Filter Levels When one size *does not* fit all The more I think about it, the less sense it makes for maintaining one huge monolithic HTMLDefinition class. There's simply so much variation that could go into this definition: the set of HTML good for blog entries is definitely too large for HTML that would be allowed in blog comments. Going from Transitional to Strict requires changes to the definition. Allowing users to specify their own whitelists is one step (implemented, btw), but I have doubts on only doing this. Simply put, the typical programmer is too lazy to actually go through the trouble of investigating which tags, attributes and properties to allow. HTMLDefinition makes a big part of what HTMLPurifier is. The idea, then, is to setup fundamentally different set of definitions, which can further be customized using simpler configuration options. Here are some fuzzy levels you could set: 1. Comments - Wordpress recommends a, abbr, acronym, b, blockquote, cite, code, em, i, strike, strong; however, you could get away with only a, em and p; also having blockquote and pre tags would be helpful. 2. BBCode - Emulate the usual tagset for forums: b, i, img, a, blockquote, pre, div, span and h[2-6] (the last three are for specially formatted posts, div and span require associated classes or inline styling enabled to be useful) 3. Pages - As permissive as possible without allowing XSS. No protection against bad design sense, unfortunantely. Suitable for wiki and page environments. (probably what we have now) 4. Lint - Accept everything in the spec, a Tidy wannabe. (This probably won't get implemented as it would require routines for things like <object> and friends to be implemented, which is a lot of work for not a lot of benefit) One final note: when you start axing tags that are more commonly used, you run the risk of accidentally destroying user data, especially if the data is incoming from a WYSIWYG eidtor that hasn't been synced accordingly. This may make forbidden element to text transformations desirable (for example, images). == Element Risk Analysis == Legend: [danger level] - regular tags / uncommon tags ~ deprecated tags [danger level]* - rare tags 1 - blockquote, code, em, i, p, tt / strong, sub, sup 1* - abbr, acronym, bdo, cite, dfn, kbd, q, samp 2 - b, br, del, div, pre, span / ins, s, strike ~ u 3 - h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 ~ center 4 - h1, big ~ font 5 - a 7 - area, map These are special use tags, they should be enabled on a blanket basis. Lists - dd, dl, dt, li, ol, ul ~ menu, dir Tables - caption, table, td, th, tr / col, colgroup, tbody, tfoot, thead Forms - fieldset, form, input, lable, legend, optgroup, option, select, textarea XSS - noscript, object, script ~ applet Meta - base, basefont, body, head, html, link, meta, style, title Frames - frame, frameset, iframe And tag specific notes: a - general problems involving linkspam b - too much bold is bad, typographically speaking bold is discouraged br - often misused center - CSS, usually no legit use del - only useful in editing context div - little meaning in certain contexts i.e. blog comment h1 - usually no legit use, as header is already set by application h* - not needed in blog comments hr - usually not necessary in blog comments img - could be extremely undesirable if linking to external pics (CSRF, goatse) pre - could use formatting, only useful in code contexts q - very little support s - transform into span with styling or del? small - technically presentational span - depends on attribute allowances sub, sup - specialized u - little legit use, prefer class with text-decoration Based on the riskiness of the items, we may want to offer %HTML.DisableImages attribute and put URI filtering higher up on the priority list. == Attribute Risk Analysis == We actually have a suprisingly small assortment of allowed attributes (the rest are deprecated in strict, and thus we opted not to allow them, even though our output is XHTML Transitional by default.) Required URI - img.alt, img.src, a.href Medium risk - *.class, *.dir High risk - img.height, img.width, *.id, *.style Table - colgroup/col.span, td/th.rowspan, td/th.colspan Uncommon - *.title, *.lang, *.xml:lang Rare - td/th.abbr, table.summary, {table}.charoff Rare URI - del.cite, ins.cite, blockquote.cite, q.cite, img.longdesc Presentational - {table}.align, {table}.valign, table.frame, table.rules, table.border Partially presentational - table.cellpadding, table.cellspacing, table.width, col.width, colgroup.width == CSS Risk Analysis == There are certain CSS elements that are extremely useful inline, but then as you get to more presentation oriented styling it may not always be appropriate to inline them. Useful - clear, float, border-collapse, caption-side These CSS properties can break layouts if used improperly. We have excluded any CSS properties that are not currently implemented (such as position). Dangerous, can go outside container - float Easy to abuse - font-size, font-family (font), width Colored - background-color (background), border-color (border), color Dramatic - border, list-style-position (list-style), margin, padding, text-align, text-indent, text-transform, vertical-align, line-height Dramatic elements substantially change the look of text in ways that should probably have been reserved to other areas.