mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 21:37:03 +00:00
Use 16-way (4bit) branching in prefix trie instead of basic binary branching. The change makes IPv4 prefix sets almost 3x faster, but with more memory consumption and much more complicated algorithm. Together with a previous filter change, it makes IPv4 prefix sets about ~4.3x faster and slightly smaller (on my test data).
1392 lines
31 KiB
1392 lines
31 KiB
* This is unit testing configuration file for testing filters
* FIXME: add all examples from docs here.
router id;
/* We have to setup any protocol */
protocol device { }
* Common definitions and functions
* --------------------------------
define one = 1;
define ten = 10;
function onef(int a)
return 1;
function twof(int a)
return 2;
function oneg(int a)
return 1;
bt_test_same(onef, onef, 1);
bt_test_same(onef, oneg, 1);
bt_test_same(onef, twof, 0);
* Testing boolean expressions
* ---------------------------
function t_bool()
bool b;
b = true;
bt_assert(format(true) = "TRUE");
bt_assert(format(false) = "FALSE");
if ( b = true ) then
bt_assert(true && true);
bt_assert(true || false);
bt_assert(! false && ! false && true);
bt_assert(1 < 2 && 1 != 3);
bt_assert(true && true && ! false);
# bt_assert(true || 1+"a");
# bt_assert(!(false && 1+"a"));
bt_assert(!(true && false));
bt_test_suite(t_bool, "Testing boolean expressions");
* Testing integers
* ----------------
define four = 4;
define xyzzy = (120+10);
define '1a-a1' = (xyzzy-100);
function t_int()
int i;
bt_assert(xyzzy = 130);
bt_assert('1a-a1' = 30);
i = four;
i = 12*100 + 60/2 + i;
i = (i + 0);
bt_assert(i = 1234);
bt_assert(format(i) = "1234");
i = 4200000000;
bt_assert(i = 4200000000);
bt_assert(i > 4100000000);
bt_assert(!(i > 4250000000));
bt_assert(1 = 1);
bt_assert(!(1 != 1));
bt_assert(1 != 2);
bt_assert(1 <= 2);
bt_assert(1 != "a");
bt_assert(1 != (0,1));
bt_assert(!(i = 4));
bt_assert(1 <= 1);
bt_assert(!(1234 < 1234));
bt_test_suite(t_int, "Testing integers");
* Testing sets of integers
* ------------------------
define is1 = [ one, (2+1), (6-one), 8, 11, 15, 17, 19];
define is2 = [(17+2), 17, 15, 11, 8, 5, 3, 2];
define is3 = [5, 17, 2, 11, 8, 15, 3, 19];
function t_int_set()
int set is;
bt_assert(1 ~ [1,2,3]);
bt_assert(5 ~ [1..20]);
bt_assert(2 ~ [ 1, 2, 3 ]);
bt_assert(5 ~ [ 4 .. 7 ]);
bt_assert(1 !~ [ 2, 3, 4 ]);
bt_assert(999 !~ [ 666, 333 ]);
is = [ 2, 3, 4, 7..11 ];
bt_assert(10 ~ is);
bt_assert(5 !~ is);
bt_assert(1 ~ is1);
bt_assert(3 ~ is1);
bt_assert(5 ~ is1);
bt_assert((one+2) ~ is1);
bt_assert(2 ~ is2);
bt_assert(2 ~ is3);
bt_assert(4 !~ is1);
bt_assert(4 !~ is2);
bt_assert(4 !~ is3);
bt_assert(10 !~ is1);
bt_assert(10 !~ is2);
bt_assert(10 !~ is3);
bt_assert(15 ~ is1);
bt_assert(15 ~ is2);
bt_assert(15 ~ is3);
bt_assert(18 !~ is1);
bt_assert(18 !~ is2);
bt_assert(18 !~ is3);
bt_assert(19 ~ is1);
bt_assert(19 ~ is2);
bt_assert(19 ~ is3);
bt_assert(20 !~ is1);
bt_assert(20 !~ is2);
bt_assert(20 !~ is3);
bt_assert([1,2] != [1,3]);
bt_assert([1,4..10,20] = [1,4..10,20]);
bt_assert(format([ 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 4, 1, 1, 1, 5 ]) = "[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]");
bt_test_suite(t_int_set, "Testing sets of integers");
* Testing string matching
* -----------------------
function t_string()
string st;
st = "Hello";
bt_assert(format(st) = "Hello");
bt_assert(st ~ "Hell*");
bt_assert(st ~ "?ello");
bt_assert(st ~ "Hello");
bt_assert(st ~ "Hell?");
bt_assert(st !~ "ell*");
bt_test_suite(t_string, "Testing string matching");
