diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index 675c72df..7e0039d1 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -7,11 +7,10 @@ TODO List
? Maybe I'll Do It
-If no interest is expressed for a feature that may required a considerable
+If no interest is expressed for a feature that may require a considerable
amount of effort to implement, it may get endlessly delayed. Do not be
afraid to cast your vote for the next feature to be implemented!
@@ -27,15 +26,23 @@ EXTERNAL
-3.2 release [Error'ed]
- # Error logging for filtering/cleanup procedures
- - XSS-attempt detection
+3.2 release [It's All About Trust] (floating)
+ # Implement untrusted, dangerous elements/attributes
+ - Objects and Forms are especially wanted
+ # Implement IDREF support (harder than it seems, since you cannot have
+ IDREFs to non-existent IDs)
+ # Frameset XHTML 1.0 and HTML 4.01 doctypes
+ - Research and implement a "safe" version of the Object module
-3.3 release [Do What I Mean, Not What I Say]
+3.3 release [Error'ed]
+ # Error logging for filtering/cleanup procedures
+ - XSS-attempt detection--certain errors are flagged XSS-like
+3.4 release [Do What I Mean, Not What I Say]
# Additional support for poorly written HTML
- Microsoft Word HTML cleaning (i.e. MsoNormal, but research essential!)
- Friendly strict handling of
(block ->
- - Remove redundant tags, ex. Underlined. Implementation notes:
+ ? Remove redundant tags, ex. Underlined. Implementation notes:
1. Analyzing which tags to remove duplicants
2. Ensure attributes are merged into the parent tag
3. Extend the tag exclusion system to specify whether or not the
@@ -45,25 +52,16 @@ FUTURE VERSIONS
- Remove empty inline tags
- Append something to duplicate IDs so they're still usable (impl. note: the
dupe detector would also need to detect the suffix as well)
- - Externalize inline CSS to promote clean HTML
-3.4 release [It's All About Trust] (floating)
- # Implement untrusted, dangerous elements/attributes
- - Objects and Forms are especially wanted
- # Implement IDREF support (harder than it seems, since you cannot have
- IDREFs to non-existent IDs)
- # Frameset XHTML 1.0 and HTML 4.01 doctypes
+ - Externalize inline CSS to promote clean HTML, proposed by Sander Tekelenburg
4.0 release [Beyond HTML]
# Legit token based CSS parsing (will require revamping almost every
- AttrDef class). Probably will use CSSTidy class
- # More control over allowed CSS properties (maybe modularize it in the
- same fashion!)
+ AttrDef class). Probably will use CSSTidy class?
+ # More control over allowed CSS properties using a modularization
# HTML 5 support
- Standardize token armor for all areas of processing
- Convert RTL/LTR override characters to tags, or vice versa on demand.
Also, enable disabling of directionality
- - Table of Contents generation (XHTML Compiler might be reusable)
5.0 release [To XML and Beyond]
- Extended HTML capabilities based on namespacing and tag transforms (COMPLEX)
@@ -73,50 +71,52 @@ FUTURE VERSIONS
- More refactoring to take advantage of PHP5's facilities
- - Lots of profiling, make it faster!
+ - Refactor unit tests into lots of test methods
- Plugins for major CMSes (COMPLEX)
- phpBB
+ - Drupal needs loving!
+ - Phorum need loving!
- more! (look for ones that use WYSIWYGs)
- - Complete basic smoketests
+ - Also, maybe a FAQ for extension writers with HTML Purifier
- Smileys
- Syntax highlighting with and possibly child validation
+ - Allow scoped="scoped" attribute in