mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 17:08:46 +00:00
All the 'dump something' CLI commands now have a new mandatory argument -- name of the file where to dump the data. This allows for more flexible dumping even for production deployments where the debug output is by default off. Also the dump commands are now restricted (they weren't before) to assure that only the appropriate users can run these time consuming commands.
362 lines
9.0 KiB
362 lines
9.0 KiB
* Filters: utility functions
* Copyright 1998 Pavel Machek <pavel@ucw.cz>
* 2017 Jan Maria Matejka <mq@ucw.cz>
* Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL.
#include "nest/bird.h"
#include "conf/conf.h"
#include "filter/filter.h"
#include "filter/f-inst.h"
#include "lib/idm.h"
#include "nest/protocol.h"
#include "nest/route.h"
#define P(a,b) ((a<<8) | b)
const char *
filter_name(const struct filter *filter)
if (!filter)
return "ACCEPT";
else if (filter == FILTER_REJECT)
return "REJECT";
else if (!filter->sym)
return "(unnamed)";
return filter->sym->name;
struct filter *
f_new_where(struct f_inst *where)
struct f_inst *cond = f_new_inst(FI_CONDITION, where,
f_new_inst(FI_DIE, F_ACCEPT),
f_new_inst(FI_DIE, F_REJECT));
struct filter *f = cfg_allocz(sizeof(struct filter));
f->root = f_linearize(cond, 0);
return f;
static inline int
f_match_signature(const struct f_method *dsc, struct f_inst *args)
int i, arg_num = (int) dsc->arg_num;
for (i = 1; args && (i < arg_num); args = args->next, i++)
if (dsc->args_type[i] && (args->type != dsc->args_type[i]) &&
!f_try_const_promotion(args, dsc->args_type[i]))
return 0;
return !args && !(i < arg_num);
/* Variant of f_match_signature(), optimized for error reporting */
static inline void
f_match_signature_err(const struct f_method *dsc, struct f_inst *args, int *pos, int *want, int *got)
int i, arg_num = (int) dsc->arg_num;
for (i = 1; args && (i < arg_num); args = args->next, i++)
if (dsc->args_type[i] && (args->type != dsc->args_type[i]) &&
!f_try_const_promotion(args, dsc->args_type[i]))
*pos = i;
*want = (i < arg_num) ? dsc->args_type[i] : T_NONE;
*got = args ? args->type : T_NONE;
struct f_inst *
f_dispatch_method(struct symbol *sym, struct f_inst *obj, struct f_inst *args, int skip)
/* Find match */
for (const struct f_method *dsc = sym->method; dsc; dsc = dsc->next)
if (f_match_signature(dsc, args))
return dsc->new_inst(obj, args);
/* No valid match - format error message */
int best_pos = -1; /* Longest argument position with partial match */
int best_got = 0; /* Received type at best partial match position */
int best_count = 0; /* Number of partial matches at best position */
const int best_max = 8; /* Max number of reported types */
int best_want[best_max]; /* Expected types at best position */
for (const struct f_method *dsc = sym->method; dsc; dsc = dsc->next)
int pos, want, got;
f_match_signature_err(dsc, args, &pos, &want, &got);
/* Ignore shorter match */
if (pos < best_pos)
/* Found longer match, reset existing results */
if (pos > best_pos)
best_pos = pos;
best_got = got;
best_count = 0;
/* Skip duplicates */
for (int i = 0; i < best_count; i++)
if (best_want[i] == want)
goto next;
/* Skip if we have enough types */
if (best_count >= best_max)
/* Add new expected type */
best_want[best_count] = want;
/* There is at least one method */
ASSERT(best_pos >= 0 && best_count > 0);
/* Update best_pos for printing */
best_pos = best_pos - skip + 1;
if (!best_got)
cf_error("Cannot infer type of argument %d of '%s', please assign it to a variable", best_pos, sym->name);
/* Format list of expected types */
buffer tbuf;
for (int i = 0; i < best_count; i++)
buffer_print(&tbuf, " / %s", best_want[i] ? f_type_name(best_want[i]) : "any");
char *types = tbuf.start + 3;
char *dots = (best_count >= best_max) || (tbuf.pos == tbuf.end) ? " / ..." : "";
cf_error("Argument %d of '%s' expected %s%s, got %s",
best_pos, sym->name, types, dots, f_type_name(best_got));
struct f_inst *
f_dispatch_method_x(const char *name, enum f_type t, struct f_inst *obj, struct f_inst *args)
struct sym_scope *scope = f_type_method_scope(t);
struct symbol *sym = cf_find_symbol_scope(scope, name);
if (!sym)
cf_error("Cannot dispatch method '%s'", name);
return f_dispatch_method(sym, obj, args, 0);
