\t', '»', '\0'), escapeHTML( str_replace("\0", '\0(null)', wordwrap($string, 28, " »\n", true) ) ) ); } ?> HTML Purifier XSS Attacks Smoketest

HTML Purifier XSS Attacks Smoketest

XSS attacks are from http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html.

Caveats: Google.com has been programatically disallowed, but as you can see, there are ways of getting around that, so coverage in this area is not complete. Most XSS broadcasts its presence by spawning an alert dialogue. The displayed code is not strictly correct, as linebreaks have been forced for readability. Linewraps have been marked with ». Some tests are omitted for your convenience. Not all control characters are displayed.


Requires PHP 5.

'); $xml = simplexml_load_file('xssAttacks.xml'); // programatically disallow google.com for URI evasion tests // not complete $config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault(); $config->set('URI', 'HostBlacklist', array('google.com')); $purifier = new HTMLPurifier($config); ?> attack as $attack) { $code = $attack->code; // custom code for null byte injection tests if (substr($code, 0, 7) == 'perl -e') { $code = substr($code, $i=strpos($code, '"')+1, strrpos($code, '"') - $i); $code = str_replace('\0', "\0", $code); } // disable vectors we cannot test in any meaningful way if ($code == 'See Below') continue; // event handlers, whitelist defeats if ($attack->name == 'OBJECT w/Flash 2') continue; // requires ActionScript if ($attack->name == 'IMG Embedded commands 2') continue; // is an HTTP response // custom code for US-ASCII, which couldn't be expressed in XML without encoding if ($attack->name == 'US-ASCII encoding') $code = urldecode($code); ?> > purify($code); ?>
name); ?>