'file', ); // It's important that this does not call the autoloader. Not a problem // with a function, but could be if we put this in a class. htmlpurifier_parse_args($AC, $aliases); // Disable PHPT tests if they're not enabled if (!$GLOBALS['HTMLPurifierTest']['PHPT']) $AC['disable-phpt'] = true; if (!SimpleReporter::inCli()) { // Undo any dangerous parameters $AC['php'] = $php; } if ($AC['disable-phpt'] && $AC['only-phpt']) { echo "Cannot disable and allow only PHPT tests!\n"; exit(1); } // initialize and load HTML Purifier // use ?standalone to load the alterative standalone stub if ($AC['standalone']) { require '../library/HTMLPurifier.standalone.php'; } else { require '../library/HTMLPurifier.path.php'; require 'HTMLPurifier.includes.php'; require '../library/HTMLPurifier.autoload.php'; } require 'HTMLPurifier/Harness.php'; // Shell-script code is executed if ($AC['flush']) { if (SimpleReporter::inCli() && !$AC['xml']) { passthru($AC['php'] . ' ../maintenance/flush.php'); } else { shell_exec($AC['php'] . ' ../maintenance/flush.php'); } } // Now, userland code begins to be executed // setup special DefinitionCacheFactory decorator $factory =& HTMLPurifier_DefinitionCacheFactory::instance(); $factory->addDecorator('Memory'); // since we deal with a lot of config objects if (!$AC['disable-phpt']) { $phpt = PHPT_Registry::getInstance(); $phpt->php = $AC['php']; } // load tests $test_files = array(); $test_dirs = array(); $test_dirs_exclude = array(); $phpt_dirs = array(); require 'test_files.php'; // populates $test_files array $FS = new FSTools(); // handle test dirs foreach ($test_dirs as $dir) { $raw_files = $FS->globr($dir, '*Test.php'); foreach ($raw_files as $file) { $file = str_replace('\\', '/', $file); if (isset($test_dirs_exclude[$file])) continue; $test_files[] = $file; } } // handle phpt files foreach ($phpt_dirs as $dir) { $phpt_files = $FS->globr($dir, '*.phpt'); foreach ($phpt_files as $file) { $test_files[] = str_replace('\\', '/', $file); } } array_unique($test_files); sort($test_files); // for the SELECT $GLOBALS['HTMLPurifierTest']['Files'] = $test_files; // for the reporter $test_file_lookup = array_flip($test_files); // determine test file if ($AC['file']) { if (!isset($test_file_lookup[$AC['file']])) { echo "Invalid file passed\n"; exit; } } // we can't use addTestFile because SimpleTest chokes on E_STRICT warnings if ($AC['file']) { $test = new TestSuite($AC['file']); htmlpurifier_add_test($test, $AC['file']); } else { $standalone = ''; if ($AC['standalone']) $standalone = ' (standalone)'; $test = new TestSuite('All HTML Purifier tests on PHP ' . PHP_VERSION . $standalone); foreach ($test_files as $test_file) { htmlpurifier_add_test($test, $test_file); } } if ($AC['xml']) { if (!SimpleReporter::inCli()) header('Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8'); $reporter = new XmlReporter(); } elseif (SimpleReporter::inCli()) { $reporter = new TextReporter(); } else { $reporter = new HTMLPurifier_SimpleTest_Reporter('UTF-8', $AC); } if ($AC['dry']) $reporter->makeDry(); $test->run($reporter);