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682 lines
17 KiB

<!-- This is a DTD, but will be read as -*- sgml -*- -->
<!-- ================================================= -->
<!-- $Id$
This was heavilly modified for use with bird! Don't you dare to use it
anywhere else. <pavel@ucw.cz>
a hacked version of QWERTZ.DTD v1.3 by Matt Welsh,
Greg Hankins, Eric Raymond, Marc Baudoin and
Tristan Debeaupuis; modified from QWERTZ.DTD by
Tom Gordon.
Revision 1.4 2000-06-05 21:02:58 mj
Define element <progdoc> which initializes different formatting for the
programmer's guide (\raggedbottom etc.).
Also, omit "\usepackage{t1enc}", so that bullets work now.
Revision 1.3 2000/05/31 14:24:21 mj
Formatting of progdoc works in both HTML and LaTeX. The LaTeX output
still has somewhat weird spacing, but it will be hopefully easy
to fix.
Revision 1.2 2000/05/31 11:28:52 mj
Added tags for markup of programmer's documentation.
Revision 1.1 2000/05/29 12:05:21 mj
Renamed the DTD from linuxdoc to birddoc.
Pavel, please check whether it builds in your environment as well.
Revision 1.1 2000/05/11 12:00:36 pavel
Critical files from linuxdoc1 distribution checked in.
Revision 1.8 1998/06/26 19:41:11 cg
* Add (La)TeX logos. (NJ)
Revision 1.7 1998/03/22 10:39:08 cg
* Corrected "isoent" entity reference in DTD. (CdG)
Revision 1.6 1998/01/08 19:48:20 cg
* Added "invisible" index tags <nidx> and <ncdx>. (SM/CdG)
Revision 1.5 1997/11/23 21:04:37 cg
* Added <file> tag to all DTDs and documented it (ESR)
* Added <idx> and <cdx> to linuxdoc97 and sgmltool DTDs (ESR)
* Arrange for <htmlurl> to call \url in the LaTeX back end (ESR)
Revision 1.4 1997/11/21 22:58:13 cg
* Allow [ and ] to be used inside <tag></tag>. (ESR)
Revision 1.3 1997/11/12 21:47:24 cg
* Manually modified the Log entry in linuxdoc96.dtd. It contained SGML
comments, and nested comments won't go... (CdG)
Revision 1.2 1997/11/11 20:50:22 cg
* First pass at conditionals. This version is implemented with magic comments
<!- if -> and <!- unless ->. (ESR)
* The generic options processing now includes the -D option to pass in an
attribute/value pair for conditionals. This meant the -D option in
sgml2html had to be changed, it's now -h. (ESR)
Revision 1.1 1997/07/09 13:27:19 cg
* Completely new DTD setup by Bernd (BK).
<!-- ================================================= -->
<!-- Revision Comments -->
<!-- ESR/97/11/17: Added file tag. -->
<!-- ESR/97/11/11: Removed the crude and undocumented
conditionalization features in this DTD. They
weren't in the original linuxdoc 1.3 DTD, and are
superseded by the new if/unless facility. -->
<!-- BK/97/05/09: this is the original Linuxdoc DTD,
as of SGML Tools 0.99.0. It is not longer
supported. Use only if in dire need, for backwards
compabitlity. Backend support for undocumented
QWERTZ leftovers not in the strict Linuxdoc DTD's
is not guaranteed. -->
<!-- BK/97/06/06: finally applied changes proposed by
Ken MacLeod to dtd/catalog (PUBLIC). Removed
the duplicated linuxdoc96 element name. -->
<!-- BK/97/06/22: replaced entire content with DTD
