- Printer adheres to configuration's directives on output format
- Fix improperly named form field in ConfigForm printer
. HTMLPurifier_Config::getAllowedDirectivesForForm implemented, allows much easier selective embedding of configuration values
. Doctype objects now accept public and system DTD identifiers
. %HTML.Doctype is now constrained by specific values, to specify a custom doctype use new %HTML.CustomDoctype
. ConfigForm truncates long directives to keep the form small, and does not re-output namespaces
git-svn-id: http://htmlpurifier.org/svnroot/htmlpurifier/trunk@1232 48356398-32a2-884e-a903-53898d9a118a
- Extend hash to convert strings from form key,value,key,value
- Hack up configdoc to accommodate configForm.php smoketest
git-svn-id: http://htmlpurifier.org/svnroot/htmlpurifier/trunk@1101 48356398-32a2-884e-a903-53898d9a118a