diff --git a/configdoc/generate.php b/configdoc/generate.php
index 9e73f4c7..1f0d9fa5 100644
--- a/configdoc/generate.php
+++ b/configdoc/generate.php
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ error_reporting(E_ALL); // probably not possible to use E_STRICT
 define('HTMLPURIFIER_SCHEMA_STRICT', true); // description data needs to be collected
 // load dual-libraries
-require_once '../library/HTMLPurifier.auto.php';
+set_include_path(realpath('../library') . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path() );
+require_once '../library/HTMLPurifier.includes.php';
 require_once 'library/ConfigDoc.auto.php';
 $purifier = HTMLPurifier::getInstance(array(
diff --git a/configdoc/library/ConfigDoc/XMLSerializer/ConfigSchema.php b/configdoc/library/ConfigDoc/XMLSerializer/ConfigSchema.php
index 07715dfd..a9c61f4c 100644
--- a/configdoc/library/ConfigDoc/XMLSerializer/ConfigSchema.php
+++ b/configdoc/library/ConfigDoc/XMLSerializer/ConfigSchema.php
@@ -96,21 +96,9 @@ class ConfigDoc_XMLSerializer_ConfigSchema extends ConfigDoc_XMLSerializer
-                $dom_descriptions = $dom_document->createElement('descriptions');
-                $dom_directive->appendChild($dom_descriptions);
-                foreach ($info->descriptions as $file => $file_descriptions) {
-                    foreach ($file_descriptions as $line => $description) {
-                        $dom_description = $dom_document->createElement('description');
-                        // refuse to write $file if it's a full path
-                        if (str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($file)) != $file) {
-                            $dom_description->setAttribute('file', $file);
-                            $dom_description->setAttribute('line', $line);
-                        }
-                        $this->appendHTMLDiv($dom_document, $dom_description, $description);
-                        $dom_descriptions->appendChild($dom_description);
-                    }
-                }
+                $dom_description = $dom_document->createElement('description');
+                $this->appendHTMLDiv($dom_document, $dom_description, $info->description);
+                $dom_directive->appendChild($dom_description);
diff --git a/configdoc/styles/plain.xsl b/configdoc/styles/plain.xsl
index f8b1cdf9..96fe1b53 100644
--- a/configdoc/styles/plain.xsl
+++ b/configdoc/styles/plain.xsl
@@ -85,18 +85,6 @@
     <xsl:template match="directive/constraints">
         <table class="constraints">
             <xsl:apply-templates />
-            <!-- Calculated other values -->
-            <xsl:if test="../descriptions/description[@file]">
-                <tr>
-                    <th>Used by:</th>
-                    <td>
-                        <xsl:for-each select="../descriptions/description">
-                            <xsl:if test="position()&gt;1">, </xsl:if>
-                            <xsl:value-of select="@file" />
-                        </xsl:for-each>
-                    </td>
-                </tr>
-            </xsl:if>
             <xsl:if test="../aliases/alias">
                 <xsl:apply-templates select="../aliases" mode="constraints" />
@@ -111,7 +99,7 @@
-    <xsl:template match="directive//description">
+    <xsl:template match="directive/description">
         <div class="description">
             <xsl:copy-of select="div/node()" />
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/ConfigDef/Directive.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/ConfigDef/Directive.php
index 72e3654e..65ea4740 100644
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/ConfigDef/Directive.php
+++ b/library/HTMLPurifier/ConfigDef/Directive.php
@@ -11,16 +11,16 @@ class HTMLPurifier_ConfigDef_Directive extends HTMLPurifier_ConfigDef
     public function __construct(
         $type = null,
-        $descriptions = null,
+        $description = null,
         $allow_null = null,
         $allowed = null,
         $aliases = null
     ) {
-        if (        $type !== null)         $this->type = $type;
-        if ($descriptions !== null) $this->descriptions = $descriptions;
-        if (  $allow_null !== null)   $this->allow_null = $allow_null;
-        if (     $allowed !== null)      $this->allowed = $allowed;
-        if (     $aliases !== null)      $this->aliases = $aliases;
+        if (       $type !== null)        $this->type = $type;
+        if ($description !== null) $this->description = $description;
+        if ( $allow_null !== null)  $this->allow_null = $allow_null;
+        if (    $allowed !== null)     $this->allowed = $allowed;
+        if (    $aliases !== null)     $this->aliases = $aliases;
@@ -38,10 +38,9 @@ class HTMLPurifier_ConfigDef_Directive extends HTMLPurifier_ConfigDef
     public $type = 'mixed';
-     * Plaintext descriptions of the configuration entity is. Organized by
-     * file and line number, so multiple descriptions are allowed.