from 0.99.12 release - I am not going to maintain
any changes to this, just replacing. -->
<!-- ================================================= -->
<!entity % emph
" em|it|bf|sf|sl|tt|cf|m|cparam|const|func|struct|param|type|funcdef " >
<!entity % index "idx|cdx|nidx|ncdx" >
<!-- url added by HG; htmlurl added by esr -->
<!entity % xref
" label|ref|pageref|cite|url|htmlurl|rfc|ncite " >
<!entity % inline
" (#pcdata | f| x| %emph; |sq| %xref | %index | file )* " >
<!entity % list
" list | itemize | enum | descrip " >
<!entity % par
" %list; | comment | lq | quote | tscreen | hrule " >
<!entity % mathpar " dm | eq " >
<!entity % thrm
" def | prop | lemma | coroll | proof | theorem " >
<!entity % litprog " code | verb " >
<!entity % sectpar
" %par; | figure | tabular | table | %mathpar; |
%thrm; | %litprog; | function ">
<!element birddoc o o
(sect | chapt | article | report |
book | letter | telefax | slides | notes | manpage ) >
<!-- `general' entity replaced with ISO entities - kwm -->
<!entity % isoent system "isoent">
<!entity urlnam sdata "urlnam" >
<!entity refnam sdata "refnam" >
<!entity tex sdata "[tex ]" >
<!entity latex sdata "[latex ]" >
<!entity latexe sdata "[latexe]" >
<!entity tm sdata "[trade ]" >
<!entity dquot sdata "[quot ]" >
<!entity ero sdata "[amp ]" >
<!entity etago '</' >
<!entity Ae '&Auml;' >
<!entity ae '&auml;' >
<!entity Oe '&Ouml;' >
<!entity oe '&ouml;' >
<!entity Ue '&Uuml;' >
<!entity ue '&uuml;' >
<!entity sz '&szlig;' >
<!element p o o (( %inline | %sectpar )+) +(newline) >
<!entity ptag '<p>' >
<!entity psplit '</p><p>' >
<!element hrule - - EMPTY>
<!shortref pmap
"&#RS;B" null
"&#RS;B&#RE;" psplit
"&#RS;&#RE;" psplit
-- '"' qtag --
"[" lsqb
"~" nbsp
"_" lowbar
"#" num
"%" percnt
"^" circ
"{" lcub
"}" rcub
"|" verbar >
<!usemap pmap p>
<!element em - - (%inline)>
<!element bf - - (%inline)>
<!element it - - (%inline)>
<!element sf - - (%inline)>
<!element sl - - (%inline)>
<!element tt - - (%inline)>
<!element cf - - (%inline)>
<!element m - - (%inline)>
<!element sq - - (%inline)>
<!element cparam - - (%inline)>
<!element const - - (%inline)>
<!element func - - (%inline)>
<!element struct - - (%inline)>
<!element param - - (%inline)>
<!element type - - (%inline)>
<!element funcdef - - (%inline)>
<!element function - - (%inline | p | funcsect)*>
<!element funcsect - o (%inline)>
<!entity ftag '<f>' -- formula begin -- >
<!entity qendtag '</sq>'>
<!shortref sqmap
"&#RS;B" null
-- '"' qendtag --
"[" lsqb
"~" nbsp
"_" lowbar
"#" num
"%" percnt
"^" circ
"{" lcub
"}" rcub
"|" verbar >
<!usemap sqmap sq >
<!element lq - - (p*)>
<!element quote - - ((%inline; | %sectpar;)*, p*)+ >
<!element tscreen - - ((%inline; | %sectpar;)*, p*)+ >
<!element itemize - - (item+)>
<!element enum - - (item+)>
<!element list - - (item+)>
<!-- What a mess. The following is here to clean up problems with
paragraph breaks in a descrip. I can think of cases where this might
break, but it seems to work. mdw -->
<!shortref desmap
"&#RS;B" null
"&#RS;B&#RE;" ptag
"&#RS;&#RE;" ptag
