.e. non-validating)
$r_URI = '!'.
'(([^:/?#<>\'"]+):)?'. // 2. Scheme
'(//([^/?#<>\'"]*))?'. // 4. Authority
'([^?#<>\'"]*)'. // 5. Path
'(\?([^#<>\'"]*))?'. // 7. Query
'(#([^<>\'"]*))?'. // 8. Fragment
$matches = array();
$result = preg_match($r_URI, $uri, $matches);
if (!$result) return false; // invalid URI
// seperate out parts
$scheme = !empty($matches[1]) ? $matches[2] : null;
$authority = !empty($matches[3]) ? $matches[4] : null;
$path = $matches[5]; // always present, can be empty
$query = !empty($matches[6]) ? $matches[7] : null;
$fragment = !empty($matches[8]) ? $matches[9] : null;
$registry =& HTMLPurifier_URISchemeRegistry::instance();
if ($scheme !== null) {
// no need to validate the scheme's fmt since we do that when we
// retrieve the specific scheme object from the registry
$scheme = ctype_lower($scheme) ? $scheme : strtolower($scheme);
$scheme_obj =& $registry->getScheme($scheme, $config, $context);
if (!$scheme_obj) return false; // invalid scheme, clean it out
} else {
$scheme_obj =& $registry->getScheme(
$config->get('URI', 'DefaultScheme'), $config, $context
// the URI we're processing embeds_resource a resource in the page, but the URI
// it references cannot be located
if ($this->embeds_resource && !$scheme_obj->browsable) {
return false;
if ($authority !== null) {
// remove URI if it's absolute and we disabled externals or
// if it's absolute and embedded and we disabled external resources
if (
$config->get('URI', 'DisableExternal') ||
$config->get('URI', 'DisableExternalResources') &&
) {
$our_host = $config->get('URI', 'Host');
if ($our_host === null) return false;
$HEXDIG = '[A-Fa-f0-9]';
$unreserved = 'A-Za-z0-9-._~'; // make sure you wrap with []
$sub_delims = '!$&\'()'; // needs []
$pct_encoded = "%$HEXDIG$HEXDIG";
$r_userinfo = "(?:[$unreserved$sub_delims:]|$pct_encoded)*";
$r_authority = "/^(($r_userinfo)@)?(\[[^\]]+\]|[^:]*)(:(\d*))?/";
$matches = array();
preg_match($r_authority, $authority, $matches);
// overloads regexp!
$userinfo = !empty($matches[1]) ? $matches[2] : null;
$host = !empty($matches[3]) ? $matches[3] : null;
$port = !empty($matches[4]) ? $matches[5] : null;
// validate port
if ($port !== null) {
$port = (int) $port;
if ($port < 1 || $port > 65535) $port = null;
$host = $this->host->validate($host, $config, $context);
if ($host === false) $host = null;
// more lenient absolute checking
if (isset($our_host)) {
$host_parts = array_reverse(explode('.', $host));
// could be cached
$our_host_parts = array_reverse(explode('.', $our_host));
foreach ($our_host_parts as $i => $discard) {
if (!isset($host_parts[$i])) return false;
if ($host_parts[$i] != $our_host_parts[$i]) return false;
// userinfo and host are validated within the regexp
} else {
$port = $host = $userinfo = null;
// query and fragment are quite simple in terms of definition:
// *( pchar / "/" / "?" ), so define their validation routines
// when we start fixing percent encoding
// path gets to be validated against a hodge-podge of rules depending
// on the status of authority and scheme, but it's not that important,
// esp. since it won't be applicable to everyone
// okay, now we defer execution to the subobject for more processing
// note that $fragment is omitted
list($userinfo, $host, $port, $path, $query) =
$userinfo, $host, $port, $path, $query, $config, $context
// reconstruct authority
$authority = null;
if (!is_null($userinfo) || !is_null($host) || !is_null($port)) {
$authority = '';
if($userinfo !== null) $authority .= $userinfo . '@';
$authority .= $host;
if($port !== null) $authority .= ':' . $port;
// reconstruct the result
$result = '';
if ($scheme !== null) $result .= "$scheme:";
if ($authority !== null) $result .= "//$authority";
$result .= $path;
if ($query !== null) $result .= "?$query";
if ($fragment !== null) $result .= "#$fragment";
return $result;