+     * Plaintext description of the configuration entity is.
-    public $descriptions = array();
+    public $description = null;
      * Is null allowed? Has no effect for mixed type.
@@ -65,13 +64,5 @@ class HTMLPurifier_ConfigDef_Directive extends HTMLPurifier_ConfigDef
     public $directiveAliases = array();
-    /**
-     * Adds a description to the array
-     */
-    public function addDescription($file, $line, $description) {
-        if (!isset($this->descriptions[$file])) $this->descriptions[$file] = array();
-        $this->descriptions[$file][$line] = $description;
-    }
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/ConfigSchema.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/ConfigSchema.php
index 99346944..ce388beb 100644
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/ConfigSchema.php
+++ b/library/HTMLPurifier/ConfigSchema.php
@@ -135,13 +135,8 @@ class HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema {
         if (isset($this->info[$namespace][$name])) {
             // already defined
-            if (
-                $this->info[$namespace][$name]->type !== $type ||
-                $this->defaults[$namespace][$name]   !== $default
-            ) {
-                trigger_error('Inconsistent default or type, cannot redefine');
-                return;
-            }
+            trigger_error('Cannot redefine directive');
+            return;
         } else {
             // needs defining
@@ -172,11 +167,7 @@ class HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema {
             $this->defaults[$namespace][$name]   = $default;
         if (!HTMLPURIFIER_SCHEMA_STRICT) return;
-        // This will be removed soon:
-        $backtrace = debug_backtrace();
-        $file = $this->mungeFilename($backtrace[1]['file']);
-        $line = $backtrace[1]['line'];
-        $this->info[$namespace][$name]->addDescription($file,$line,$description);
+        $this->info[$namespace][$name]->description = $description;
     /** @see HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema->addNamespace() */
diff --git a/tests/HTMLPurifier/ConfigSchemaTest.php b/tests/HTMLPurifier/ConfigSchemaTest.php
index b8763c13..d4312e3b 100644
--- a/tests/HTMLPurifier/ConfigSchemaTest.php
+++ b/tests/HTMLPurifier/ConfigSchemaTest.php
@@ -9,132 +9,83 @@ if (!class_exists('CS')) {
 class HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchemaTest extends HTMLPurifier_Harness
-    /**
-     * Munged name of current file.
-     */
-    protected $file;
+    protected $schema;
-    /**
-     * Copy of the real ConfigSchema to revert to.
-     */
-    protected $old_copy;
-    /**
-     * Copy of dummy ConfigSchema for testing purposes.
-     */
-    protected $our_copy;
-    function setUp() {
-        // yes, I know this is slightly convoluted, but that's the price
-        // you pay for using Singletons. Good thing we can overload it.