* Testing pairs
* -------------
function 'mkpair-a'(int a)
return (1, a);
function t_pair()
pair pp;
pp = (1, 2);
bt_assert(format(pp) = "(1,2)");
bt_assert((1,2) = pp);
bt_assert((1,1+1) = pp);
bt_assert('mkpair-a'(2) = pp);
bt_assert((1,2) = (1,1+1));
bt_assert(((1,2) < (2,2)));
bt_assert(!((1,1) > (1,1)));
bt_test_suite(t_pair, "Testing pairs");
* Testing sets of pairs
* ---------------------
function t_pair_set()
pair pp;
pair set ps;
pp = (1, 2);
ps = [(1,(one+one)), (3,4)..(4,8), (5,*), (6,3..6)];
bt_assert(format(ps) = "[(1,2), (3,4)..(4,8), (5,0)..(5,65535), (6,3)..(6,6)]");
bt_assert(pp ~ ps);
bt_assert((3,5) ~ ps);
bt_assert((4,1) ~ ps);
bt_assert((5,4) ~ ps);
bt_assert((5,65535) ~ ps);
bt_assert((6,4) ~ ps);
bt_assert((3, 10000) ~ ps);
bt_assert((3,3) !~ ps);
bt_assert((4,9) !~ ps);
bt_assert((4,65535) !~ ps);
bt_assert((6,2) !~ ps);
bt_assert((6,6+one) !~ ps);
bt_assert(((one+6),2) !~ ps);
bt_assert((1,1) !~ ps);
ps = [(20..150, 200..300), (50100..50200, 1000..50000), (*, 5+5)];
bt_assert((100,200) ~ ps);
bt_assert((150,300) ~ ps);
bt_assert((50180,1200) ~ ps);
bt_assert((50110,49000) ~ ps);
bt_assert((0,10) ~ ps);
bt_assert((64000,10) ~ ps);
bt_assert((20,199) !~ ps);
bt_assert((151,250) !~ ps);
bt_assert((50050,2000) !~ ps);
bt_assert((50150,50050) !~ ps);
bt_assert((10,9) !~ ps);
bt_assert((65535,11) !~ ps);
bt_test_suite(t_pair_set, "Testing sets of pairs");
* Testing quads
* -------------
function t_quad()
quad qq;
qq =;
bt_assert(format(qq) = "");
bt_assert(qq =;
bt_assert(qq !=;
bt_test_suite(t_quad, "Testing quads");
* Testing sets of quads
* ---------------------
function t_quad_set()
quad qq;
qq =;
bt_assert(qq ~ [,]);
bt_assert(qq !~ [,]);
bt_test_suite(t_quad_set, "Testing sets of quads");
* Testing ip address
* ------------------
define onetwo =;
function t_ip()
ip p;
p =;
bt_assert(p.mask(8) =;
bt_assert( =;
bt_assert( = onetwo);
bt_assert(format(p) = "");
p = ::fffe:6:c0c:936d:88c7:35d3;
bt_assert(format(p) = "::fffe:6:c0c:936d:88c7:35d3");
p = 1234:5678::;
bt_assert(p.mask(24) = 1234:5600::);
bt_test_suite(t_ip, "Testing ip address");
* Testing sets of ip address
* --------------------------
define ip1222 =;
function t_ip_set()
ip set ips;
ips = [ .., ip1222];
bt_assert(format(ips) = "[,]");
bt_assert( ~ ips);
bt_assert( ~ ips);
bt_assert( ~ ips);
bt_assert( !~ ips);
bt_assert( !~ ips);
bt_assert( !~ ips);
bt_assert( !~ ips);
bt_assert( !~ [, ]);
bt_assert( ~ [ ]);
bt_test_suite(t_ip_set, "Testing sets of ip address");
* Testing enums
* -------------
function t_enum()
bt_assert(format(RTS_DUMMY) = "(enum 30)0");
bt_assert(format(RTS_STATIC) = "(enum 30)1");
bt_assert(format(NET_IP4) = "(enum 36)1");
bt_assert(format(NET_VPN6) = "(enum 36)4");
bt_test_suite(t_enum, "Testing enums");
* Testing prefixes
* ----------------
define netdoc = 2001:db8::/32;
function t_prefix()
prefix px;
px =;
bt_assert(format(px) = "");
bt_assert( ~;
bt_assert( ~;
bt_assert( ~;
bt_assert(netdoc ~ 2001::/16);
bt_assert( !~;
bt_assert( !~;
bt_assert(px !~ netdoc);
bt_assert( ~;
bt_assert( ~;
bt_test_suite(t_prefix, "Testing prefixes");
* Testing prefix sets
* -------------------
define net10 =;
define pxs2 = [{8,12},{24,28} ];
function test_pxset(prefix set pxs)
bt_assert(net10 ~ pxs);
bt_assert( ~ pxs);
bt_assert( ~ pxs);
bt_assert( ~ pxs);
bt_assert( ~ pxs);
bt_assert( ~ pxs);
bt_assert( ~ pxs);
bt_assert( ~ pxs);
bt_assert( ~ pxs);
bt_assert( !~ pxs);
bt_assert( !~ pxs);
bt_assert( !~ pxs);
bt_assert( !~ pxs);
bt_assert( !~ pxs);
bt_assert( !~ pxs);
bt_assert( !~ pxs);
