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synced 2025-01-03 15:41:54 +00:00
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492 lines
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import asyncio
import ipaddress
import jinja2
import json
import os
import pathlib
import sys
import yaml
flock_path = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent / "flock"
if not (flock_path / "README.md").exists():
print("Flock not found, have you run \"git submodule update\"?")
sys.path.insert(0, str(flock_path))
from flock.Hypervisor import Hypervisor
from flock.Machine import Machine
from .CLI import CLI, Transport
from .LogChecker import LogChecker, LogExpectedFuture
from .Aux import dict_gather, dict_expand, deep_sort_lists, deep_eq, Differs
class MinimalistTransport(Transport):
def __init__(self, socket, machine):
self.sock = socket
self.machine = machine
async def send_cmd(self, *args):
return await self.sock.send_cmd("run_in", self.machine, "./birdc", "-l", *args)
class BIRDBinDir:
index = {}
def __init__(self, path):
self.path = path
f = [ "bird", "birdc", "birdcl", ]
self.files = { k: None for k in f }
self.mod = { k: None for k in f }
self.loaded = False
def get(cls, where):
w = pathlib.Path(where).absolute()
return cls.index[s := str(w)]
except KeyError:
cls.index[s] = (b := cls(w))
return b
def load(self):
for bn,v in self.files.items():
if v is None:
with open(self.path / bn, "rb") as b:
self.files[bn] = b.read()
self.mod[bn] = (self.path / bn).stat().st_mode
self.loaded = True
def copy(self, target):
if not self.loaded:
for bn,v in self.files.items():
if v is not None:
with open(target / bn, "wb") as b:
(target / bn).chmod(self.mod[bn])
def cleanup(self, target):
for bn in self.files:
(target / bn).unlink()
default_bindir = BIRDBinDir.get(".")
class BIRDInstance(CLI):
logprefix = "^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{3} \[\d{4}\]"
def __init__(self, mach: Machine, bindir=None, conf=None, logs=None):
self.mach = mach
self.workdir = self.mach.workdir
self.bindir = BIRDBinDir.get(bindir) if bindir is not None else default_bindir
self.conf = conf if conf is not None else f"bird_{mach.name}.conf"
if logs is None:
self.default_log_checker = LogChecker(name=self.workdir/"bird.log")
self.logs = [ self.default_log_checker ]
self.logs = logs
def write_config(self, test):
with (open(self.conf, "r") as s, open(self.workdir / "bird.conf", "w") as f):
f.write(jinja2.Environment().from_string(s.read()).render(t=test, m=self))
async def logchecked(self, coro, pattern):
if type(pattern) is str:
exp = [ LogExpectedFuture(f"{self.logprefix} {pattern}") ]
exp = [ LogExpectedFuture(f"{self.logprefix} {p}") for p in pattern ]
self.default_log_checker.expected += exp
main_task = asyncio.create_task(coro)
async with asyncio.timeout(5):
await asyncio.gather(
*[ e.done for e in exp ]
except TimeoutError as e:
for e in exp:
if not e.done.done():
print(f"Not done: {e}: {e.pattern}")
for e in exp:
async def down(self):
await self.logchecked(
"<INFO> Shutting down",
"<FATAL> Shutdown completed",
async def configure(self, *args, expected_logs=f"<INFO> Reconfiguring$", **kwargs):
await self.logchecked(super().configure(*args, **kwargs), expected_logs)
async def enable(self, proto: str):
await self.logchecked(super().enable(proto), f"<INFO> Enabling protocol {proto}$")
async def disable(self, proto: str):
await self.logchecked(super().disable(proto), f"<INFO> Disabling protocol {proto}$")
async def start(self, test):
await test.hcom("run_in", self.mach.name, "./bird", "-l")
exp = LogExpectedFuture(f"{self.logprefix} <INFO> Started$")