-        // first, let's get a clean copy to do tests
-        $our_copy = new HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema();
-        // get the old copy
-        $this->old_copy = HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::instance();
-        // put in our copy, and reassign to the REAL reference
-        $this->our_copy =& HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::instance($our_copy);
-        $this->file = $this->our_copy->mungeFilename(__FILE__);
+    function setup() {
+        $this->schema = new HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema();
     function tearDown() {
-        // testing is done, restore the old copy
-        HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::instance($this->old_copy);
     function test_defineNamespace() {
-        CS::defineNamespace('http', $d = 'This is an internet protocol.');
+        $this->schema->addNamespace('http', $d = 'This is an internet protocol.');
-        $this->assertIdentical($this->our_copy->info_namespace, array(
+        $this->assertIdentical($this->schema->info_namespace, array(
             'http' => new HTMLPurifier_ConfigDef_Namespace($d)
         $this->expectError('Cannot redefine namespace');
-        CS::defineNamespace('http', 'It is used to serve webpages.');
+        $this->schema->addNamespace('http', 'It is used to serve webpages.');
         $this->expectError('Namespace name must be alphanumeric');
-        CS::defineNamespace('ssh+http', 'This http is tunneled through SSH.');
+        $this->schema->addNamespace('ssh+http', 'This http is tunneled through SSH.');
         $this->expectError('Description must be non-empty');
-        CS::defineNamespace('ftp', null);
+        $this->schema->addNamespace('ftp', null);
     function test_define() {
-        CS::defineNamespace('Car', 'Automobiles, those gas-guzzlers!');
+        $this->schema->addNamespace('Car', 'Automobiles, those gas-guzzlers!');
-        CS::define('Car', 'Seats', 5, 'int', $d = 'Standard issue.'); $l = __LINE__;
+        $this->schema->add('Car', 'Seats', 5, 'int', $d = 'Standard issue.');
-        $this->assertIdentical($this->our_copy->defaults['Car']['Seats'], 5);
-        $this->assertIdentical($this->our_copy->info['Car']['Seats'],
-            new HTMLPurifier_ConfigDef_Directive('int',
-                array($this->file => array($l => $d))
-            )
+        $this->assertIdentical($this->schema->defaults['Car']['Seats'], 5);
+        $this->assertIdentical($this->schema->info['Car']['Seats'],
+            new HTMLPurifier_ConfigDef_Directive('int', $d)
-        CS::define('Car', 'Age', null, 'int/null', $d = 'Not always known.'); $l = __LINE__;
+        $this->schema->add('Car', 'Age', null, 'int/null', $d = 'Not always known.');
-        $this->assertIdentical($this->our_copy->defaults['Car']['Age'], null);
-        $this->assertIdentical($this->our_copy->info['Car']['Age'], 
-            new HTMLPurifier_ConfigDef_Directive('int',
-                array($this->file => array($l => $d)), true
-            )
+        $this->assertIdentical($this->schema->defaults['Car']['Age'], null);
+        $this->assertIdentical($this->schema->info['Car']['Age'], 
+            new HTMLPurifier_ConfigDef_Directive('int', $d, true)
         $this->expectError('Cannot define directive for undefined namespace');
-        CS::define('Train', 'Cars', 10, 'int', 'Including the caboose.');
+        $this->schema->add('Train', 'Cars', 10, 'int', 'Including the caboose.');
         $this->expectError('Directive name must be alphanumeric');
-        CS::define('Car', 'Is it shiny?', true, 'bool', 'Indicates regular waxing.');
+        $this->schema->add('Car', 'Is it shiny?', true, 'bool', 'Indicates regular waxing.');
         $this->expectError('Invalid type for configuration directive');
-        CS::define('Car', 'Efficiency', 50, 'mpg', 'The higher the better.');
+        $this->schema->add('Car', 'Efficiency', 50, 'mpg', 'The higher the better.');
         $this->expectError('Default value does not match directive type');
-        CS::define('Car', 'Producer', 'Ford', 'int', 'ID of the company that made the car.');
+        $this->schema->add('Car', 'Producer', 'Ford', 'int', 'ID of the company that made the car.');
         $this->expectError('Description must be non-empty');
-        CS::define('Car', 'ComplexAttribute', 'lawyers', 'istring', null);