bt_assert( !~ pxs);
bt_assert( ~ [ ]);
bt_assert( !~ [ ]);
bt_assert( !~ [{ 15 , 16 } ]);
bt_assert([{ 15 , 17 } ] = [{ 15 , 17 } ]);
function t_prefix_set()
prefix set pxs;
pxs = [,,{24,28},{8,16} ];
bt_assert(format(pxs) = "[{},{},{},{}]");
bt_assert( ~ pxs);
bt_assert( ~ pxs);
bt_assert( ~ pxs);
bt_assert( ~ pxs);
bt_assert( !~ pxs);
bt_assert( !~ pxs);
bt_assert( !~ pxs);
bt_assert( !~ pxs);
bt_assert( !~ pxs);
bt_assert( !~ pxs);
test_pxset([{8,12},{24,28} ]);
bt_assert( ~ [{ 15 , 17 } ]);
bt_assert([{ 15 , 17 } ] != [{ 15 , 17 } ]);
bt_test_suite(t_prefix_set, "Testing prefix sets");
* Testing Prefix IPv6
* -------------------
function t_prefix6()
prefix px;
px = 1020::/18;
bt_assert(format(px) = "1020::/18");
bt_assert(1020:3040:5060:: ~ 1020:3040:5000::/40);
bt_assert(1020:3040::/32 ~ 1020:3040::/32);
bt_assert(1020:3040::/33 ~ 1020:3040::/32);
bt_assert(1020:3040:5060::/48 ~ 1020:3040::/32);
bt_assert(1020:3040::/31 !~ 1020:3040::/32);
bt_assert(1020:3041::/33 !~ 1020:3040::/32);
bt_test_suite(t_prefix6, "Testing prefix IPv6");
* Testing prefix IPv6 sets
* ------------------------
function t_prefix6_set()
prefix set pxs;
bt_assert(1180::/16 ~ [ 1100::/8{15, 17} ]);
bt_assert(12::34 = 12::34);
bt_assert(12::34 ~ [ 12::33..12::35 ]);
bt_assert(1020::34 ~ 1000::/8);
bt_assert(1000::/8 ~ 1000::/8);
bt_assert(1000::/8 ~ [ 1000::/8+ ]);
bt_assert(12::34 !~ [ 12::33, 12::35 ]);
bt_assert(1000::/9 !~ [ 1000::/8- ]);
bt_assert(1000::/17 !~ [ 1000::/8{15, 16} ]);
pxs = [ 1102::/16, 1104::/16+];
bt_assert(1102::/16 ~ pxs);
bt_assert(1104::/16 ~ pxs);
bt_assert(1104::/18 ~ pxs);
bt_assert(1104::/32 ~ pxs);
bt_assert(1101::/16 !~ pxs);
bt_assert(1103::/16 !~ pxs);
bt_assert(1102::/15 !~ pxs);
bt_assert(1102::/17 !~ pxs);
bt_assert(1102::/32 !~ pxs);
bt_assert(1104::/15 !~ pxs);
pxs = ([ 1000::/16{8,12}, 2000::/16{24,28} ]);
bt_assert(format(pxs) = "[1000::/12{1f0::}, 2000::/16{0:1f0::}]");
bt_assert(1000::/8 ~ pxs);
bt_assert(1000::/10 ~ pxs);
bt_assert(1000::/12 ~ pxs);
bt_assert(2000::/24 ~ pxs);
bt_assert(2000:4000::/24 ~ pxs);
bt_assert(2000::/26 ~ pxs);
bt_assert(2000:8000::/26 ~ pxs);
bt_assert(2000::/28 ~ pxs);
bt_assert(2000:FFF0::/28 ~ pxs);
bt_assert(1000::/7 !~ pxs);
bt_assert(1000::/13 !~ pxs);
bt_assert(1000::/16 !~ pxs);
bt_assert(2000::/16 !~ pxs);
bt_assert(2000::/23 !~ pxs);
bt_assert(2000::/29 !~ pxs);
bt_assert(1100::/10 !~ pxs);
bt_assert(2010::/26 !~ pxs);
pxs = [ 52E0::/13{13,128} ];
bt_assert(52E7:BE81:379B:E6FD:541F:B0D0::/93 ~ pxs);
pxs = [ 41D8:8718::/30{0,30}, 413A:99A8:6C00::/38{38,128} ];
bt_assert(4180::/9 ~ pxs);
bt_test_suite(t_prefix6_set, "Testing prefix IPv6 sets");
function t_flowspec()
prefix p;
p = flow4 { dst; };
bt_assert(p !~ [ ] );
bt_assert(format(flow4 { dst; proto = 23; }) = "flow4 { dst; proto 23; }");
bt_assert(format(flow6 { dst ::1/128; src ::2/127; }) = "flow6 { dst ::1/128; src ::2/127; }");
bt_assert(format(flow6 { next header false 42; }) = "flow6 { next header false 42; }");
bt_assert(format(flow6 { port 80; }) = "flow6 { port 80; }");
bt_assert(format(flow6 { dport > 24 && < 30 || 40..50,60..70,80 && >= 90; }) = "flow6 { dport > 24 && < 30 || 40..50,60..70,80 && >= 90; }");
bt_assert(format(flow6 { sport 0..0x400; }) = "flow6 { sport 0..1024; }");
bt_assert(format(flow6 { icmp type 80; }) = "flow6 { icmp type 80; }");
bt_assert(format(flow6 { icmp code 90; }) = "flow6 { icmp code 90; }");
bt_assert(format(flow6 { tcp flags 0x03/0x0f; }) = "flow6 { tcp flags 0x3/0x3 && 0x0/0xc; }");
bt_assert(format(flow6 { length 0..65535; }) = "flow6 { length 0..65535; }");