"~" nbsp
"_" lowbar
"#" num
"%" percnt
"^" circ
"[" lsqb
"]" rsqb
"{" lcub
"}" rcub
"|" verbar >
<!element descrip - - ((tag | tagp)?, p+)+ >
<!usemap desmap descrip>
<!element item o o ((%inline; | %sectpar;)*, p*) >
<!element tag - o (%inline)>
<!usemap desmap tag>
<!element tagp - o (%inline)>
<!usemap desmap tagp>
<!usemap global (list,itemize,enum)>
<!entity space " ">
<!entity null "">
<!shortref bodymap
"&#RS;B&#RE;" ptag
"&#RS;&#RE;" ptag
'"' qtag
"[" lsqb
"~" nbsp
"_" lowbar
"#" num
"%" percnt
"^" circ
"{" lcub
"}" rcub
"|" verbar>
<!element figure - - ((eps | ph ), img*, caption?)>
<!attlist figure
loc cdata "tbp"
caption cdata "Caption">
<!-- eps attributes added by mb and td -->
<!element eps - o empty >
<!attlist eps
file cdata #required
height cdata "5cm"
angle cdata "0">
<!element ph - o empty >
<!attlist ph
vspace cdata #required>
<!element img - o empty>
<!attlist img
src cdata #required>
<!element caption - o (%inline)>
<!shortref oneline
"B&#RE;" space
"&#RS;&#RE;" null
"&#RS;B&#RE;" null
-- '"' qtag --
"[" ftag
"~" nbsp
"_" lowbar
"#" num
"%" percnt
"^" circ
"{" lcub
"}" rcub
"|" verbar>
<!usemap oneline tag>
<!usemap oneline caption>
<!entity % tabrow "(%inline, (colsep, %inline)*)" >
<!element tabular - -
(hline?, %tabrow, (rowsep, hline?, %tabrow)*, caption?) >
<!attlist tabular
ca cdata #required>
<!element rowsep - o empty>
<!element colsep - o empty>
<!element hline - o empty>
<!entity rowsep "<rowsep>">
<!entity colsep "<colsep>">
<!shortref tabmap
"&#RE;" null
"&#RS;&#RE;" null
"&#RS;B&#RE;" null
"&#RS;B" null
"B&#RE;" null
"BB" space
"@" rowsep
"|" colsep
"[" ftag
-- '"' qtag --
"_" thinsp
"~" nbsp
"#" num
"%" percnt
"^" circ
"{" lcub
"}" rcub >
<!usemap tabmap tabular>
<!element table - - (tabular, caption?) >
<!attlist table
loc cdata "tbp">
<!element code - - rcdata>
<!element verb - - rcdata>
<!shortref ttmap -- also on one-line --
"B&#RE;" space
"&#RS;&#RE;" null
"&#RS;B&#RE;" null
"&#RS;B" null
'#' num
'%' percnt
'~' tilde
'_' lowbar
'^' circ
'{' lcub
'}' rcub
'|' verbar >
<!usemap ttmap tt>
<!element mc - - cdata >
<!entity % sppos "tu" >
<!entity % fcs "%sppos;|phr" >
<!entity % fcstxt "#pcdata|mc|%fcs;" >
<!entity % fscs "rf|v|fi" >
<!entity % limits "pr|in|sum" >
<!entity % fbu "fr|lim|ar|root" >
<!entity % fph "unl|ovl|sup|inf" >
<!entity % fbutxt "(%fbu;) | (%limits;) |
(%fcstxt;)|(%fscs;)|(%fph;)" >
<!entity % fphtxt "p|#pcdata" >
<!element f - - ((%fbutxt;)*) >
<!entity fendtag '</f>' -- formula end -- >
<!shortref fmap
"&#RS;B" null
"&#RS;B&#RE;" null
"&#RS;&#RE;" null
"_" thinsp
"~" nbsp
"]" rsqb
"#" num
"%" percnt
"^" circ
"{" lcub
"}" rcub
"|" verbar>
<!usemap fmap f >
<!element dm - - ((%fbutxt;)*)>
<!element eq - - ((%fbutxt;)*)>
<!shortref dmmap
"&#RE;" space
"_" thinsp
"~" nbsp
"]" rsqb
"#" num
"%" percnt
"^" circ
"{" lcub
"}" rcub
"|" verbar>
<!usemap dmmap (dm,eq)>
<!element fr - - (nu,de) >
<!element nu o o ((%fbutxt;)*) >
<!element de o o ((%fbutxt;)*) >
<!element ll o o ((%fbutxt;)*) >
<!element ul o o ((%fbutxt;)*) >
<!element opd - o ((%fbutxt;)*) >
