old_copy = HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::instance(); // put in our copy, and reassign to the REAL reference $this->our_copy =& HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::instance($our_copy); $this->file = $this->our_copy->mungeFilename(__FILE__); } function tearDown() { // testing is done, restore the old copy HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::instance($this->old_copy); $this->tallyErrors(); } function tallyErrors() { // BRITTLE: relies on private code to work $context = &SimpleTest::getContext(); $queue = &$context->get('SimpleErrorQueue'); if (!isset($queue->_expectation_queue)) return; // fut-compat foreach ($queue->_expectation_queue as $e) { if (count($e) != 2) return; // fut-compat if (!isset($e[0])) return; // fut-compat $e[0]->_dumper = &new SimpleDumper(); $this->fail('Error expectation not fulfilled: ' . $e[0]->testMessage(null)); } $queue->_expectation_queue = array(); } function test_defineNamespace() { CS::defineNamespace('http', $d = 'This is an internet protocol.'); $this->assertIdentical($this->our_copy->info_namespace, array( 'http' => new HTMLPurifier_ConfigEntity_Namespace($d) )); $this->expectError('Cannot redefine namespace'); CS::defineNamespace('http', 'It is used to serve webpages.'); $this->expectError('Namespace name must be alphanumeric'); CS::defineNamespace('ssh+http', 'This http is tunneled through SSH.'); $this->expectError('Description must be non-empty'); CS::defineNamespace('ftp', null); } function test_define() { CS::defineNamespace('Car', 'Automobiles, those gas-guzzlers!'); CS::define('Car', 'Seats', 5, 'int', $d = 'Standard issue.'); $l = __LINE__; $this->assertIdentical($this->our_copy->defaults['Car']['Seats'], 5); $this->assertIdentical($this->our_copy->info['Car']['Seats'], new HTMLPurifier_ConfigEntity_Directive('int', array($this->file => array($l => $d)) ) ); CS::define('Car', 'Age', null, 'int/null', $d = 'Not always known.'); $l = __LINE__; $this->assertIdentical($this->our_copy->defaults['Car']['Age'], null); $this->assertIdentical($this->our_copy->info['Car']['Age'], new HTMLPurifier_ConfigEntity_Directive('int', array($this->file => array($l => $d)), true ) ); $this->expectError('Cannot define directive for undefined namespace'); CS::define('Train', 'Cars', 10, 'int', 'Including the caboose.'); $this->expectError('Directive name must be alphanumeric'); CS::define('Car', 'Is it shiny?', true, 'bool', 'Indicates regular waxing.'); $this->expectError('Invalid type for configuration directive'); CS::define('Car', 'Efficiency', 50, 'mpg', 'The higher the better.'); $this->expectError('Default value does not match directive type'); CS::define('Car', 'Producer', 'Ford', 'int', 'ID of the company that made the car.'); $this->expectError('Description must be non-empty'); CS::define('Car', 'ComplexAttribute', 'lawyers', 'istring', null); } function testRedefinition_define() { CS::defineNamespace('Cat', 'Belongs to Schrodinger.'); CS::define('Cat', 'Dead', false, 'bool', $d1 = 'Well, is it?'); $l1 = __LINE__; CS::define('Cat', 'Dead', false, 'bool', $d2 = 'It is difficult to say.'); $l2 = __LINE__; $this->assertIdentical($this->our_copy->defaults['Cat']['Dead'], false); $this->assertIdentical($this->our_copy->info['Cat']['Dead'], new HTMLPurifier_ConfigEntity_Directive('bool', array($this->file => array($l1 => $d1, $l2 => $d2)) ) ); $this->expectError('Inconsistent default or type, cannot redefine'); CS::define('Cat', 'Dead', true, 'bool', 'Quantum mechanics does not know.'); $this->expectError('Inconsistent default or type, cannot redefine'); CS::define('Cat', 'Dead', 'maybe', 'string', 'Perhaps if we look we will know.'); } function test_defineAllowedValues() { CS::defineNamespace('QuantumNumber', 'D'); CS::define('QuantumNumber', 'Spin', 0.5, 'float', 'Spin of particle. Fourth quantum number, represented by s.'); CS::define('QuantumNumber', 'Current', 's', 'string', 'Currently selected quantum number.'); CS::define('QuantumNumber', 'Difficulty', null, 'string/null', $d = 'How hard are the problems?'); $l = __LINE__; CS::defineAllowedValues( // okay, since default is null 'QuantumNumber', 'Difficulty', array('easy', 'medium', 'hard') ); $this->assertIdentical($this->our_copy->defaults['QuantumNumber']['Difficulty'], null); $this->assertIdentical($this->our_copy->info['QuantumNumber']['Difficulty'], new HTMLPurifier_ConfigEntity_Directive( 'string', array($this->file => array($l => $d)), true, array( 'easy' => true, 'medium' => true, 'hard' => true ) ) ); $this->expectError('Cannot define allowed values for undefined