<?php // OUT OF DATE, NEEDS UPDATING! // USE XMLWRITER! class HTMLPurifier_Printer { /** * Instance of HTMLPurifier_Generator for HTML generation convenience funcs */ protected $generator; /** * Instance of HTMLPurifier_Config, for easy access */ protected $config; /** * Initialize $generator. */ public function __construct() { } /** * Give generator necessary configuration if possible */ public function prepareGenerator($config) { $all = $config->getAll(); $context = new HTMLPurifier_Context(); $this->generator = new HTMLPurifier_Generator($config, $context); } /** * Main function that renders object or aspect of that object * @note Parameters vary depending on printer */ // function render() {} /** * Returns a start tag * @param $tag Tag name * @param $attr Attribute array */ protected function start($tag, $attr = array()) { return $this->generator->generateFromToken( new HTMLPurifier_Token_Start($tag, $attr ? $attr : array()) ); } /** * Returns an end teg * @param $tag Tag name */ protected function end($tag) { return $this->generator->generateFromToken( new HTMLPurifier_Token_End($tag) ); } /** * Prints a complete element with content inside * @param $tag Tag name * @param $contents Element contents * @param $attr Tag attributes * @param $escape Bool whether or not to escape contents */ protected function element($tag, $contents, $attr = array(), $escape = true) { return $this->start($tag, $attr) . ($escape ? $this->escape($contents) : $contents) . $this->end($tag); } protected function elementEmpty($tag, $attr = array()) { return $this->generator->generateFromToken( new HTMLPurifier_Token_Empty($tag, $attr) ); } protected function text($text) { return $this->generator->generateFromToken( new HTMLPurifier_Token_Text($text) ); } /** * Prints a simple key/value row in a table. * @param $name Key * @param $value Value */ protected function row($name, $value) { if (is_bool($value)) $value = $value ? 'On' : 'Off'; return $this->start('tr') . "\n" . $this->element('th', $name) . "\n" . $this->element('td', $value) . "\n" . $this->end('tr') ; } /** * Escapes a string for HTML output. * @param $string String to escape */ protected function escape($string) { $string = HTMLPurifier_Encoder::cleanUTF8($string); $string = htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); return $string; } /** * Takes a list of strings and turns them into a single list * @param $array List of strings * @param $polite Bool whether or not to add an end before the last */ protected function listify($array, $polite = false) { if (empty($array)) return 'None'; $ret = ''; $i = count($array); foreach ($array as $value) { $i--; $ret .= $value; if ($i > 0 && !($polite && $i == 1)) $ret .= ', '; if ($polite && $i == 1) $ret .= 'and '; } return $ret; } /** * Retrieves the class of an object without prefixes, as well as metadata * @param $obj Object to determine class of * @param $prefix Further prefix to remove */ protected function getClass($obj, $sec_prefix = '') { static $five = null; if ($five === null) $five = version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5', '>='); $prefix = 'HTMLPurifier_' . $sec_prefix; if (!$five) $prefix = strtolower($prefix); $class = str_replace($prefix, '', get_class($obj)); $lclass = strtolower($class); $class .= '('; switch ($lclass) { case 'enum': $values = array(); foreach ($obj->valid_values as $value => $bool) { $values[] = $value; } $class .= implode(', ', $values); break; case 'css_composite': $values = array(); foreach ($obj->defs as $def) { $values[] = $this->getClass($def, $sec_prefix); } $class .= implode(', ', $values); break; case 'css_multiple': $class .= $this->getClass($obj->single, $sec_prefix) . ', '; $class .= $obj->max; break; } $class .= ')'; return $class; } }