<!element pr - - (ll,ul,opd?) >
<!element in - - (ll,ul,opd?) >
<!element sum - - (ll,ul,opd?) >
<!element lim - - (op,ll,ul,opd?) >
<!element op o o (%fcstxt;|rf|%fph;) -(tu) >
<!element root - - ((%fbutxt;)*) >
<!attlist root
n cdata "">
<!element col o o ((%fbutxt;)*) >
<!element row o o (col, (arc, col)*) >
<!element ar - - (row, (arr, row)*) >
<!attlist ar
ca cdata #required >
<!element arr - o empty >
<!element arc - o empty >
<!entity arr "<arr>" >
<!entity arc "<arc>" >
<!shortref arrmap
"&#RE;" space
"@" arr
"|" arc
"_" thinsp
"~" nbsp
"#" num
"%" percnt
"^" circ
"{" lcub
"}" rcub >
<!usemap arrmap ar >
<!element sup - - ((%fbutxt;)*) -(tu) >
<!element inf - - ((%fbutxt;)*) -(tu) >
<!element unl - - ((%fbutxt;)*) >
<!element ovl - - ((%fbutxt;)*) >
<!element rf - o (#pcdata) >
<!element phr - o ((%fphtxt;)*) >
<!element v - o ((%fcstxt;)*)
-(tu|%limits;|%fbu;|%fph;) >
<!element fi - o (#pcdata) >
<!element tu - o empty >
<!usemap global (rf,phr)>
<!element def - - (thtag?, p+) >
<!element prop - - (thtag?, p+) >
<!element lemma - - (thtag?, p+) >
<!element coroll - - (thtag?, p+) >
<!element proof - - (p+) >
<!element theorem - - (thtag?, p+) >
<!element thtag - - (%inline)>
<!usemap global (def,prop,lemma,coroll,proof,theorem)>
<!usemap oneline thtag>
<!entity qtag '<sq>' >
<!shortref global
"&#RS;B" null -- delete leading blanks --
-- '"' qtag --
"[" ftag
"~" nbsp
"_" lowbar
"#" num
"%" percnt
"^" circ
"{" lcub
"}" rcub
"|" verbar>
<!usemap global birddoc>
<!element label - o empty>
<!attlist label id cdata #required>
<!-- ref modified to have an optional name field HG -->
<!element ref - o empty>
<!attlist ref
id cdata #required
name cdata "&refnam">
<!-- url entity added to have direct url references HG -->
<!element url - o empty>
<!attlist url
url cdata #required
name cdata "&urlnam" >
<!-- htmlurl entity added to have quieter url references esr -->
<!element htmlurl - o empty>
<!attlist htmlurl
url cdata #required
name cdata "&urlnam" >
<!element rfc - o empty>
<!attlist rfc
id cdata #required>
<!element pageref - o empty>
<!attlist pageref
id cdata #required>
<!element comment - - (%inline)>
<!element x - - ((#pcdata | mc)*) >
<!usemap #empty x >
<!-- Hacked by mdw to exclude abstract; abstract now part of titlepag -->
<!element article - -
(titlepag, header?,
toc?, lof?, lot?, p*, sect*,
(appendix, sect+)?, biblio?) +(footnote)>
<!attlist article
opts cdata "null">
<!-- Hacked by mdw to exclude abstract; abstract now part of titlepag -->
<!element report - -
(titlepag, header?, toc?, lof?, lot?, p*,
chapt*, (appendix, chapt+)?, biblio?) +(footnote)>
<!attlist report
opts cdata "null">
<!element book - -
(titlepag, header?, toc?, lof?, lot?, p*, chapt*,
(appendix, chapt+)?, biblio?) +(footnote) >
<!attlist book
opts cdata "null">
<!-- Hacked by mdw, abstract now part of titlepag -->
<!element titlepag o o (progdoc?, title, author, date?, abstract?)>
<!element title - o (%inline, subtitle?) +(newline)>
<!element subtitle - o (%inline)>
<!usemap oneline titlepag>
<!element author - o (name, thanks?, inst?,