-    }
-    function testRedefinition_define() {
-        CS::defineNamespace('Cat', 'Belongs to Schrodinger.');
-        CS::define('Cat', 'Dead', false, 'bool', $d1 = 'Well, is it?'); $l1 = __LINE__;
-        CS::define('Cat', 'Dead', false, 'bool', $d2 = 'It is difficult to say.'); $l2 = __LINE__;
-        $this->assertIdentical($this->our_copy->defaults['Cat']['Dead'], false);
-        $this->assertIdentical($this->our_copy->info['Cat']['Dead'], 
-            new HTMLPurifier_ConfigDef_Directive('bool',
-                array($this->file => array($l1 => $d1, $l2 => $d2))
-            )
-        );
-        $this->expectError('Inconsistent default or type, cannot redefine');
-        CS::define('Cat', 'Dead', true, 'bool', 'Quantum mechanics does not know.');
-        $this->expectError('Inconsistent default or type, cannot redefine');
-        CS::define('Cat', 'Dead', 'maybe', 'string', 'Perhaps if we look we will know.');
+        $this->schema->add('Car', 'ComplexAttribute', 'lawyers', 'istring', null);
     function test_defineAllowedValues() {
-        CS::defineNamespace('QuantumNumber', 'D');
-        CS::define('QuantumNumber', 'Spin', 0.5, 'float',
+        $this->schema->addNamespace('QuantumNumber', 'D');
+        $this->schema->add('QuantumNumber', 'Spin', 0.5, 'float',
             'Spin of particle. Fourth quantum number, represented by s.');
-        CS::define('QuantumNumber', 'Current', 's', 'string',
+        $this->schema->add('QuantumNumber', 'Current', 's', 'string',
             'Currently selected quantum number.');
-        CS::define('QuantumNumber', 'Difficulty', null, 'string/null', $d = 'How hard are the problems?'); $l = __LINE__;
+        $this->schema->add('QuantumNumber', 'Difficulty', null, 'string/null', $d = 'How hard are the problems?');
-        CS::defineAllowedValues( // okay, since default is null
+        $this->schema->addAllowedValues( // okay, since default is null
             'QuantumNumber', 'Difficulty', array('easy', 'medium', 'hard')
-        $this->assertIdentical($this->our_copy->defaults['QuantumNumber']['Difficulty'], null);
-        $this->assertIdentical($this->our_copy->info['QuantumNumber']['Difficulty'], 
+        $this->assertIdentical($this->schema->defaults['QuantumNumber']['Difficulty'], null);
+        $this->assertIdentical($this->schema->info['QuantumNumber']['Difficulty'], 
             new HTMLPurifier_ConfigDef_Directive(
-                array($this->file => array($l => $d)),
+                $d,
                     'easy' => true,
@@ -145,48 +96,48 @@ class HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchemaTest extends HTMLPurifier_Harness
         $this->expectError('Cannot define allowed values for undefined directive');
-        CS::defineAllowedValues(
+        $this->schema->addAllowedValues(
             'SpaceTime', 'Symmetry', array('time', 'spatial', 'projective')
         $this->expectError('Cannot define allowed values for directive whose type is not string');
-        CS::defineAllowedValues(
+        $this->schema->addAllowedValues(
             'QuantumNumber', 'Spin', array(0.5, -0.5)
         $this->expectError('Default value must be in allowed range of variables');
-        CS::defineAllowedValues(
+        $this->schema->addAllowedValues(
             'QuantumNumber', 'Current', array('n', 'l', 'm') // forgot s!
     function test_defineValueAliases() {
-        CS::defineNamespace('Abbrev', 'Stuff on abbreviations.');
-        CS::define('Abbrev', 'HTH', 'Happy to Help', 'string', $d = 'Three-letters'); $l = __LINE__;
-        CS::defineAllowedValues(
+        $this->schema->addNamespace('Abbrev', 'Stuff on abbreviations.');
+        $this->schema->add('Abbrev', 'HTH', 'Happy to Help', 'string', $d = 'Three-letters');
+        $this->schema->addAllowedValues(
             'Abbrev', 'HTH', array(
                 'Happy to Help',
                 'Hope that Helps',
                 'HAIL THE HAND!'
-        CS::defineValueAliases(
+        $this->schema->addValueAliases(
             'Abbrev', 'HTH', array(
                 'happy' => 'Happy to Help',
                 'hope' => 'Hope that Helps'
-        CS::defineValueAliases( // delayed addition
+        $this->schema->addValueAliases( // delayed addition
             'Abbrev', 'HTH', array(
                 'hail' => 'HAIL THE HAND!'
