diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/Strategy/FixNesting.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/Strategy/FixNesting.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..831a1b57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/HTMLPurifier/Strategy/FixNesting.php
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+definition = HTMLPurifier_Definition::instance();
+ }
+ function execute($tokens) {
+ // insert implicit "parent" node, will be removed at end
+ array_unshift($tokens, new HTMLPurifier_Token_Start('div'));
+ $tokens[] = new HTMLPurifier_Token_End('div');
+ for ($i = 0, $size = count($tokens) ; $i < $size; ) {
+ $child_tokens = array();
+ // scroll to the end of this node, and report number
+ for ($j = $i, $depth = 0; ; $j++) {
+ if ($tokens[$j]->type == 'start') {
+ $depth++;
+ // skip token assignment on first iteration
+ if ($depth == 1) continue;
+ } elseif ($tokens[$j]->type == 'end') {
+ $depth--;
+ // skip token assignment on last iteration
+ if ($depth == 0) break;
+ }
+ $child_tokens[] = $tokens[$j];
+ }
+ // $i is index of start token
+ // $j is index of end token
+ // have DTD child def validate children
+ $element_def = $this->definition->info[$tokens[$i]->name];
+ $result = $element_def->child_def->validateChildren($child_tokens);
+ // process result
+ if ($result === true) {
+ // leave the nodes as is
+ } elseif($result === false) {
+ // While for the original DTD, there will never be
+ // cascading removal, more complex ones may have such
+ // a problem.
+ // If you modify the info array such that an element
+ // that requires children may contain a child that requires
+ // children, you need to also scroll back and re-check that
+ // elements parent node
+ $length = $j - $i + 1;
+ // remove entire node
+ array_splice($tokens, $i, $length);
+ // change size
+ $size -= $length;
+ // ensure that we scroll to the next node
+ $i--;
+ } else {
+ $length = $j - $i - 1;
+ // replace node with $result
+ array_splice($tokens, $i + 1, $length, $result);
+ // change size
+ $size -= $length;
+ $size += count($result);
+ }
+ // scroll to next node
+ $i++;
+ while ($i < $size and $tokens[$i]->type != 'start') $i++;
+ }
+ // remove implicit divs
+ array_shift($tokens);
+ array_pop($tokens);
+ return $tokens;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file