'; ?> HTML Purifier Printer Smoketest

HTML Purifier Printer Smoketest

HTML Purifier claims to have a robust yet permissive whitelist: this page will allow you to see precisely what HTML Purifier's internal whitelist is. You can also twiddle with the configuration settings to see how a directive influences the internal workings of the definition objects.

Modify configuration

You can specify an array by typing in a comma-separated list of items, HTML Purifier will take care of the rest (including transformation into a real array list or a lookup table).

render($config, 'HTML'); ?>

* Some configuration directives make a distinction between an empty variable and a null variable. A whitelist, for example, will take an empty array as meaning no allowed elements, while checking Null/Disabled will mean that user whitelisting functionality is disabled.


Parent of Fragment
HTML that HTML Purifier does not live in a void: when it's output, it has to be placed in another element by means of something like <element> <?php echo $html ?> </element>. The parent in this example is element.
Strict mode
Whether or not HTML Purifier's output is Transitional or Strict compliant. Non-strict mode still actually a little strict and converts many deprecated elements.
Literally Parsed Character Data, it is regular text. Tags like ul don't allow text in them, so #PCDATA is missing.
Tag transform
A tag transform will change one tag to another. Example: font turns into a span tag with appropriate CSS.
Attr Transform
An attribute transform changes a group of attributes based on one another. Currently, only lang and xml:lang use this hook, to synchronize each other's values. Pre/Post indicates whether or not the transform is done before/after validation.
Tags that an element excludes are excluded for all descendants of that element, and not just the children of them.
Name(Param1, Param2)
Represents an internal data-structure. You'll have to check out the corresponding classes in HTML Purifier to find out more.


render($config) ?>


render($config) ?>