(and, name, thanks?, inst?)*)>
<!element name o o (%inline) +(newline)>
<!element and - o empty>
<!element thanks - o (%inline)>
<!element inst - o (%inline) +(newline)>
<!element date - o (#pcdata) >
<!usemap global thanks>
<!element newline - o empty >
<!entity nl "<newline>">
<!element progdoc - o empty>
<!-- Hacked by mdw -->
<!element abstract - o (%inline)>
<!usemap oneline abstract>
<!element toc - o empty>
<!element lof - o empty>
<!element lot - o empty>
<!element header - - (lhead, rhead) >
<!element lhead - o (%inline)>
<!element rhead - o (%inline)>
<!entity % sect "heading, header?, p* " >
<!element heading o o (%inline)>
<!element chapt - o (%sect, sect*) +(footnote)>
<!element sect - o (%sect, sect1*) +(footnote)>
<!element sect1 - o (%sect, sect2*) +(footnote)>
<!element sect2 - o (%sect, sect3*)>
<!element sect3 - o (%sect, sect4*)>
<!element sect4 - o (%sect)>
<!usemap oneline (chapt,sect,sect1,sect2,sect3,sect4)>
<!element appendix - o empty >
<!element footnote - - (%inline)>
<!usemap global footnote>
<!element cite - o empty>
<!attlist cite
id cdata #required>
<!element ncite - o empty>
<!attlist ncite
id cdata #required
note cdata #required>
<!element file - - (#pcdata)>
<!element idx - - (#pcdata)>
<!element cdx - - (#pcdata)>
<!element nidx - - (#pcdata)>
<!element ncdx - - (#pcdata)>
<!element biblio - o empty>
<!attlist biblio
style cdata "birddoc"
files cdata "">
<!element slides - - (slide*) >
<!attlist slides
opts cdata "null">
<!element slide - o (title?, p+) >
<!entity % addr "(address?, email?, phone?, fax?)" >
<!element letter - -
(from, %addr, to, %addr, cc?, subject?, sref?, rref?,
rdate?, opening, p+, closing, encl?, ps?)>
<!attlist letter
opts cdata "null">
<!element from - o (#pcdata) >
<!element to - o (#pcdata) >
<!usemap oneline (from,to)>
<!element address - o (#pcdata) +(newline) >
<!element email - o (#pcdata) >
<!element phone - o (#pcdata) >
<!element fax - o (#pcdata) >
<!element subject - o (%inline;) >
<!element sref - o (#pcdata) >
<!element rref - o (#pcdata) >
<!element rdate - o (#pcdata) >
<!element opening - o (%inline;) >
<!usemap oneline opening>
<!element closing - o (%inline;) >
<!element cc - o (%inline;) +(newline) >
<!element encl - o (%inline;) +(newline) >
<!element ps - o (p+) >
<!element telefax - -
(from, %addr, to, address, email?,
phone?, fax, cc?, subject?,
opening, p+, closing, ps?)>
<!attlist telefax
opts cdata "null"
length cdata "2">
<!element notes - - (title?, p+) >
<!attlist notes
opts cdata "null" >
<!element manpage - - (sect1*)
-(sect2 | f | %mathpar | figure | tabular |
table | %xref | %thrm )>
<!attlist manpage
opts cdata "null"
title cdata ""
sectnum cdata "1" >
<!shortref manpage
"&#RS;B" null
-- '"' qtag --
"[" ftag
"~" nbsp
"_" lowbar
"#" num
"%" percnt
"^" circ
"{" lcub
"}" rcub
"|" verbar>
<!usemap manpage manpage >
<!-- ================================================= -->
<!-- end of LINUXDOC DTD -->
Local Variables:
mode: sgml
End: -->
<!-- ================================================= -->