NEWS ( CHANGELOG and HISTORY )                                     HTMLPurifier

= KEY ====================
    # Breaks back-compat
    ! Feature
    - Bugfix
      + Sub-comment
    . Internal change

1.4.0, released 2007-01-21
! Implemented list-style-image, URIs now allowed in list-style
! Implemented background-image, background-repeat, background-attachment
  and background-position CSS properties. Shorthand property background
  supports all of these properties.
! Configuration documentation looks nicer
! Added %Core.EscapeNonASCIICharacters to workaround loss of Unicode
  characters while %Core.Encoding is set to a non-UTF-8 encoding.
! Support for configuration directive aliases added
! Config object can now be instantiated from ini files
! YouTube preservation code added to the core, with two lines of code
  you can add it as a filter to your code. See smoketests/preserveYouTube.php
  for sample code.
! Moved SLOW to docs/enduser-slow.html and added code examples
- Replaced version check with functionality check for DOM (thanks Stephen
. Added smoketest 'all.php', which loads all other smoketests via frames
. Implemented AttrDef_CSSURI for url( style declarations
. Added convenient single test selector form on test runner

1.3.2, released 2006-12-25
! HTMLPurifier object now accepts configuration arrays, no need to manually
  instantiate a configuration object
! Context object now accessible to outside
! Added enduser-youtube.html, explains how to embed YouTube videos. See
  also corresponding smoketest preserveYouTube.php.
! Added purifyArray(), which takes a list of HTML and purifies it all
! Added static member variable $version to HTML Purifier with PHP-compatible
  version number string.
- Fixed fatal error thrown by upper-cased language attributes
- printDefinition.php: added labels, added better clarification
. HTMLPurifier_Config::create() added, takes mixed variable and converts into
  a HTMLPurifier_Config object.

1.3.1, released 2006-12-06
! Added HTMLPurifier.func.php stub for a convenient function to call the library
- Fixed bug in RemoveInvalidImg code that caused all images to be dropped
  (thanks to .mario for reporting this)
. Standardized all attribute handling variables to attr, made it plural

1.3.0, released 2006-11-26
# Invalid images are now removed, rather than replaced with a dud
  <img src="" alt="Invalid image" />. Previous behavior can be restored
  with new directive %Core.RemoveInvalidImg set to false.
! (X)HTML Strict now supported
  + Transparently handles inline elements in block context (blockquote)
! Added GET method to demo for easier validation, added 50kb max input size
! New directive %HTML.BlockWrapper, for block-ifying inline elements
! New directive %HTML.Parent, allows you to only allow inline content
! New directives %HTML.AllowedElements and %HTML.AllowedAttributes to let
  users narrow the set of allowed tags
! <li value="4"> and <ul start="2"> now allowed in loose mode
! New directives %URI.DisableExternalResources and %URI.DisableResources
! New directive %Attr.DisableURI, which eliminates all hyperlinking
! New directive %URI.Munge, munges URI so you can use some sort of redirector
  service to avoid PageRank leaks or warn users that they are exiting your site.
! Added spiffy new smoketest printDefinition.php, which lets you twiddle with
  the configuration settings and see how the internal rules are affected.
! New directive %URI.HostBlacklist for blocking links to bad hosts.
  xssAttacks.php smoketest updated accordingly.
- Added missing type to ChildDef_Chameleon
- Remove Tidy option from demo if there is not Tidy available
. ChildDef_Required guards against empty tags
. Lookup table HTMLDefinition->info_flow_elements added
. Added peace-of-mind variable initialization to Strategy_FixNesting
. Added HTMLPurifier->info_parent_def, parent child processing made special
. Added internal documents briefly summarizing future progression of HTML
. HTMLPurifier_Config->getBatch($namespace) added
. More lenient casting to bool from string in HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema
. Refactored ChildDef classes into their own files