bt_assert(format(flow6 { dscp = 63; }) = "flow6 { dscp 63; }");
bt_assert(format(flow6 { fragment is_fragment || !first_fragment; }) = "flow6 { fragment is_fragment || !first_fragment; }");
bt_assert(format(flow6 { label 1000..2000; }) = "flow6 { label 1000..2000; }");
bt_assert(format(flow6 { }) = "flow6 { }");
bt_test_suite(t_flowspec, "Testing flowspec routes");
* Testing Paths
* -------------
function mkpath(int a; int b)
return [= a b 3 2 1 =];
define set35 = [3 .. 5];
function t_path()
bgpmask pm1;
bgppath p2;
int set set12;
pm1 = [= 4 3 2 1 =];
set12 = [1, 2];
bt_assert(format(pm1) = "[= 4 3 2 1 =]");
bt_assert(+empty+ = +empty+);
bt_assert(10 !~ +empty+);
p2 = prepend( + empty +, 1 );
p2 = prepend( p2, 2 );
p2 = prepend( p2, 3 );
p2 = prepend( p2, 4 );
bt_assert(format(p2) = "(path 4 3 2 1)");
bt_assert(p2.len = 4);
bt_assert(p2 ~ pm1);
bt_assert(3 ~ p2);
bt_assert(p2 ~ [2, 10..20]);
bt_assert(p2 ~ [4, 10..20]);
p2 = prepend(p2, 5);
bt_assert(p2 !~ pm1);
bt_assert(10 !~ p2);
bt_assert(p2 !~ [8, ten..(2*ten)]);
bt_assert(p2 ~ [= * 4 3 * 1 =]);
bt_assert(p2 ~ [= (3+2) (2*2) 3 2 1 =]);
bt_assert(p2 ~ [= 5 [2, 4, 6] 3 [1..2] 1 =]);
bt_assert(p2 ~ [= 5 set35 3 set12 set12 =]);
bt_assert(p2 ~ mkpath(5, 4));
bt_assert(p2.len = 5);
bt_assert(p2.first = 5);
bt_assert(p2.last = 1);
bt_assert(p2.len = 5);
bt_assert(delete(p2, 3) = prepend(prepend(prepend(prepend(+empty+, 1), 2), 4), 5));
bt_assert(filter(p2, [1..3]) = prepend(prepend(prepend(+empty+, 1), 2), 3));
p2 = prepend( + empty +, 5 );
p2 = prepend( p2, 4 );
p2 = prepend( p2, 3 );
p2 = prepend( p2, 3 );
p2 = prepend( p2, 2 );
p2 = prepend( p2, 1 );
bt_assert(p2 !~ [= 1 2 3 4 5 =]);
bt_assert(p2 ~ [= 1 2 * 4 5 =]);
bt_assert(p2 ~ [= 1 2 * 3 4 5 =]);
bt_assert(p2 ~ [= 1 2 3+ 4 5 =]);
bt_assert(p2 ~ [= 1 2 3+ 4+ 5 =]);
bt_assert(p2 !~ [= 1 2 3+ 5+ 4 5 =]);
bt_assert(p2 !~ [= 1 2 3 3 5+ 4 5 =]);
bt_assert(delete(p2, 3) = prepend(prepend(prepend(prepend(+empty+, 5), 4), 2), 1));
bt_assert(delete(p2, [4..5]) = prepend(prepend(prepend(prepend(+empty+, 3), 3), 2), 1));
bt_assert(format([= 1 2+ 3 =]) = "[= 1 2 + 3 =]");
bt_test_suite(t_path, "Testing paths");
* Testing Community List
* ----------------------
define p23 = (2, 3);
function t_clist()
clist l;
clist l2;
clist r;
l = - empty -;
bt_assert(l !~ [(*,*)]);
bt_assert((l ~ [(*,*)]) != (l !~ [(*,*)]));
bt_assert(-empty- = -empty-);
l = add( l, (one,2) );
bt_assert(l ~ [(*,*)]);
l = add( l, (2,one+2) );
bt_assert(format(l) = "(clist (1,2) (2,3))");
bt_assert((2,3) ~ l);
bt_assert(l ~ [(1,*)]);
bt_assert(l ~ [p23]);
bt_assert(l ~ [(2,2..3)]);
bt_assert(l ~ [(1,1..2)]);
bt_assert(l ~ [(1,1)..(1,2)]);
l = add(l, (2,5));
l = add(l, (5,one));
l = add(l, (6,one));
l = add(l, (one,one));
l = delete(l, [(5,1),(6,one),(one,1)]);
l = delete(l, [(5,one),(6,one)]);
l = filter(l, [(1,*)]);
bt_assert(l = add(-empty-, (1,2)));
bt_assert((2,3) !~ l);
bt_assert(l !~ [(2,*)]);
bt_assert(l !~ [(one,3..6)]);
bt_assert(l ~ [(*,*)]);
l = add(l, (3,one));
l = add(l, (one+one+one,one+one));
l = add(l, (3,3));
l = add(l, (3,4));
l = add(l, (3,5));
l2 = filter(l, [(3,*)]);
l = delete(l, [(3,2..4)]);
bt_assert(l = add(add(add(-empty-, (1,2)), (3,1)), (3,5)));
bt_assert(l.len = 3);
l = add(l, (3,2));
l = add(l, (4,5));
bt_assert(l = add(add(add(add(add(-empty-, (1,2)), (3,1)), (3,5)), (3,2)), (4,5)));
bt_assert(l.len = 5);
bt_assert(l ~ [(*,2)]);
bt_assert(l ~ [(*,5)]);
bt_assert(l ~ [(*, one)]);
bt_assert(l !~ [(*,3)]);
bt_assert(l !~ [(*,(one+6))]);
bt_assert(l !~ [(*, (one+one+one))]);