struct f_inst *
f_for_cycle(struct symbol *var, struct f_inst *term, struct f_inst *block)
ASSERT((var->class & ~0xff) == SYM_VARIABLE);
ASSERT(term->next == NULL);
/* Static type check */
if (term->type == T_VOID)
cf_error("Cannot infer type of FOR expression, please assign it to a variable");
enum f_type el_type = f_type_element_type(term->type);
struct sym_scope *scope = el_type ? f_type_method_scope(term->type) : NULL;
struct symbol *ms = scope ? cf_find_symbol_scope(scope, "!for_next") : NULL;
if (!ms)
cf_error("Type %s is not iterable, can't be used in FOR", f_type_name(term->type));
if (var->class != (SYM_VARIABLE | el_type))
cf_error("Loop variable '%s' in FOR must be of type %s, got %s",
var->name, f_type_name(el_type), f_type_name(var->class & 0xff));
/* Push the iterator auxiliary value onto stack */
struct f_inst *iter = term->next = f_new_inst(FI_CONSTANT, (struct f_val) {});
/* Initialize the iterator variable */
iter->next = f_new_inst(FI_CONSTANT, (struct f_val) { .type = el_type });
/* Prepend the loop block with loop beginning instruction */
struct f_inst *loop_start = f_new_inst(FI_FOR_LOOP_START, var);
loop_start->next = block;
return ms->method->new_inst(term, loop_start);
struct f_inst *
f_print(struct f_inst *vars, int flush, enum filter_return fret)
#define AX(...) do { struct f_inst *_tmp = f_new_inst(__VA_ARGS__); _tmp->next = output; output = _tmp; } while (0)
struct f_inst *output = NULL;
if (fret != F_NOP)
AX(FI_DIE, fret);
if (flush)
while (vars)
struct f_inst *tmp = vars;
vars = vars->next;
tmp->next = NULL;
AX(FI_PRINT, tmp);
return output;
#undef AX
#define CA_KEY(n) n->name, n->fda.type
#define CA_NEXT(n) n->next
#define CA_EQ(na,ta,nb,tb) (!strcmp(na,nb) && (ta == tb))
#define CA_FN(n,t) (mem_hash(n, strlen(n)) ^ (t*0xaae99453U))
#define CA_ORDER 8 /* Fixed */
struct ca_storage {
struct ca_storage *next;
struct f_dynamic_attr fda;
u32 uc;
char name[0];
HASH(struct ca_storage) ca_hash;
static struct idm ca_idm;
static struct ca_storage **ca_storage;
static uint ca_storage_max;
static void
ca_free(resource *r)
struct custom_attribute *ca = (void *) r;
struct ca_storage *cas = HASH_FIND(ca_hash, CA, ca->name, ca->fda->type);
ca->name = NULL;
ca->fda = NULL;
if (!--cas->uc) {
uint id = EA_CUSTOM_ID(cas->fda.ea_code);
idm_free(&ca_idm, id);
HASH_REMOVE(ca_hash, CA, cas);
ca_storage[id] = NULL;
static void
ca_dump(struct dump_request *dreq, resource *r)
struct custom_attribute *ca = (void *) r;
RDUMP("name \"%s\" id 0x%04x ea_type 0x%02x f_type 0x%02x\n",
ca->name, ca->fda->ea_code, ca->fda->type, ca->fda->f_type);
static struct resclass ca_class = {
.name = "Custom attribute",
.size = sizeof(struct custom_attribute),
.free = ca_free,
.dump = ca_dump,
.lookup = NULL,
.memsize = NULL,
struct custom_attribute *
ca_lookup(pool *p, const char *name, int f_type)
int ea_type;
switch (f_type) {
case T_INT:
ea_type = EAF_TYPE_INT;
case T_IP:
case T_QUAD:
case T_PATH:
ea_type = EAF_TYPE_AS_PATH;
case T_CLIST:
ea_type = EAF_TYPE_INT_SET;
case T_ECLIST:
ea_type = EAF_TYPE_EC_SET;
case T_LCLIST:
ea_type = EAF_TYPE_LC_SET;
case T_STRING:
ea_type = EAF_TYPE_STRING;
ea_type = EAF_TYPE_OPAQUE;
cf_error("Custom route attribute of unsupported type");
static int inited = 0;
if (!inited) {
idm_init(&ca_idm, config_pool, 8);
HASH_INIT(ca_hash, config_pool, CA_ORDER);
ca_storage_max = 256;
ca_storage = mb_allocz(config_pool, sizeof(struct ca_storage *) * ca_storage_max);
struct ca_storage *cas = HASH_FIND(ca_hash, CA, name, ea_type);
if (cas) {
} else {
uint id = idm_alloc(&ca_idm);
if (id >= EA_CUSTOM_BIT)
cf_error("Too many custom attributes.");
if (id >= ca_storage_max) {
ca_storage_max *= 2;
ca_storage = mb_realloc(ca_storage, sizeof(struct ca_storage *) * ca_storage_max * 2);
cas = mb_allocz(config_pool, sizeof(struct ca_storage) + strlen(name) + 1);
cas->fda = f_new_dynamic_attr(ea_type, f_type, EA_CUSTOM(id));
cas->uc = 1;
strcpy(cas->name, name);
ca_storage[id] = cas;
HASH_INSERT(ca_hash, CA, cas);
struct custom_attribute *ca = ralloc(p, &ca_class);
ca->fda = &(cas->fda);
ca->name = cas->name;
return ca;
const char *
ea_custom_name(uint ea)
uint id = EA_CUSTOM_ID(ea);
if (id >= ca_storage_max)
return NULL;
if (!ca_storage[id])
return NULL;
return ca_storage[id]->name;