async def started():
async with asyncio.timeout(1):
await exp.done
return [
l.run() for l in self.logs
] + [ started() ]
async def cleanup(self):
# Send down command and wait for BIRD to actually finish
await self.down()
while (self.workdir / "bird.ctl").exists():
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
# Remove known files
for f in (self.workdir / "bird.conf", *[ l.name for l in self.logs ]):
class DumpCheck:
def __init__(self, test, timeout, name, check_timeout=None, check_id=None, check_retry_timeout=0.5):
self.test = test
self.timeout = timeout
self.check_timeout = timeout if check_timeout is None else check_timeout
self.check_retry_timeout = check_retry_timeout
self.name = name
self.show_difs = test.show_difs
# Compile dump ID
if check_id is None:
test.check_id += 1
except AttributeError:
test.check_id = 1
self.id = test.check_id
self.id = check_id
if name is None:
self.stem = f"{self.id:04d}"
self.stem = f"{self.id:04d}-{name}"
self.file = f"dump-{self.stem}.yaml"
match test.mode:
case Test.SAVE:
self.run = self.save
case Test.CHECK:
self.run = self.check
case _:
raise Exception("Invalid test mode")
def __call__(self):
print(f"{self.stem}\t", end="", flush=True)
return self.run()
async def save(self):
await asyncio.sleep(self.timeout)
dump = await self.obtain()
with open(self.file, "w") as y:
yaml.dump(dump, y)
print(f"[ SAVED ]")
async def check(self):
with open(self.file, "r") as y:
c = yaml.safe_load(y)
seen = []
async with asyncio.timeout(self.check_timeout) as to:
while True:
dump = await self.obtain()
deep_eq(c, dump, True)
# if deep_eq(c, dump):
spent = asyncio.get_running_loop().time() - to.when() + self.check_timeout
print(f"[ OOK ]\t{spent:.6f}s")
return True
except Differs as d:
if self.show_difs:
print(f"Differs at {' -> '.join([str(s) for s in reversed(d.tree)])}: {d.a} != {d.b}")
await asyncio.sleep(self.check_retry_timeout)
except TimeoutError as e:
print(f"[ BAD ]")
for q in range(len(seen)):
with open(f"__result_bad_{q}__{self.stem}", "w") as y:
yaml.dump(seen[q], y)
return False
class DumpOnMachines(DumpCheck):
def __init__(self, *args, machines=None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# Collect machines to dump
if machines is None:
self.machines = self.test.machine_index.values()
self.machines = [
m if isinstance(m, CLI) else self.test.machine_index[m]
for m in machines
async def obtain(self):
return await dict_gather({
m.mach.name: self.obtain_on_machine(m)
for m in self.machines
class DumpRIB(DumpOnMachines):
def __init__(self, *args, full=True, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.args = []
if full:
async def obtain_on_machine(self, mach):
d = await mach.show_route(args=self.args)
assert("version" in d)
del d["version"]
for t in d["tables"].values():
for n in t["networks"].values():
for r in n["routes"]:
for k in ("when", "!_l", "!_g", "!_s", "!_id"):
assert(k in r)
del r[k]
return d
class DumpLinuxKRT(DumpOnMachines):
def __init__(self, *args, cmdargs=None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if cmdargs is None:
self.cmdargs = []
self.cmdargs = cmdargs
async def obtain_on_machine(self, mach):
raw = await dict_gather({
"run_in", mach.mach.name, "ip", "-j", f"-{fam}", "route", "show", *self.cmdargs)
for fam in ("4", "6", "M")
for k,v in raw.items():
if v["ret"] != 0 or len(v["err"]) != 0:
raise Exception(f"Failed to gather krt dump for {k}: ret={v['ret']}, {v['err']}")
return { k: deep_sort_lists(json.loads(v["out"])) for k,v in raw.items() }
class Test:
ipv6_prefix = ipaddress.ip_network("2001:db8::/32")
ipv4_prefix = ipaddress.ip_network("")
ipv6_link_pxlen = 64
