/* * BIRD -- Management of Interfaces and Neighbor Cache * * (c) 1998--1999 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz> * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL. */ #define LOCAL_DEBUG #include "nest/bird.h" #include "nest/iface.h" #include "nest/protocol.h" #include "lib/resource.h" #include "lib/string.h" #include "conf/conf.h" static pool *if_pool; static void auto_router_id(void); /* * Neighbor Cache * * FIXME: Use hashing to get some real speed. */ static slab *neigh_slab; static list neigh_list; static int if_connected(ip_addr *a, struct iface *i) /* -1=error, 1=match, 0=no match */ { struct ifa *b; if (!(i->flags & IF_UP)) return 0; if ((i->flags & IF_UNNUMBERED) && ipa_equal(*a, i->addr->opposite)) return 1; WALK_LIST(b, i->addrs) if (ipa_in_net(*a, b->prefix, b->pxlen)) { if (ipa_equal(*a, b->prefix) || /* Network address */ ipa_equal(*a, b->brd) || /* Broadcast */ ipa_equal(*a, b->ip)) /* Our own address */ return -1; return 1; } return 0; } neighbor * neigh_find(struct proto *p, ip_addr *a, unsigned flags) { neighbor *n; int class; struct iface *i, *j; WALK_LIST(n, neigh_list) if (n->proto == p && ipa_equal(*a, n->addr)) return n; class = ipa_classify(*a); if (class < 0) /* Invalid address */ return NULL; if ((class & IADDR_SCOPE_MASK) < SCOPE_SITE || !(class & IADDR_HOST)) return NULL; /* Bad scope or a somecast */ j = NULL; WALK_LIST(i, iface_list) switch (if_connected(a, i)) { case -1: return NULL; case 1: if (!j) /* FIXME: Search for _optimal_ iface route? */ j = i; /* Fall-thru */ } if (!j && !(flags & NEF_STICKY)) return NULL; n = sl_alloc(neigh_slab); n->addr = *a; n->iface = j; add_tail(&neigh_list, &n->n); if (j) { n->sibling = j->neigh; j->neigh = n; } else n->sibling = NULL; n->proto = p; n->data = NULL; n->flags = flags; return n; } void neigh_dump(neighbor *n) { debug("%p %I ", n, n->addr); if (n->iface) debug("%s ", n->iface->name); else debug("[] "); debug("%s %p", n->proto->name, n->data); if (n->flags & NEF_STICKY) debug(" STICKY"); debug("\n"); } void neigh_dump_all(void) { neighbor *n; debug("Known neighbors:\n"); WALK_LIST(n, neigh_list) neigh_dump(n); debug("\n"); } static void neigh_if_up(struct iface *i) { neighbor *n; WALK_LIST(n, neigh_list) if (!n->iface && if_connected(&n->addr, i) > 0) { n->iface = i; n->sibling = i->neigh; i->neigh = n; DBG("Waking up sticky neighbor %I\n", n->addr); if (n->proto->neigh_notify && n->proto->core_state != FS_FLUSHING) n->proto->neigh_notify(n); } } static void neigh_if_down(struct iface *i) { neighbor *n, *m; for(m=i->neigh; n = m;) { m = n->sibling; DBG("Flushing neighbor %I on %s\n", n->addr, i->name); n->iface = NULL; if (n->proto->neigh_notify && n->proto->core_state != FS_FLUSHING) n->proto->neigh_notify(n); if (!(n->flags & NEF_STICKY)) { rem_node(&n->n); sl_free(neigh_slab, n); } } i->neigh = NULL; } void neigh_prune(void) { neighbor *n, *m, **N; struct iface *i; DBG("Pruning neighbors\n"); WALK_LIST(i, iface_list) { N = &i->neigh; while (n = *N) { if (n->proto->core_state == FS_FLUSHING) { *N = n->sibling; rem_node(&n->n); sl_free(neigh_slab, n); continue; } N = &n->sibling; } } } /* * The Interface List */ list iface_list; void ifa_dump(struct ifa *a) { debug("\t%I, net %I/%-2d bc %I -> %I%s%s\n", a->ip, a->prefix, a->pxlen, a->brd, a->opposite, (a->flags & IF_UP) ? "" : " DOWN", (a->flags & IA_PRIMARY) ? "" : " SEC"); } void if_dump(struct iface *i) { struct ifa *a; debug("IF%d: %s", i->index, i->name); if (i->flags & IF_ADMIN_DOWN) debug(" ADMIN-DOWN"); if (i->flags & IF_UP) debug(" UP"); else debug(" DOWN"); if (i->flags & IF_LINK_UP) debug(" LINK-UP"); if (i->flags & IF_MULTIACCESS) debug(" MA"); if (i->flags & IF_UNNUMBERED) debug(" UNNUM"); if (i->flags & IF_BROADCAST) debug(" BC"); if (i->flags & IF_MULTICAST) debug(" MC"); if (i->flags & IF_TUNNEL) debug(" TUNL"); if (i->flags & IF_LOOPBACK) debug(" LOOP"); if (i->flags & IF_IGNORE) debug(" IGN"); if (i->flags & IF_TMP_DOWN) debug(" TDOWN"); debug(" MTU=%d\n", i->mtu); WALK_LIST(a, i->addrs) { ifa_dump(a); ASSERT((a != i->addr) == !