<?php class HTMLPurifier_PercentEncoderTest extends HTMLPurifier_Harness { protected $PercentEncoder; protected $func; function setUp() { $this->PercentEncoder = new HTMLPurifier_PercentEncoder(); $this->func = ''; } function assertDecode($string, $expect = true) { if ($expect === true) $expect = $string; $this->assertIdentical($this->PercentEncoder->{$this->func}($string), $expect); } function test_normalize() { $this->func = 'normalize'; $this->assertDecode('Aw.../-$^8'); // no change $this->assertDecode('%41%77%7E%2D%2E%5F', 'Aw~-._'); // decode unreserved chars $this->assertDecode('%3A%2F%3F%23%5B%5D%40%21%24%26%27%28%29%2A%2B%2C%3B%3D'); // preserve reserved chars $this->assertDecode('%2b', '%2B'); // normalize to uppercase $this->assertDecode('%2B2B%3A3A'); // extra text $this->assertDecode('%2b2B%4141', '%2B2BA41'); // extra text, with normalization $this->assertDecode('%', '%25'); // normalize stray percent sign $this->assertDecode('%5%25', '%255%25'); // permaturely terminated encoding $this->assertDecode('%GJ', '%25GJ'); // invalid hexadecimal chars // contested behavior, if this changes, we'll also have to have // outbound encoding $this->assertDecode('%FC'); // not reserved or unreserved, preserve } function assertEncode($string, $expect = true, $preserve = false) { if ($expect === true) $expect = $string; $encoder = new HTMLPurifier_PercentEncoder($preserve); $result = $encoder->encode($string); $this->assertIdentical($result, $expect); } function test_encode_noChange() { $this->assertEncode('abc012-_~.'); } function test_encode_encode() { $this->assertEncode('>', '%3E'); } function test_encode_preserve() { $this->assertEncode('<>', '<%3E', '<'); } function test_encode_low() { $this->assertEncode("\1", '%01'); } } // vim: et sw=4 sts=4