l = delete(l, [(*,(one+onef(3)))]);
l = delete(l, [(*,(4+one))]);
bt_assert(l = add(-empty-, (3,1)));
l = delete(l, [(*,(onef(5)))]);
bt_assert(l = -empty-);
l2 = add(l2, (3,6));
l = filter(l2, [(3,1..4)]);
l2 = filter(l2, [(3,3..6)]);
# clist A (10,20,30)
bt_assert(l = add(add(add(add(-empty-, (3,1)), (3,2)), (3,3)), (3,4)));
bt_assert(format(l) = "(clist (3,1) (3,2) (3,3) (3,4))");
# clist B (30,40,50)
bt_assert(l2 = add(add(add(add(-empty-, (3,3)), (3,4)), (3,5)), (3,6)));
bt_assert(format(l2) = "(clist (3,3) (3,4) (3,5) (3,6))");
# clist A union B
r = add(l, l2);
bt_assert(r = add(add(add(add(add(add(-empty-, (3,1)), (3,2)), (3,3)), (3,4)), (3,5)), (3,6)));
bt_assert(format(r) = "(clist (3,1) (3,2) (3,3) (3,4) (3,5) (3,6))");
# clist A isect B
r = filter(l, l2);
bt_assert(r = add(add(-empty-, (3,3)), (3,4)));
bt_assert(format(r) = "(clist (3,3) (3,4))");
# clist A \ B
r = delete(l, l2);
bt_assert(r = add(add(-empty-, (3,1)), (3,2)));
bt_assert(format(r) = "(clist (3,1) (3,2))");
# clist in c set
r = filter(l, [(3,1), (*,2)]);
bt_assert(r = add(add(-empty-, (3,1)), (3,2)));
bt_assert(format(r) = "(clist (3,1) (3,2))");
bt_test_suite(t_clist, "Testing lists of communities");
* Testing Extended Communities
* ----------------------------
function t_ec()
ec cc;
cc = (rt, 12345, 200000);
bt_assert(format(cc) = "(rt, 12345, 200000)");
bt_assert(cc = (rt, 12345, 200000));
bt_assert(cc < (rt, 12345, 200010));
bt_assert(cc != (rt, 12346, 200000));
bt_assert(cc != (ro, 12345, 200000));
bt_assert(!(cc > (rt, 12345, 200010)));
bt_assert(format((ro, 100000, 20000)) = "(ro, 100000, 20000)");
bt_test_suite(t_ec, "Testing extended communities");
* Testing Extended Community List
* -------------------------------
function t_eclist()
eclist el;
eclist el2;
eclist r;
el = -- empty --;
el = add(el, (rt, 10, 20));
el = add(el, (ro,, 100));
el = add(el, (ro,, 200));
bt_assert(--empty-- = --empty--);
bt_assert(((rt, 10, 20)) !~ --empty--);
bt_assert(format(el) = "(eclist (rt, 10, 20) (ro,, 100) (ro,, 200))");
bt_assert(el.len = 3);
el = delete(el, (rt, 10, 20));
el = delete(el, (rt, 10, 30));
bt_assert(el = add(add(--empty--, (ro,, 100)), (ro,, 200)));
el = add(el, (unknown 2, ten, 1));
el = add(el, (unknown 5, ten, 1));
el = add(el, (rt, ten, one+one));
el = add(el, (rt, 10, 3));
el = add(el, (rt, 10, 4));
el = add(el, (rt, 10, 5));
el = add(el, (generic, 0x2000a, 3*ten));
el = delete(el, [(rt, 10, 2..ten)]);
bt_assert(el = add(add(add(add(add(--empty--, (ro,, 100)), (ro,, 200)), (rt, 10, 1)), (unknown 5, 10, 1)), (rt, 10, 30)));
el = filter(el, [(rt, 10, *)]);
bt_assert(el = add(add(--empty--, (rt, 10, 1)), (rt, 10, 30)));
bt_assert((rt, 10, 1) ~ el);
bt_assert(el ~ [(rt, 10, ten..40)]);
bt_assert((rt, 10, 20) !~ el);
bt_assert((ro,, 100) !~ el);
bt_assert(el !~ [(rt, 10, 35..40)]);
bt_assert(el !~ [(ro, 10, *)]);
el = add(el, (rt, 10, 40));
el2 = filter(el, [(rt, 10, 20..40)] );
el2 = add(el2, (rt, 10, 50));
# eclist A (1,30,40)
bt_assert(el = add(add(add(--empty--, (rt, 10, 1)), (rt, 10, 30)), (rt, 10, 40)));
bt_assert(format(el) = "(eclist (rt, 10, 1) (rt, 10, 30) (rt, 10, 40))");
# eclist B (30,40,50)
bt_assert(el2 = add(add(add(--empty--, (rt, 10, 30)), (rt, 10, 40)), (rt, 10, 50)));
bt_assert(format(el2) = "(eclist (rt, 10, 30) (rt, 10, 40) (rt, 10, 50))");
# eclist A union B
r = add(el2, el);
bt_assert(r = add(add(add(add(--empty--, (rt, 10, 30)), (rt, 10, 40)), (rt, 10, 50)), (rt, 10, 1)));
bt_assert(format(r) = "(eclist (rt, 10, 30) (rt, 10, 40) (rt, 10, 50) (rt, 10, 1))");