ipv4_link_pxlen = 28
SAVE = 1
show_difs = False
def __init__(self, name, mode: int):
self.name = name
self.hypervisor = Hypervisor(name)
self.machine_index = {}
self.link_index = {}
self.mode = mode
self._started = None
self._starting = False
self._stopped = None
self.background_tasks = []
self.ipv6_pxgen = self.ipv6_prefix.subnets(new_prefix=self.ipv6_link_pxlen)
self.ipv4_pxgen = self.ipv4_prefix.subnets(new_prefix=self.ipv4_link_pxlen)
self.route_dump_id = 0
async def hcom(self, *args):
if self._stopped is not None:
if self._started is None:
self._started = asyncio.Future()
if self._started.done():
return await self.hypervisor.control_socket.send_cmd(*args)
if self._starting:
await self._started
self._starting = True
await self.hypervisor.prepare()
os.symlink(pathlib.Path(f"{self.name}.log").absolute(), self.hypervisor.basedir / "flock.log")
await self.hypervisor.start()
self._starting = False
return await self.hypervisor.control_socket.send_cmd_early(*args)
async def machines(self, *names, t: type):
for n in names:
if n in self.machine_index:
raise Exception(f"Machine {n} duplicate")
info = await asyncio.gather(*[
self.hcom("machine", name, { "type": "minimalist" })
for name in names
inst = [
) for n,i in zip(names, info)
for n,i in zip(names, inst):
self.machine_index[n] = i
return inst
async def link(self, name, *machines):
match len(machines):
case 0:
raise Exception("Link with no machines? HOW?!")
case 1:
raise NotImplementedError("dummy link")
case _:
linfo = await self.hcom("link", name, {
"machines": { m: { "name": name } for m in machines },
"ipv6": str(next(self.ipv6_pxgen)),
"ipv4": str(next(self.ipv4_pxgen)),
for m in machines:
for i in ("ipv4", "ipv6"):
linfo[m][i] = ipaddress.ip_interface(linfo[m][i])
self.link_index[name] = linfo
return linfo
async def start(self):
return await asyncio.gather(*[ v.start(test=self) for v in self.machine_index.values() ])
async def cleanup(self):
await asyncio.gather(*[ v.cleanup() for v in self.machine_index.values() ])
self.machine_index = {}
await self.hcom("stop", True)
self._stopped = True
async def run(self):
await self.prepare()
tasks = [ t for q in await self.start() for t in q ]
async def arun():
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
raise Exception("No auxiliary task, what?")
atask = asyncio.create_task(arun())
async def trun():
await self.test()
await asyncio.gather(atask, trun())
except asyncio.exceptions.CancelledError as e:
if not atask.cancelled():
raise e
print("cleaning up")
await self.cleanup()
async def krt_dump(self, timeout, name, *args, full=True, machines=None, check_timeout=10, check_retry_timeout=0.5):
# Collect machines to dump
if machines is None:
machines = self.machine_index.values()
machines = [
m if isinstance(m, CLI) else self.machine_index[m]
for m in machines
raw = await dict_gather({
(mach.mach.name, fam):
"run_in", mach.mach.name, "ip", "-j", f"-{fam}", "route", "show", *args)
for mach in machines
for fam in ("4", "6", "M")
for k,v in raw.items():
if v["ret"] != 0 or len(v["err"]) != 0:
raise Exception(f"Failed to gather krt dump for {k}: ret={v['ret']}, {v['err']}")
dump = dict_expand({ k: json.loads(v["out"]) for k,v in raw.items()})
name = "krt.yaml"
with open(name, "w") as y:
yaml.dump(dump, y)
if __name__ == "__main__":
name = sys.argv[1]
mode = Test.CHECK
if name == "-s":
name = sys.argv[2]
mode = Test.SAVE
p = (pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent / "flock" / name).absolute()
sys.path.insert(0, str(p))
# if "MAKEFLAGS" in os.environ:
# print(os.environ["MAKEFLAGS"])
import test
asyncio.run(test.ThisTest(name, mode).run())