(a->flags & IA_PRIMARY)); } } void if_dump_all(void) { struct iface *i; debug("Known network interfaces:\n"); WALK_LIST(i, iface_list) if_dump(i); debug("Router ID: %08x\n", config->router_id); } static inline unsigned if_what_changed(struct iface *i, struct iface *j) { unsigned c; if (((i->flags ^ j->flags) & ~(IF_UP | IF_ADMIN_DOWN | IF_UPDATED | IF_LINK_UP | IF_TMP_DOWN | IF_JUST_CREATED)) || i->index != j->index) return IF_CHANGE_TOO_MUCH; c = 0; if ((i->flags ^ j->flags) & IF_UP) c |= (i->flags & IF_UP) ? IF_CHANGE_DOWN : IF_CHANGE_UP; if (i->mtu != j->mtu) c |= IF_CHANGE_MTU; return c; } static inline void if_copy(struct iface *to, struct iface *from) { to->flags = from->flags | (to->flags & IF_TMP_DOWN); to->mtu = from->mtu; } static void ifa_notify_change(unsigned c, struct ifa *a) { struct proto *p; debug("IFA change notification (%x) for %s:%I\n", c, a->iface->name, a->ip); WALK_LIST(p, proto_list) if (p->ifa_notify) p->ifa_notify(p, c, a); } static void if_notify_change(unsigned c, struct iface *i) { struct proto *p; struct ifa *a; if (i->flags & IF_JUST_CREATED) { i->flags &= ~IF_JUST_CREATED; c |= IF_CHANGE_CREATE | IF_CHANGE_MTU; } debug("Interface change notification (%x) for %s\n", c, i->name); if_dump(i); if (c & IF_CHANGE_UP) neigh_if_up(i); if (c & IF_CHANGE_DOWN) WALK_LIST(a, i->addrs) { a->flags = (i->flags & ~IA_FLAGS) | (a->flags & IA_FLAGS); ifa_notify_change(IF_CHANGE_DOWN, a); } WALK_LIST(p, proto_list) if (p->if_notify) p->if_notify(p, c, i); if (c & IF_CHANGE_UP) WALK_LIST(a, i->addrs) { a->flags = (i->flags & ~IA_FLAGS) | (a->flags & IA_FLAGS); ifa_notify_change(IF_CHANGE_UP, a); } if (c & IF_CHANGE_DOWN) neigh_if_down(i); } static unsigned if_recalc_flags(struct iface *i, unsigned flags) { if ((flags & (IF_ADMIN_DOWN | IF_TMP_DOWN)) || !(flags & IF_LINK_UP) || !i->addr) flags &= ~IF_UP; else flags |= IF_UP; return flags; } static void if_change_flags(struct iface *i, unsigned flags) { unsigned of = i->flags; i->flags = if_recalc_flags(i, flags); if ((i->flags ^ of) & IF_UP) if_notify_change((i->flags & IF_UP) ? IF_CHANGE_UP : IF_CHANGE_DOWN, i); } struct iface * if_update(struct iface *new) { struct iface *i; struct ifa *a, *b; unsigned c; WALK_LIST(i, iface_list) if (!strcmp(new->name, i->name)) { new->addr = i->addr; new->flags = if_recalc_flags(new, new->flags); c = if_what_changed(i, new); if (c & IF_CHANGE_TOO_MUCH) /* Changed a lot, convert it to down/up */ { DBG("Interface %s changed too much -- forcing down/up transition\n", i->name); if_change_flags(i, i->flags | IF_TMP_DOWN); rem_node(&i->n); new->addr = i->addr; memcpy(&new->addrs, &i->addrs, sizeof(i->addrs)); memcpy(i, new, sizeof(*i)); goto newif; } else if (c) { if_copy(i, new); if_notify_change(c, i); } i->flags |= IF_UPDATED; return i; } i = mb_alloc(if_pool, sizeof(struct iface)); memcpy(i, new, sizeof(*i)); init_list(&i->addrs); newif: i->flags |= IF_UPDATED | IF_TMP_DOWN; /* Tmp down as we don't have addresses yet */ add_tail(&iface_list, &i->n); return i; } void if_start_update(void) { struct iface *i; struct ifa *a; WALK_LIST(i, iface_list) { i->flags &= ~IF_UPDATED; WALK_LIST(a, i->addrs) a->flags &= ~IF_UPDATED; } } void if_end_partial_update(struct iface *i) { if (i->flags & IF_TMP_DOWN) if_change_flags(i, i->flags & ~IF_TMP_DOWN); } void if_end_update(void) { struct iface *i, j; struct ifa *a, *b; if (!config->router_id) auto_router_id(); WALK_LIST(i, iface_list) { if (!