Add the RPKI protocol (RFC 6810) using the RTRLib
( that is integrated inside
the BIRD's code.
Implemeted transports are:
- unprotected transport over TCP
- secure transport over SSHv2
The code should work properly with one cache server per protocol.
A compilation has to be hacked with:
$ ./configure LIBS='-lssh' ...
Example configuration of bird.conf:
roa table roatable;
protocol rpki {
roa table roatable;
cache "";
protocol rpki {
roa table roatable;
cache "localhost" {
port 2222;
ssh encryption {
bird private key "/home/birdgeek/.ssh/id_rsa";
cache public key "/home/birdgeek/.ssh/known_hosts";
user "birdgeek";
TODO list:
- load libssh2 using dlopen
- support more cache servers per protocol