directive'); CS::defineAllowedValues( 'SpaceTime', 'Symmetry', array('time', 'spatial', 'projective') ); $this->expectError('Cannot define allowed values for directive whose type is not string'); CS::defineAllowedValues( 'QuantumNumber', 'Spin', array(0.5, -0.5) ); $this->expectError('Default value must be in allowed range of variables'); CS::defineAllowedValues( 'QuantumNumber', 'Current', array('n', 'l', 'm') // forgot s! ); } function test_defineValueAliases() { CS::defineNamespace('Abbrev', 'Stuff on abbreviations.'); CS::define('Abbrev', 'HTH', 'Happy to Help', 'string', $d = 'Three-letters'); $l = __LINE__; CS::defineAllowedValues( 'Abbrev', 'HTH', array( 'Happy to Help', 'Hope that Helps', 'HAIL THE HAND!' ) ); CS::defineValueAliases( 'Abbrev', 'HTH', array( 'happy' => 'Happy to Help', 'hope' => 'Hope that Helps' ) ); CS::defineValueAliases( // delayed addition 'Abbrev', 'HTH', array( 'hail' => 'HAIL THE HAND!' ) ); $this->assertIdentical($this->our_copy->defaults['Abbrev']['HTH'], 'Happy to Help'); $this->assertIdentical($this->our_copy->info['Abbrev']['HTH'], new HTMLPurifier_ConfigEntity_Directive( 'string', array($this->file => array($l => $d)), false, array( 'Happy to Help' => true, 'Hope that Helps' => true, 'HAIL THE HAND!' => true ), array( 'happy' => 'Happy to Help', 'hope' => 'Hope that Helps', 'hail' => 'HAIL THE HAND!' ) ) ); $this->expectError('Cannot define alias to value that is not allowed'); CS::defineValueAliases( 'Abbrev', 'HTH', array( 'head' => 'Head to Head' ) ); $this->expectError('Cannot define alias over allowed value'); CS::defineValueAliases( 'Abbrev', 'HTH', array( 'Hope that Helps' => 'Happy to Help' ) ); } function testAlias() { CS::defineNamespace('Home', 'Sweet home.'); CS::define('Home', 'Rug', 3, 'int', 'ID.'); CS::defineAlias('Home', 'Carpet', 'Home', 'Rug'); $this->assertTrue(!isset($this->our_copy->defaults['Home']['Carpet'])); $this->assertIdentical($this->our_copy->info['Home']['Carpet'], new HTMLPurifier_ConfigEntity_DirectiveAlias('Home', 'Rug') ); $this->expectError('Cannot define directive alias in undefined namespace'); CS::defineAlias('Store', 'Rug', 'Home', 'Rug'); $this->expectError('Directive name must be alphanumeric'); CS::defineAlias('Home', 'R.g', 'Home', 'Rug'); CS::define('Home', 'Rugger', 'Bob Max', 'string', 'Name of.'); $this->expectError('Cannot define alias over directive'); CS::defineAlias('Home', 'Rugger', 'Home', 'Rug'); $this->expectError('Cannot define alias to undefined directive'); CS::defineAlias('Home', 'Rug2', 'Home', 'Rugavan'); $this->expectError('Cannot define alias to alias'); CS::defineAlias('Home', 'Rug2', 'Home', 'Carpet'); } function assertValid($var, $type, $ret = null) { $ret = ($ret === null) ? $var : $ret; $this->assertIdentical($this->our_copy->validate($var, $type), $ret); } function assertInvalid($var, $type) { $this->assertTrue( $this->our_copy->isError( $this->our_copy->validate($var, $type) ) ); } function testValidate() { $this->assertValid('foobar', 'string'); $this->assertValid('FOOBAR', 'istring', 'foobar'); $this->assertValid(34, 'int'); $this->assertValid(3.34, 'float'); $this->assertValid(false, 'bool'); $this->assertValid(0, 'bool', false); $this->assertValid(1, 'bool', true); $this->assertValid('true', 'bool', true); $this->assertValid('false', 'bool', false); $this->assertValid('1', 'bool', true); $this->assertInvalid(34, 'bool'); $this->assertInvalid(null, 'bool'); $this->assertValid(array('1', '2', '3'), 'list'); $this->assertValid('foo,bar, cow', 'list', array('foo', 'bar', 'cow')); $this->assertValid(array('1' => true, '2' => true), 'lookup'); $this->assertValid(array('1', '2'), 'lookup', array('1' => true, '2' => true)); $this->assertValid('foo,bar', 'lookup', array('foo' => true, 'bar' => true)); $this->assertValid(array('foo' => 'bar'), 'hash'); $this->assertValid(array(1 => 'moo'), 'hash'); $this->assertInvalid(array(0 => 'moo'), 'hash'); $this->assertValid(23, 'mixed'); } function testValidate_null() { $this->assertTrue( $this->our_copy->isError( $this->our_copy->validate(null, 'string', false) ) ); $this->assertFalse( $this->our_copy->isError( $this->our_copy->validate(null, 'string', true) ) ); } function assertMungeFilename($oldname, $newname) { $this->assertIdentical( $this->our_copy->mungeFilename($oldname), $newname ); } function testMungeFilename() { $this->assertMungeFilename( 'C:\\php\\My Libraries\\htmlpurifier\\library\\HTMLPurifier\\AttrDef.php', 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef.php' ); $this->assertMungeFilename( 'C:\\php\\My Libraries\\htmlpurifier\\library\\HTMLPurifier.php', 'HTMLPurifier.php' ); } } ?>