(i->flags & IF_UPDATED)) if_change_flags(i, (i->flags & ~IF_LINK_UP) | IF_ADMIN_DOWN); else { WALK_LIST_DELSAFE(a, b, i->addrs) if (!(a->flags & IF_UPDATED)) ifa_delete(a); if_end_partial_update(i); } } } void if_feed_baby(struct proto *p) { struct iface *i; struct ifa *a; if (!p->if_notify && !p->ifa_notify) return; debug("Announcing interfaces to new protocol %s\n", p->name); WALK_LIST(i, iface_list) { if (p->if_notify) p->if_notify(p, IF_CHANGE_CREATE | ((i->flags & IF_UP) ? IF_CHANGE_UP : 0), i); if (p->ifa_notify && (i->flags & IF_UP)) WALK_LIST(a, i->addrs) p->ifa_notify(p, IF_CHANGE_CREATE | IF_CHANGE_UP, a); } } struct iface * if_find_by_index(unsigned idx) { struct iface *i; WALK_LIST(i, iface_list) if (i->index == idx) return i; return NULL; } struct iface * if_find_by_name(char *name) { struct iface *i; WALK_LIST(i, iface_list) if (!strcmp(i->name, name)) return i; return NULL; } static int ifa_recalc_primary(struct iface *i) { struct ifa *a, *b = NULL; int res; WALK_LIST(a, i->addrs) { if (!(a->flags & IA_SECONDARY) && (!b || a->scope > b->scope)) b = a; a->flags &= ~IA_PRIMARY; } res = (b != i->addr); i->addr = b; if (b) { b->flags |= IA_PRIMARY; rem_node(&b->n); add_head(&i->addrs, &b->n); } return res; } struct ifa * ifa_update(struct ifa *a) { struct iface *i = a->iface; struct ifa *b; WALK_LIST(b, i->addrs) if (ipa_equal(b->ip, a->ip)) { if (ipa_equal(b->prefix, a->prefix) && b->pxlen == a->pxlen && ipa_equal(b->brd, a->brd) && ipa_equal(b->opposite, a->opposite) && b->scope == a->scope) { b->flags |= IF_UPDATED; return b; } ifa_delete(b); break; } b = mb_alloc(if_pool, sizeof(struct ifa)); memcpy(b, a, sizeof(struct ifa)); add_tail(&i->addrs, &b->n); b->flags = (i->flags & ~IA_FLAGS) | (a->flags & IA_FLAGS); if ((!i->addr || i->addr->scope < b->scope) && ifa_recalc_primary(i)) if_change_flags(i, i->flags | IF_TMP_DOWN); if (b->flags & IF_UP) ifa_notify_change(IF_CHANGE_CREATE | IF_CHANGE_UP, b); return b; } void ifa_delete(struct ifa *a) { struct iface *i = a->iface; struct ifa *b; WALK_LIST(b, i->addrs) if (ipa_equal(b->ip, a->ip)) { rem_node(&b->n); if (b->flags & IF_UP) { b->flags &= ~IF_UP; ifa_notify_change(IF_CHANGE_DOWN, b); } if (b->flags & IA_PRIMARY) { if_change_flags(i, i->flags | IF_TMP_DOWN); ifa_recalc_primary(i); } mb_free(b); return; } } static void auto_router_id(void) { #ifndef IPV6 struct iface *i, *j; j = NULL; WALK_LIST(i, iface_list) if ((i->flags & IF_LINK_UP) && !(i->flags & (IF_UNNUMBERED | IF_IGNORE | IF_ADMIN_DOWN)) && i->addr && (!j || ipa_to_u32(i->addr->ip) < ipa_to_u32(j->addr->ip))) j = i; if (!j) die("Cannot determine router ID (no suitable network interface found), please configure it manually"); debug("Guessed router ID %I (%s)\n", j->addr->ip, j->name); config->router_id = ipa_to_u32(j->addr->ip); #endif } void if_init(void) { if_pool = rp_new(&root_pool, "Interfaces"); init_list(&iface_list); neigh_slab = sl_new(if_pool, sizeof(neighbor)); init_list(&neigh_list); } /* * Interface Pattern Lists */ struct iface_patt * iface_patt_match(list *l, struct iface *i) { struct iface_patt *p; WALK_LIST(p, *l) { char *t = p->pattern; int ok = 1; if (t) { if (*t == '-') { t++; ok = 0; } if (!patmatch(t, i->name)) continue; } if (!i->addr || !ipa_in_net(i->addr->ip, p->prefix, p->pxlen)) continue; return ok ? p : NULL; } return NULL; } int iface_patts_equal(list *a, list *b, int (*comp)(struct iface_patt *, struct iface_patt *)) { struct iface_patt *x, *y; x = HEAD(*a); y = HEAD(*b); while (x->n.next && y->n.next) { if (strcmp(x->pattern, y->pattern) || !ipa_equal(x->prefix, y->prefix) || x->pxlen != y->pxlen || comp && !comp(x, y)) return 0; x = (void *) x->n.next; y = (void *) y->n.next; } return (!x->n.next && !y->n.next); }