# eclist A isect B
r = filter(el, el2);
bt_assert(r = add(add(--empty--, (rt, 10, 30)), (rt, 10, 40)));
bt_assert(format(r) = "(eclist (rt, 10, 30) (rt, 10, 40))");
# eclist A \ B
r = delete(el, el2);
bt_assert(r = add(--empty--, (rt, 10, 1)));
bt_assert(format(r) = "(eclist (rt, 10, 1))");
# eclist in ec set
r = filter(el, [(rt, 10, 1), (rt, 10, 25..30), (ro, 10, 40)]);
bt_assert(r = add(add(--empty--, (rt, 10, 1)), (rt, 10, 30)));
bt_assert(format(r) = "(eclist (rt, 10, 1) (rt, 10, 30))");
bt_test_suite(t_eclist, "Testing lists of extended communities");
* Testing sets of Extended Communities
* ------------------------------------
define ecs2 = [(rt, ten, (one+onef(0))*10), (ro, 100000, 100..200), (rt, 12345, *)];
function t_ec_set()
ec set ecs;
ecs = [(rt, ten, (one+onef(0))*10), (ro, 100000, 100..200), (rt, 12345, *)];
bt_assert(format(ecs) = "[(rt, 10, 20), (rt, 12345, 0)..(rt, 12345, 4294967295), (ro, 100000, 100)..(ro, 100000, 200)]");
bt_assert(format(ecs2) = "[(rt, 10, 20), (rt, 12345, 0)..(rt, 12345, 4294967295), (ro, 100000, 100)..(ro, 100000, 200)]");
bt_assert((rt, 10, 20) ~ ecs);
bt_assert((ro, 100000, 100) ~ ecs);
bt_assert((ro, 100000, 128) ~ ecs);
bt_assert((ro, 100000, 200) ~ ecs);
bt_assert((rt, 12345, 0) ~ ecs);
bt_assert((rt, 12345, 200000) ~ ecs);
bt_assert((rt, 12345, 4000000) ~ ecs);
bt_assert((ro, 10, 20) !~ ecs);
bt_assert((rt, 10, 21) !~ ecs);
bt_assert((ro, 100000, 99) !~ ecs);
bt_assert((ro, 12345, 10) !~ ecs);
bt_assert((rt, 12346, 0) !~ ecs);
bt_assert((ro,, 150) !~ ecs);
bt_test_suite(t_ec_set, "Testing sets of extended communities");
* Testing Large Communities
* -------------------------
function mktrip(int a)
return (a, 2*a, 3*a);
function t_lclist()
lclist ll;
lclist ll2;
lclist r;
bt_assert(---empty--- = ---empty---);
bt_assert((10, 20, 30) !~ ---empty---);
ll = --- empty ---;
ll = add(ll, (ten, 20, 30));
ll = add(ll, (1000, 2000, 3000));
ll = add(ll, mktrip(100000));
bt_assert(format(ll) = "(lclist (10, 20, 30) (1000, 2000, 3000) (100000, 200000, 300000))");
bt_assert(ll.len = 3);
bt_assert(ll = add(add(add(---empty---, (10, 20, 30)), (1000, 2000, 3000)), (100000, 200000, 300000)));
bt_assert(mktrip(1000) ~ ll);
bt_assert(mktrip(100) !~ ll);
ll = --- empty ---;
ll = add(ll, (10, 10, 10));
ll = add(ll, (20, 20, 20));
ll = add(ll, (30, 30, 30));
ll2 = --- empty ---;
ll2 = add(ll2, (20, 20, 20));
ll2 = add(ll2, (30, 30, 30));
ll2 = add(ll2, (40, 40, 40));
# lclist A (10, 20, 30)
bt_assert(format(ll) = "(lclist (10, 10, 10) (20, 20, 20) (30, 30, 30))");
# lclist B (20, 30, 40)
bt_assert(format(ll2) = "(lclist (20, 20, 20) (30, 30, 30) (40, 40, 40))");
# lclist A union B
r = add(ll, ll2);
bt_assert(r = add(add(add(add(---empty---, (10,10,10)), (20,20,20)), (30,30,30)), (40,40,40)));
bt_assert(format(r) = "(lclist (10, 10, 10) (20, 20, 20) (30, 30, 30) (40, 40, 40))");
# lclist A isect B
r = filter(ll, ll2);
bt_assert(r = add(add(---empty---, (20, 20, 20)), (30, 30, 30)));
bt_assert(format(r) = "(lclist (20, 20, 20) (30, 30, 30))");
# lclist A \ B
r = delete(ll, ll2);
bt_assert(r = add(---empty---, (10, 10, 10)));
bt_assert(format(r) = "(lclist (10, 10, 10))");
# lclist in lc set
r = filter(ll, [(5..15, *, *), (20, 15..25, *)]);
bt_assert(r = add(add(---empty---, (10, 10, 10)), (20, 20, 20)));
bt_assert(format(r) = "(lclist (10, 10, 10) (20, 20, 20))");
bt_test_suite(t_lclist, "Testing lists of large communities");
* Testing sets of Large Communities
* ---------------------------------
function t_lclist_set()
lclist ll;
lc set lls;
