<?php require_once 'HTMLPurifier/ChildDef.php'; require_once 'HTMLPurifier/Lexer.php'; require_once 'HTMLPurifier/Generator.php'; class HTMLPurifier_ChildDefTest extends UnitTestCase { var $lex; var $gen; function HTMLPurifier_ChildDefTest() { $this->lex = HTMLPurifier_Lexer::create(); $this->gen = new HTMLPurifier_Generator(); parent::UnitTestCase(); } function assertSeries($inputs, $expect, $def) { foreach ($inputs as $i => $input) { $tokens = $this->lex->tokenizeHTML($input); $result = $def->validateChildren($tokens); if (is_bool($expect[$i])) { $this->assertIdentical($expect[$i], $result); } else { $result_html = $this->gen->generateFromTokens($result); $this->assertEqual($expect[$i], $result_html); paintIf($result_html, $result_html != $expect[$i]); } } } function test_complex() { // the table definition $def = new HTMLPurifier_ChildDef( '(caption?, (col*|colgroup*), thead?, tfoot?, (tbody+|tr+))'); $inputs[0] = ''; $expect[0] = false; // we really don't care what's inside, because if it turns out // this tr is illegal, we'll end up re-evaluating the parent node // anyway. $inputs[1] = '<tr></tr>'; $expect[1] = true; $inputs[2] = '<caption></caption><col></col><thead></thead>' . '<tfoot></tfoot><tbody></tbody>'; $expect[2] = true; $inputs[3] = '<col></col><col></col><col></col><tr></tr>'; $expect[3] = true; $this->assertSeries($inputs, $expect, $def); } function test_simple() { // simple is actually an abstract class // but we're unit testing some of the conv. functions it gives $def = new HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Simple('foobar | bang |gizmo'); $this->assertEqual($def->elements, array( 'foobar' => true ,'bang' => true ,'gizmo' => true )); $def = new HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Simple(array('href', 'src')); $this->assertEqual($def->elements, array( 'href' => true ,'src' => true )); } function test_required_pcdata_forbidden() { $def = new HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Required('dt | dd'); $inputs[0] = ''; $expect[0] = false; $inputs[1] = '<dt>Term</dt>Text in an illegal location'. '<dd>Definition</dd><b>Illegal tag</b>'; $expect[1] = '<dt>Term</dt><dd>Definition</dd>'; $inputs[2] = 'How do you do!'; $expect[2] = false; // whitespace shouldn't trigger it $inputs[3] = "\n<dd>Definition</dd> "; $expect[3] = true; $inputs[4] ='<dd>Definition</dd> <b></b> '; $expect[4] = '<dd>Definition</dd> '; $inputs[5] = "\t "; $expect[5] = false; $this->assertSeries($inputs, $expect, $def); } function test_required_pcdata_allowed() { $def = new HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Required('#PCDATA | b'); $inputs[0] = '<b>Bold text</b><img />'; $expect[0] = '<b>Bold text</b><img />'; $this->assertSeries($inputs, $expect, $def); } function test_optional() { $def = new HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Optional('b | i'); $inputs[0] = '<b>Bold text</b><img />'; $expect[0] = '<b>Bold text</b>'; $inputs[1] = 'Not allowed text'; $expect[1] = ''; $this->assertSeries($inputs, $expect, $def); } } ?>