next($string, $quotes, $offset); } function nextWhiteSpace($string, $offset = 0) { $spaces = array(chr(0x20), chr(0x9), chr(0xD), chr(0xA)); return $this->next($string, $spaces, $offset); } function next($haystack, $needles, $offset = 0) { if (is_string($needles)) { $string_needles = $needles; $needles = array(); $size = strlen($string_needles); for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { $needles[] = $string_needles{$i}; } } $positions = array(); foreach ($needles as $needle) { $position = strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset); if ($position !== false) { $positions[] = $position; } } return empty($positions) ? false : min($positions); } function tokenizeHTML($string) { // some quick checking (if empty, return empty) $string = (string) $string; if ($string == '') return array(); $cursor = 0; // our location in the text $inside_tag = false; // whether or not we're parsing the inside of a tag $array = array(); // result array while(true) { $position_next_lt = strpos($string, '<', $cursor); $position_next_gt = strpos($string, '>', $cursor); // triggers on "asdf" but not "asdf " if ($position_next_lt === $cursor) { $inside_tag = true; $cursor++; } if (!$inside_tag && $position_next_lt !== false) { // We are not inside tag and there still is another tag to parse $array[] = new MF_Text(substr($string, $cursor, $position_next_lt - $cursor)); $cursor = $position_next_lt + 1; $inside_tag = true; continue; } elseif (!$inside_tag) { // We are not inside tag but there are no more tags // If we're already at the end, break if ($cursor === strlen($string)) break; // Create Text of rest of string $array[] = new MF_Text(substr($string, $cursor)); break; } elseif ($inside_tag && $position_next_gt !== false) { // We are in tag and it is well formed // Grab the internals of the tag $segment = substr($string, $cursor, $position_next_gt - $cursor); // Check if it's a comment if (substr($segment,0,3) == '!--' && substr($segment,strlen($segment)-2,2) == '--') { $array[] = new MF_Comment(substr($segment,3,strlen($segment)-5)); $inside_tag = false; $cursor = $position_next_gt + 1; continue; } // Check if it's an end tag $is_end_tag = (strpos($segment,'/') === 0); if ($is_end_tag) { $type = substr($segment, 1); $array[] = new MF_EndTag($type); $inside_tag = false; $cursor = $position_next_gt + 1; continue; } // Check if it is explicitly self closing, if so, remove // trailing slash. Remember, we could have a tag like
, so // any later token processing scripts must convert improperly // classified EmptyTags from StartTags. $is_self_closing = (strpos($segment,'/') === strlen($segment) - 1); if ($is_self_closing) { $segment = substr($segment, 0, strlen($segment) - 1); } // Check if there are any attributes $position_first_space = $this->nextWhiteSpace($segment); if ($position_first_space === false) { if ($is_self_closing) { $array[] = new MF_EmptyTag($segment); } else { $array[] = new MF_StartTag($segment, array()); } $inside_tag = false; $cursor = $position_next_gt + 1; continue; } // Grab out all the data $type = substr($segment, 0, $position_first_space); $attribute_string = trim(substr($segment, $position_first_space)); $attributes = $this->tokenizeAttributeString($attribute_string); if ($is_self_closing) { $array[] = new MF_EmptyTag($type, $attributes); } else { $array[] = new MF_StartTag($type, $attributes); } $cursor = $position_next_gt + 1; $inside_tag = false; continue; } else { $array[] = new MF_Text('<' . substr($string, $cursor)); break; } break; } return $array; } function tokenizeAttributeString($string) { $string = (string) $string; if ($string == '') return array(); $array = array(); $cursor = 0; $in_value = false; $i = 0; $size = strlen($string); while(true) { if ($cursor >= $size) { break; } $position_next_space = $this->nextWhiteSpace($string, $cursor); //scroll to the last whitespace before text while ($position_next_space === $cursor) { $cursor++; $position_next_space = $this->nextWhiteSpace($string, $cursor); } $position_next_equal = strpos($string, '=', $cursor); if ($position_next_equal !== false && ($position_next_equal < $position_next_space || $position_next_space === false)) { //attr="asdf" $key = trim(substr($string, $cursor, $position_next_equal - $cursor)); $position_next_quote = $this->nextQuote($string, $cursor); $quote = $string{$position_next_quote}; $position_end_quote = strpos($string, $quote, $position_next_quote + 1); $value = substr($string, $position_next_quote + 1, $position_end_quote - $position_next_quote - 1); if ($key) { $array[$key] = $value; } $cursor = $position_end_quote + 1; } else { //boolattr if ($position_next_space === false) { $position_next_space = $size; } $key = substr($string, $cursor, $position_next_space - $cursor); if ($key) { $array[$key] = $key; } $cursor = $position_next_space + 1; } } return $array; } } // uses the PEAR class XML_HTMLSax3 to parse XML class HTML_Lexer_Sax extends HTML_Lexer { var $tokens = array(); function tokenizeHTML($html) { $this->tokens = array(); $parser=& new XML_HTMLSax3(); $parser->set_object($this); $parser->set_element_handler('openHandler','closeHandler'); $parser->set_data_handler('dataHandler'); $parser->set_escape_handler('escapeHandler'); $parser->parse($html); return $this->tokens; } function openHandler(&$parser, $name, $attrs) { $this->tokens[] = new MF_StartTag($name, $attrs); return true; } function closeHandler(&$parser, $name) { $this->tokens[] = new MF_EndTag($name); return true; } function dataHandler(&$parser, $data) { $this->tokens[] = new MF_Text($data); return true; } function escapeHandler(&$parser, $data) { if (strpos($data, '-') === 0) { $this->tokens[] = new MF_Comment($data); } return true; } } ?>