ll = --- empty ---;
ll = add(ll, (10, 20, 30));
ll = add(ll, (1000, 2000, 3000));
ll = add(ll, mktrip(100000));
bt_assert(ll ~ [(5,10,15), (10,20,30)]);
bt_assert(ll ~ [(10,15..25,*)]);
bt_assert(ll ~ [(ten, *, *)]);
bt_assert(ll !~ [(5,10,15), (10,21,30)]);
bt_assert(ll !~ [(10,21..25,*)]);
bt_assert(ll !~ [(11, *, *)]);
lls = [(10, 10, 10), (20, 20, 15..25), (30, 30, *), (40, 35..45, *), (50, *, *), (55..65, *, *)];
bt_assert(format(lls) = "[(10, 10, 10), (20, 20, 15)..(20, 20, 25), (30, 30, 0)..(30, 30, 4294967295), (40, 35, 0)..(40, 45, 4294967295), (50, 0, 0)..(50, 4294967295, 4294967295), (55, 0, 0)..(65, 4294967295, 4294967295)]");
bt_assert((10, 10, 10) ~ lls);
bt_assert((20, 20, 25) ~ lls);
bt_assert((20, 20, 26) !~ lls);
bt_assert((30, 30, 0) ~ lls);
bt_assert((40, 35, 40) ~ lls);
bt_assert((40, 34, 40) !~ lls);
bt_assert((50, 0, 0) ~ lls);
bt_assert((60, 60, 60) ~ lls);
bt_assert((70, 60, 60) !~ lls);
bt_test_suite(t_lclist_set, "Testing sets of large communities");
* Testing Route Distinguishers
* ----------------------------
function t_rd()
rd x;
x = 12345:20000;
bt_assert(format(x) = "12345:20000");
bt_assert(x = 12345:20000);
bt_assert(x < 12345:20010);
bt_assert(x != 12346:20000);
bt_assert(x != 2:12345:20000);
bt_assert(!(x > 12345:200010));
bt_assert(format(0:1:2) = "1:2");
bt_assert(format( = "");
bt_assert(format(100000:20000) = "100000:20000");
bt_assert(format(2:100000:20000) = "100000:20000");
bt_assert(format(2:1000:1000) = "2:1000:1000");
bt_test_suite(t_rd, "Testing route distinguishers");
* Testing sets of Route Distinguishers
* ------------------------------------
function t_rd_set()
rd set rds;
rds = [10:20, 100000:100..100000:200];
bt_assert(format(rds) = "[10:20, 100000:100..100000:200]");
bt_assert(10:20 ~ rds);
bt_assert(10:21 !~ rds);
bt_assert(100000:90 !~ rds);
bt_assert(100000:100 ~ rds);
bt_assert(100000:128 ~ rds);
bt_assert(100000:200 ~ rds);
bt_assert(100010:150 !~ rds);
bt_test_suite(t_rd_set, "Testing sets of route distinguishers");
* Testing defined() function
* --------------------------
function test_undef(int a)
int b;
if a = 3 then {
b = 4;
else {
function t_define()
int i;
bt_test_suite(t_define, "Testing defined() function");
* Testing calling functions
* -------------------------
function callme(int arg1; int arg2)
int i;
case arg1 {
1, 42: return 42;
else: return arg1 * arg2;
return 0;
function callmeagain(int a; int b; int c)
return a + b + c;
function fifteen()
return 15;
function t_call_function()
bt_assert(fifteen() = 15);
bt_assert(callme(1, 2) = 42);
bt_assert(callme(42, 2) = 42);
bt_assert(callme(2, 2) = 4);
bt_assert(callme(3, 2) = 6);
bt_assert(callme(4, 4) = 16);
bt_assert(callme(7, 2) = 14);
bt_assert(callmeagain(1, 2, 3) = 6);
bt_test_suite(t_call_function, "Testing calling functions");
* Test including another config file
* ----------------------------------
function t_include()
int i;
i = 1;
include "test.conf.inc";
bt_assert(i = 42);
bt_test_suite(t_include, "Testing including another config file");
* Test if-else statement
* ----------------------
function t_if_else()
int i;
/* Empty blocks regression test */
if true then {}
else {}
if true then
if false then
else if true then
/* Empty blocks regression test */
if true then {}
else {}
bt_test_suite(t_if_else, "Testing if-else statement");
* Unused functions -- testing only parsing
* ----------------------------------------
function __test1()
if source ~ [ RTS_BGP, RTS_STATIC ] then {
# ospf_metric1 = 65535;
# ospf_metric2 = 1000;
ospf_tag = 0x12345678;