1.2.0, released 2006-11-19
# ID attributes now disabled by default. New directives:
  + %HTML.EnableAttrID - restores old behavior by allowing IDs
  + %Attr.IDPrefix - %Attr.IDBlacklist alternative that munges all user IDs
    so that they don't collide with your IDs
  + %Attr.IDPrefixLocal - Same as above, but for when there are multiple
    instances of user content on the page
  + Profuse documentation on how to use these available in docs/enduser-id.txt
! Added MODx plugin <,6604.0.html>
! Added percent encoding normalization
! XSS attacks smoketest given facelift
! Configuration documentation now has table of contents
! Added %URI.DisableExternal, which prevents links to external websites.  You
  can also use %URI.Host to permit absolute linking to subdomains
! Non-accessible resources (ex. mailto) blocked from embedded URIs (img src)
- Type variable in HTMLDefinition was not being set properly, fixed
- Documentation updated
  + TODO added request Phalanger
  + TODO added request Native compression
  + TODO added request Remove redundant tags
  + TODO added possible plaintext formatter for HTML Purifier documentation
  + Updated ConfigDoc TODO
  + Improved inline comments in AttrDef/Class.php, AttrDef/CSS.php
    and AttrDef/Host.php
  + Revamped documentation into HTML, along with misc updates
- HTMLPurifier_Context doesn't throw a variable reference error if you attempt
  to retrieve a non-existent variable
. Switched to purify()-wide Context object registry
. Refactored unit tests to minimize duplication
. XSS attack sheet updated
. configdoc.xml now has xml:space attached to default value nodes
. Allow configuration directives to permit null values
. Cleaned up test-cases to remove unnecessary swallowErrors()

1.1.2, released 2006-09-30
! Add stub file that configures include_path
- Documentation updated
  + INSTALL document rewritten
  + TODO added semi-lossy conversion
  + API Doxygen docs' file exclusions updated
  + Added notes on HTML versus XML attribute whitespace handling
  + Noted that HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Custom isn't being used
  + Noted that config object's definitions are cached versions
- Fixed lack of attribute parsing in HTMLPurifier_Lexer_PEARSax3
- ftp:// URIs now have their typecodes checked
- Hooked up HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Custom's unit tests (they weren't being run)
. Line endings standardized throughout project (svn:eol-style standardized)
. Refactored parseData() to general Lexer class
. Tester named "HTML Purifier" not "HTMLPurifier"

1.1.1, released 2006-09-24
! Configuration option to optionally Tidy up output for indentation to make up
  for dropped whitespace by DOMLex (pretty-printing for the entire application
  should be done by a page-wide Tidy)
- Various documentation updates
- Fixed parse error in configuration documentation script
- Fixed fatal error in benchmark scripts, slightly augmented
- As far as possible, whitespace is preserved in-between table children
- Sample test-settings.php file included

1.1.0, released 2006-09-16
! Directive documentation generation using XSLT
! XHTML can now be turned off, output becomes <br>
- Made URI validator more forgiving: will ignore leading and trailing
  quotes, apostrophes and less than or greater than signs.
- Enforce alphanumeric namespace and directive names for configuration.
- Table child definition made more flexible, will fix up poorly ordered elements
. Renamed ConfigDef to ConfigSchema

1.0.1, released 2006-09-04
- Fixed slight bug in DOMLex attribute parsing
- Fixed rejection of case-insensitive configuration values when there is a
  set of allowed values.  This manifested in %Core.Encoding.
- Fixed rejection of inline style declarations that had lots of extra
  space in them.  This manifested in TinyMCE.

1.0.0, released 2006-09-01
! Shorthand CSS properties implemented: font, border, background, list-style
! Basic color keywords translated into hexadecimal values
! Table CSS properties implemented
! Support for charsets other than UTF-8 (defined by iconv)
! Malformed UTF-8 and non-SGML character detection and cleaning implemented
- Fixed broken numeric entity conversion
- API documentation completed
. (HTML|CSS)Definition de-singleton-ized

1.0.0beta, released 2006-08-16
! First public release, most functionality implemented. Notable omissions are:
  + Shorthand CSS properties
  + Table CSS properties
  + Deprecated attribute transformations