NEWS ( CHANGELOG and HISTORY ) HTMLPurifier ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| = KEY ==================== # Breaks back-compat ! Feature - Bugfix + Sub-comment . Internal change ========================== 1.4.2, unknown release date ! docs/enduser-utf8.html explains how to use UTF-8 and HTML Purifier 1.4.1, released 2007-01-21 ! docs/enduser-youtube.html updated according to new functionality - YouTube IDs can have underscores and dashes 1.4.0, released 2007-01-21 ! Implemented list-style-image, URIs now allowed in list-style ! Implemented background-image, background-repeat, background-attachment and background-position CSS properties. Shorthand property background supports all of these properties. ! Configuration documentation looks nicer ! Added %Core.EscapeNonASCIICharacters to workaround loss of Unicode characters while %Core.Encoding is set to a non-UTF-8 encoding. ! Support for configuration directive aliases added ! Config object can now be instantiated from ini files ! YouTube preservation code added to the core, with two lines of code you can add it as a filter to your code. See smoketests/preserveYouTube.php for sample code. ! Moved SLOW to docs/enduser-slow.html and added code examples - Replaced version check with functionality check for DOM (thanks Stephen Khoo) . Added smoketest 'all.php', which loads all other smoketests via frames . Implemented AttrDef_CSSURI for url( style declarations . Added convenient single test selector form on test runner 1.3.2, released 2006-12-25 ! HTMLPurifier object now accepts configuration arrays, no need to manually instantiate a configuration object ! Context object now accessible to outside ! Added enduser-youtube.html, explains how to embed YouTube videos. See also corresponding smoketest preserveYouTube.php. ! Added purifyArray(), which takes a list of HTML and purifies it all ! Added static member variable $version to HTML Purifier with PHP-compatible version number string. - Fixed fatal error thrown by upper-cased language attributes - printDefinition.php: added labels, added better clarification . HTMLPurifier_Config::create() added, takes mixed variable and converts into a HTMLPurifier_Config object. 1.3.1, released 2006-12-06 ! Added HTMLPurifier.func.php stub for a convenient function to call the library - Fixed bug in RemoveInvalidImg code that caused all images to be dropped (thanks to .mario for reporting this) . Standardized all attribute handling variables to attr, made it plural 1.3.0, released 2006-11-26 # Invalid images are now removed, rather than replaced with a dud Invalid image. Previous behavior can be restored with new directive %Core.RemoveInvalidImg set to false. ! (X)HTML Strict now supported + Transparently handles inline elements in block context (blockquote) ! Added GET method to demo for easier validation, added 50kb max input size ! New directive %HTML.BlockWrapper, for block-ifying inline elements ! New directive %HTML.Parent, allows you to only allow inline content ! New directives %HTML.AllowedElements and %HTML.AllowedAttributes to let users narrow the set of allowed tags !
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