function __test2()
if source ~ [ RTS_BGP, RTS_STATIC ] then {
# ospf_metric1 = 65535;
# ospf_metric2 = 1000;
ospf_tag = 0x12345678;
filter testf
int j;
print "Heya, filtering route to ", net.ip, " prefixlen ", net.len, " source ", source;
print "This route was from ", from;
j = 7;
j = 17;
if rip_metric > 15 then {
reject "RIP Metric is more than infinity";
rip_metric = 14;
accept "ok I take that";
filter roa_filter
if net ~ [{16,24} ] || net ~ [ 2000::/3{16,96} ] then {
roa4 table r4;
roa6 table r6;
protocol static
roa4 { table r4; import filter roa_filter; };
route max 16 as 1000;
route max 24 as 1000;
route max 24 as 2000;
route max 24 as 3000;
protocol static
roa6 { table r6; import filter roa_filter; };
route 2001:0db8:85a3:8a2e::/64 max 96 as 1000;
function t_roa_check()
prefix pfx;
bt_assert(roa_check(r4,, 1000) = ROA_UNKNOWN);
bt_assert(roa_check(r4,, 1000) = ROA_UNKNOWN);
bt_assert(roa_check(r4,, 1000) = ROA_VALID);
bt_assert(roa_check(r4,, 2000) = ROA_INVALID);
bt_assert(roa_check(r4,, 1000) = ROA_INVALID);
bt_assert(roa_check(r4,, 1000) = ROA_VALID);
bt_assert(roa_check(r4,, 2000) = ROA_INVALID);
bt_assert(roa_check(r4,, 1000) = ROA_INVALID);
bt_assert(roa_check(r4,, 1000) = ROA_INVALID);
bt_assert(roa_check(r4,, 2000) = ROA_VALID);
bt_assert(roa_check(r4,, 3000) = ROA_INVALID);
bt_assert(roa_check(r4,, 3000) = ROA_VALID);
bt_assert(roa_check(r6, 2001:0db8:85a3:8a2e:1234::/80, 1000) = ROA_VALID);
bt_assert(roa_check(r6, 2001:0db8:85a3:8a2e:1234::/97, 1000) = ROA_INVALID);
bt_assert(roa_check(r6, 2001:0db8:85a3:8a2e::/64, 1000) = ROA_VALID);
bt_assert(roa_check(r6, 2001:0db8:85a3::/48, 1000) = ROA_UNKNOWN);
bt_assert(roa_check(r4,, 1000) = ROA_UNKNOWN);
bt_assert(roa_check(r4,, 1000) = ROA_UNKNOWN);
bt_assert(roa_check(r4,, 1000) = ROA_VALID);
bt_assert(roa_check(r4,, 2000) = ROA_INVALID);
bt_assert(roa_check(r4,, 1000) = ROA_INVALID);
bt_assert(roa_check(r4,, 1000) = ROA_VALID);
bt_assert(roa_check(r6, 2001:0db8:85a3:8a2e:1234::/80, 1000) = ROA_VALID);
bt_assert(roa_check(r6, 2001:0db8:85a3:8a2e:1234::/97, 1000) = ROA_INVALID);
bt_assert(roa_check(r6, 2001:0db8:85a3:8a2e::/64, 1000) = ROA_VALID);
bt_assert(roa_check(r6, 2001:0db8:85a3::/48, 1000) = ROA_UNKNOWN);
bt_assert(roa_check(r4, 2001:0db8:85a3:8a2e:1234::/97, 1000) = ROA_UNKNOWN);
bt_assert(roa_check(r6, 2001:0db8:85a3:8a2e:1234::/97, 1000) = ROA_INVALID);
bt_assert(roa_check(r4, 2001:0db8:85a3:8a2e:1234::/80, 1000) = ROA_UNKNOWN);
bt_assert(roa_check(r6, 2001:0db8:85a3:8a2e:1234::/80, 1000) = ROA_VALID);
bt_assert(roa_check(r4, 2001:0db8:85a3::/48, 1000) = ROA_UNKNOWN);
bt_assert(roa_check(r6, 2001:0db8:85a3::/48, 1000) = ROA_UNKNOWN);
bt_assert( ~;
bt_assert(2001:0db8:85a3:8a2e::/64 ~ ::/0);
bt_assert( !~ ::/0);
bt_assert(2001:0db8:85a3:8a2e::/64 !~;
pfx = max 24 as 1234;
bt_assert(pfx.len = 16);
bt_assert(pfx.maxlen = 24);
bt_assert(pfx.asn = 1234);
pfx = 1000::/8 max 32 as 1234;
bt_assert(pfx.len = 8);
bt_assert(pfx.maxlen = 32);
bt_assert(pfx.asn = 1234);
bt_test_suite(t_roa_check, "Testing ROA");
filter vpn_filter
bt_assert(format(net) = "1:2");
bt_assert(net.type = NET_VPN4);
bt_assert(net.type != NET_IP4);
bt_assert(net.type != NET_IP6);
bt_assert(net.rd = 0:1:2);
case (net.type) {
NET_IP4: print "IPV4";
NET_IP6: print "IPV6";
bgp_ext_community.add((ro, 135, 999));
bgp_large_community.add((6464156, 89646354, 8675643));
vpn4 table v4;
vpn4 table v6;
protocol static
vpn4 { table v4; import filter vpn_filter; };
route 0:1:2 unreachable;
protocol static
ipv6 { import where false; };
route fd01::/48 unreachable;