diff --git a/PureHTMLDefinition.php b/PureHTMLDefinition.php
index 4121d24f..e8e05b5c 100644
--- a/PureHTMLDefinition.php
+++ b/PureHTMLDefinition.php
@@ -5,6 +5,27 @@ class PureHTMLDefinition
     var $generator;
     var $info = array();
+    var $info_closes_p = array(
+        'address'       => true,
+        'blockquote'    => true,
+        'dd'            => true,
+        'dir'           => true,
+        'div'           => true, 
+        'dl'            => true,
+        'dt'            => true,
+        'h1'            => true,
+        'h2'            => true,
+        'h3'            => true,
+        'h4'            => true, 
+        'h5'            => true,
+        'h6'            => true,
+        'hr'            => true,
+        'ol'            => true,
+        'p'             => true,
+        'pre'           => true, 
+        'table'         => true,
+        'ul'            => true
+        );
     function PureHTMLDefinition() {
         $this->generator = new HTML_Generator();
@@ -58,6 +79,7 @@ class PureHTMLDefinition
         $this->info['del'] = 
         $this->info['blockquote'] =
         $this->info['dd']  =
+        $this->info['li']  =
         $this->info['div'] = new HTMLDTD_Element($e_Flow);
         $this->info['em']  =
@@ -187,8 +209,37 @@ class PureHTMLDefinition
-            // we give start tags precedence, so automatically accept
+            // we give start tags precedence, so automatically accept unless...
+            // it's one of those special cases
             if (is_a($token, 'MF_StartTag')) {
+                // if there's a parent, check for special case
+                if (!empty($current_nesting)) {
+                    $current_parent = array_pop($current_nesting);
+                    // check if we're closing a P tag
+                    if ($current_parent->name == 'p' &&
+                        isset($this->info_closes_p[$token->name])
+                        ) {
+                        $result[] = new MF_EndTag('p');
+                        $result[] = $token;
+                        $current_nesting[] = $token;
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    // check if we're closing a LI tag
+                    if ($current_parent->name == 'li' &&
+                        $token->name == 'li'
+                        ) {
+                        $result[] = new MF_EndTag('li');
+                        $result[] = $token;
+                        $current_nesting[] = $token;
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    $current_nesting[] = $current_parent; // undo the pop
+                }
                 $result[] = $token;
                 $current_nesting[] = $token;
diff --git a/docs/spec.txt b/docs/spec.txt
index 213e22f2..2fb31ad9 100644
--- a/docs/spec.txt
+++ b/docs/spec.txt
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@ time, it's making sure the tags match up, but there's some trickery going on
 for HTML's quirks. They are:
 * Set of tags that close P
-        'address', 'blockquote', 'center', 'dd',      'dir',       'div', 
+        'address', 'blockquote', 'dd',      'dir',       'div', 
         'dl',      'dt',         'h1',     'h2',      'h3',        'h4', 
-        'h5',      'h6',         'hr',     'isindex', 'listing',   'marquee', 
-        'menu',    'multicol',   'ol',     'p',       'plaintext', 'pre', 
-        'table',   'ul',         'xmp', 
+        'h5',      'h6',         'hr',
+        'ol',     'p',       'pre', 
+        'table',   'ul' 
 * Li closes li
 * more?
diff --git a/tests/PureHTMLDefinition.php b/tests/PureHTMLDefinition.php
index f63e1d20..ed420e86 100644
--- a/tests/PureHTMLDefinition.php
+++ b/tests/PureHTMLDefinition.php
@@ -119,7 +119,55 @@ class Test_PureHTMLDefinition extends UnitTestCase
            ,new MF_EndTag('div')
-        // demonstrates start tag precedence
+        // test automatic paragraph closing
+        $inputs[7] = array(
+            new MF_StartTag('p')
+           ,new MF_Text('Paragraph 1')
+           ,new MF_StartTag('p')
+           ,new MF_Text('Paragraph 2')
+            );
+        $expect[7] = array(
+            new MF_StartTag('p')
+           ,new MF_Text('Paragraph 1')
+           ,new MF_EndTag('p')
+           ,new MF_StartTag('p')
+           ,new MF_Text('Paragraph 2')
+           ,new MF_EndTag('p')
+            );
+        $inputs[8] = array(
+            new MF_StartTag('div')
+           ,new MF_StartTag('p')
+           ,new MF_Text('Paragraph 1 in a div')
+           ,new MF_EndTag('div')
+            );
+        $expect[8] = array(
+            new MF_StartTag('div')
+           ,new MF_StartTag('p')
+           ,new MF_Text('Paragraph 1 in a div')
+           ,new MF_EndTag('p')
+           ,new MF_EndTag('div')
+            );
+        $inputs[9] = array(
+            new MF_StartTag('ol')
+           ,new MF_StartTag('li')
+           ,new MF_Text('Item 1')
+           ,new MF_StartTag('li')
+           ,new MF_Text('Item 2')
+           ,new MF_EndTag('ol')
+            );
+        $expect[9] = array(
+            new MF_StartTag('ol')
+           ,new MF_StartTag('li')
+           ,new MF_Text('Item 1')
+           ,new MF_EndTag('li')
+           ,new MF_StartTag('li')
+           ,new MF_Text('Item 2')
+           ,new MF_EndTag('li')
+           ,new MF_EndTag('ol')
+            );
         foreach ($inputs as $i => $input) {
             $result = $this->def->makeWellFormed($input);