schema = new HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema(); } function tearDown() { tally_errors($this); } function test_defineNamespace() { $this->schema->addNamespace('http', $d = 'This is an internet protocol.'); $this->assertIdentical($this->schema->info_namespace, array( 'http' => new HTMLPurifier_ConfigDef_Namespace($d) )); } function test_define() { $this->schema->addNamespace('Car', 'Automobiles, those gas-guzzlers!'); $this->schema->add('Car', 'Seats', 5, 'int', $d = 'Standard issue.'); $this->assertIdentical($this->schema->defaults['Car']['Seats'], 5); $this->assertIdentical($this->schema->info['Car']['Seats'], new HTMLPurifier_ConfigDef_Directive('int', $d) ); $this->schema->add('Car', 'Age', null, 'int/null', $d = 'Not always known.'); $this->assertIdentical($this->schema->defaults['Car']['Age'], null); $this->assertIdentical($this->schema->info['Car']['Age'], new HTMLPurifier_ConfigDef_Directive('int', $d, true) ); $this->expectError('Cannot define directive for undefined namespace'); $this->schema->add('Train', 'Cars', 10, 'int', 'Including the caboose.'); $this->expectError('Directive name must be alphanumeric'); $this->schema->add('Car', 'Is it shiny?', true, 'bool', 'Indicates regular waxing.'); $this->expectError('Invalid type for configuration directive'); $this->schema->add('Car', 'Efficiency', 50, 'mpg', 'The higher the better.'); $this->expectError('Default value does not match directive type'); $this->schema->add('Car', 'Producer', 'Ford', 'int', 'ID of the company that made the car.'); $this->expectError('Description must be non-empty'); $this->schema->add('Car', 'ComplexAttribute', 'lawyers', 'istring', null); } function test_defineAllowedValues() { $this->schema->addNamespace('QuantumNumber', 'D'); $this->schema->add('QuantumNumber', 'Spin', 0.5, 'float', 'Spin of particle. Fourth quantum number, represented by s.'); $this->schema->add('QuantumNumber', 'Current', 's', 'string', 'Currently selected quantum number.'); $this->schema->add('QuantumNumber', 'Difficulty', null, 'string/null', $d = 'How hard are the problems?'); $this->schema->addAllowedValues( // okay, since default is null 'QuantumNumber', 'Difficulty', array('easy', 'medium', 'hard') ); $this->assertIdentical($this->schema->defaults['QuantumNumber']['Difficulty'], null); $this->assertIdentical($this->schema->info['QuantumNumber']['Difficulty'], new HTMLPurifier_ConfigDef_Directive( 'string', $d, true, array( 'easy' => true, 'medium' => true, 'hard' => true ) ) ); $this->expectError('Cannot define allowed values for undefined directive'); $this->schema->addAllowedValues( 'SpaceTime', 'Symmetry', array('time', 'spatial', 'projective') ); $this->expectError('Cannot define allowed values for directive whose type is not string'); $this->schema->addAllowedValues( 'QuantumNumber', 'Spin', array(0.5, -0.5) ); $this->expectError('Default value must be in allowed range of variables'); $this->schema->addAllowedValues( 'QuantumNumber', 'Current', array('n', 'l', 'm') // forgot s! ); } function test_defineValueAliases() { $this->schema->addNamespace('Abbrev', 'Stuff on abbreviations.'); $this->schema->add('Abbrev', 'HTH', 'Happy to Help', 'string', $d = 'Three-letters'); $this->schema->addAllowedValues( 'Abbrev', 'HTH', array( 'Happy to Help', 'Hope that Helps', 'HAIL THE HAND!' ) ); $this->schema->addValueAliases( 'Abbrev', 'HTH', array( 'happy' => 'Happy to Help', 'hope' => 'Hope that Helps' ) ); $this->schema->addValueAliases( // delayed addition 'Abbrev', 'HTH', array( 'hail' => 'HAIL THE HAND!' ) ); $this->assertIdentical($this->schema->defaults['Abbrev']['HTH'], 'Happy to Help'); $this->assertIdentical($this->schema->info['Abbrev']['HTH'], new HTMLPurifier_ConfigDef_Directive( 'string', $d, false, array( 'Happy to Help' => true, 'Hope that Helps' => true, 'HAIL THE HAND!' => true ), array( 'happy' => 'Happy to Help', 'hope' => 'Hope that Helps', 'hail' => 'HAIL THE HAND!' ) ) ); $this->expectError('Cannot define alias to value that is not allowed'); $this->schema->addValueAliases( 'Abbrev', 'HTH', array( 'head' => 'Head to Head' ) ); $this->expectError('Cannot define alias over allowed value'); $this->schema->addValueAliases( 'Abbrev', 'HTH', array( 'Hope that Helps' => 'Happy to Help' ) ); } function testAlias() { $this->schema->addNamespace('Home', 'Sweet home.'); $this->schema->add('Home', 'Rug', 3, 'int', 'ID.'); $this->schema->addAlias('Home', 'Carpet', 'Home', 'Rug'); $this->assertTrue(!isset($this->schema->defaults['Home']['Carpet'])); $this->assertIdentical($this->schema->info['Home']['Carpet'], new HTMLPurifier_ConfigDef_DirectiveAlias('Home', 'Rug') ); $this->expectError('Cannot define directive alias in undefined namespace'); $this->schema->addAlias('Store', 'Rug', 'Home', 'Rug'); $this->expectError('Directive name must be alphanumeric'); $this->schema->addAlias('Home', 'R.g', 'Home', 'Rug'); $this->schema->add('Home', 'Rugger', 'Bob Max', 'string', 'Name of.'); $this->expectError('Cannot define alias over directive'); $this->schema->addAlias('Home', 'Rugger', 'Home', 'Rug'); $this->expectError('Cannot define alias to undefined directive'); $this->schema->addAlias('Home', 'Rug2', 'Home', 'Rugavan'); $this->expectError('Cannot define alias to alias'); $this->schema->addAlias('Home', 'Rug2', 'Home', 'Carpet'); } }