-        $this->assertIdentical($this->our_copy->defaults['Abbrev']['HTH'], 'Happy to Help');
-        $this->assertIdentical($this->our_copy->info['Abbrev']['HTH'], 
+        $this->assertIdentical($this->schema->defaults['Abbrev']['HTH'], 'Happy to Help');
+        $this->assertIdentical($this->schema->info['Abbrev']['HTH'], 
             new HTMLPurifier_ConfigDef_Directive(
-                array($this->file => array($l => $d)),
+                $d,
                     'Happy to Help' => true,
@@ -202,14 +153,14 @@ class HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchemaTest extends HTMLPurifier_Harness
         $this->expectError('Cannot define alias to value that is not allowed');
-        CS::defineValueAliases(
+        $this->schema->addValueAliases(
             'Abbrev', 'HTH', array(
                 'head' => 'Head to Head'
         $this->expectError('Cannot define alias over allowed value');
-        CS::defineValueAliases(
+        $this->schema->addValueAliases(
             'Abbrev', 'HTH', array(
                 'Hope that Helps' => 'Happy to Help'
@@ -218,41 +169,41 @@ class HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchemaTest extends HTMLPurifier_Harness
     function testAlias() {
-        CS::defineNamespace('Home', 'Sweet home.');
-        CS::define('Home', 'Rug', 3, 'int', 'ID.');
-        CS::defineAlias('Home', 'Carpet', 'Home', 'Rug');
+        $this->schema->addNamespace('Home', 'Sweet home.');
+        $this->schema->add('Home', 'Rug', 3, 'int', 'ID.');
+        $this->schema->addAlias('Home', 'Carpet', 'Home', 'Rug');
-        $this->assertTrue(!isset($this->our_copy->defaults['Home']['Carpet']));
-        $this->assertIdentical($this->our_copy->info['Home']['Carpet'], 
+        $this->assertTrue(!isset($this->schema->defaults['Home']['Carpet']));
+        $this->assertIdentical($this->schema->info['Home']['Carpet'], 
             new HTMLPurifier_ConfigDef_DirectiveAlias('Home', 'Rug')
         $this->expectError('Cannot define directive alias in undefined namespace');
-        CS::defineAlias('Store', 'Rug', 'Home', 'Rug');
+        $this->schema->addAlias('Store', 'Rug', 'Home', 'Rug');
         $this->expectError('Directive name must be alphanumeric');
-        CS::defineAlias('Home', 'R.g', 'Home', 'Rug');
+        $this->schema->addAlias('Home', 'R.g', 'Home', 'Rug');
-        CS::define('Home', 'Rugger', 'Bob Max', 'string', 'Name of.');
+        $this->schema->add('Home', 'Rugger', 'Bob Max', 'string', 'Name of.');
         $this->expectError('Cannot define alias over directive');
-        CS::defineAlias('Home', 'Rugger', 'Home', 'Rug');
+        $this->schema->addAlias('Home', 'Rugger', 'Home', 'Rug');
         $this->expectError('Cannot define alias to undefined directive');
-        CS::defineAlias('Home', 'Rug2', 'Home', 'Rugavan');
+        $this->schema->addAlias('Home', 'Rug2', 'Home', 'Rugavan');
         $this->expectError('Cannot define alias to alias');
-        CS::defineAlias('Home', 'Rug2', 'Home', 'Carpet');
+        $this->schema->addAlias('Home', 'Rug2', 'Home', 'Carpet');
     function assertValid($var, $type, $ret = null) {
         $ret = ($ret === null) ? $var : $ret;
-        $this->assertIdentical($this->our_copy->validate($var, $type), $ret);
+        $this->assertIdentical($this->schema->validate($var, $type), $ret);
     function assertInvalid($var, $type) {
-            $this->our_copy->isError(
-                $this->our_copy->validate($var, $type)
+            $this->schema->isError(
+                $this->schema->validate($var, $type)
@@ -307,39 +258,18 @@ class HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchemaTest extends HTMLPurifier_Harness
     function testValidate_null() {
-            $this->our_copy->isError(
-                $this->our_copy->validate(null, 'string', false)
+            $this->schema->isError(
+                $this->schema->validate(null, 'string', false)
-            $this->our_copy->isError(
-                $this->our_copy->validate(null, 'string', true)
+            $this->schema->isError(
+                $this->schema->validate(null, 'string', true)
-    function assertMungeFilename($oldname, $newname) {
-        $this->assertIdentical(
-            $this->our_copy->mungeFilename($oldname),
-            $newname
-        );
-    }
-    function testMungeFilename() {
-        $this->assertMungeFilename(
-            'C:\\php\\My Libraries\\htmlpurifier\\library\\HTMLPurifier\\AttrDef.php',
-            'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef.php'
-        );
-        $this->assertMungeFilename(
-            'C:\\php\\My Libraries\\htmlpurifier\\library\\HTMLPurifier.php',
-            'HTMLPurifier.php'
-        );
-    }